Chapter7. Ashley

1051 Words
“ what the hell adam!” I screamed getting ready to tackle him any minute, the nerve of this man to even suggest something like this to me. “ oh come on Ashley, it’s not like you’re going to regret it.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him not listening to him at all. “ give me one good reason why I should agree to this?” I hissed at him and he raised his hands in surrender. He finally saw how mad I was at him for what he did. “ you’ll agree once you see him. It’s just a date Ashley, one date. I also want you to be there come on what do you say monkey butt? Will you take that chance?” He asked and I sighed in defeat, I knew he meant good so I’ll just have to agree to this date to get him off my back. “ ok say I agree what’s in it for you?” I asked raising my eyebrows at him and resting my hands on my hips. He laughed at me and shook his head. Pointing at me. “ not me, this will give you a chance to get rid of that cobweb you have growing on your vagi, I know you are still a virgin even at twenty four. come on Ashley don’t tell me that you’re one of those persons who wants to save it for the right man and get married before you give it up yadayadayada?” I punched him on his arm and he began rubbing away the pain rather dramatically. “ I told you I was a virgin two years ago, what if I had s*x after that uh?” I asked and he began laughing at me and making me feel angrier. “ you? Oh please you tell me everything ash and remember I’m your best friend so you have no choice but to share your deepest darkest secrets with me. Now come on rapunzel what do you say?” He asked while raising his eyebrows at me and trying to kiss me. I had no choice but to laugh as we began chasing each other. After we settled down a bit, I looked at him and sighed. “ ok ok I’ll give him a chance, will I be meeting him before our date Friday?” I asked a bit curiously and Adam began chewing his lips nervously and I knew he was up to something. “ well you might be meeting him sooner. I told you that I’ve met him before so now it’s your turn to meet him since you’ve already met Aaron.” He said looking everywhere but at me. I hissed frustratingly and Adam grabbed my hand marching me to the side of the house. I tried to struggle my way out of his grip, but he only held my hand tighter in his so I couldn’t get away from him. “ I’m saying they are already here even though Aaron texted me and told me they are both arguing.” Adam said and I halted in my tracks which caused him to stop as well and looked at me. “ arguing? What for? Adam are they arguing because of you and Aaron?” I asked and Adam shook his head and laughed. “ nope last time I heard Jake isn’t like that, he tends to be a bit controlling but apart from that he’s very supportive, come on tinker bell don’t want to keep them waiting.” When we got there I saw the most handsome man standing there talking and laughing with Aaron and when they saw us they turned around to look in our direction. I decided to hide a bit behind Adam as I was too nervous. Aaron and Jake are identical twins so I could see why Adam was so adamant in me meeting Jake, he is fre****g hot. He has jet black hair and the greenest pair of eyes just like his brother. They walked over to us and Aaron and Adam stood beside each other watching us with curiosity. I was a nervous wreck thanks to Adam for putting me in this position in the first place. “ hi I’m Jake it’s nice to meet you.” Jake said stretching his hand out for a handshake. “ hi I’m Ashley nice to meet you as well, well um I’m going to go i-i have to cook.” I said and ran out of there as fast as I could while listening to Adam and Aaron laughing so hard. I was so nervous I had to come up with a lie so I could get out of there, shoot what am I going to do now? I went up to my room as my heart started to slowly return to normal again. I was going to kill Adam. He better be sleeping with one eye open because I was so going to murder him. I went to my window and peaked out from behind the curtain as I saw Aaron laughing at Jake. Adam was no where in sight and I frowned a bit since I didn’t know what he was up to. “ you know you didn’t have to run away like that.” I jumped as Adam just scared the heck out of me and started punching him on his chest. “ don’t you ever do that again you silly, crazy man! You almost gave me a heart attack.” He grabbed my hands and pulled me toward him in a hug as I started fighting with him so he could release me. “ settle down ashley. Jake really wants to talk to you so let’s go back outside.” He lifted me in his arms and I began struggling even more because I wasn’t ready to leave my hiding spot as yet. “ you can’t force me to do this you big Buffoon!” I shouted and he only laughed. When we got to the front door, he sets me down and started opening it. I walked out behind him with my heart picking up speed once more and now I realized I was doomed because Adam wasn’t letting me out of this one no matter how I begged him to.
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