Chapter4. Ashley

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Its August so that means El dorado county California is a desert right now. With all of the errands we ran I was a sweaty mess. I tied my hair in a bun and fanned myself constantly while Adam snickered at me every now and then with me cursing at him at how up to now he hasn't dropped a single sweat. " told you I'm a Greek god, heat doesn't bother me. Let's get the electricity and water sorted then we can go grocery shopping and then home, so stop with the nagging." He said and I sighed and continued fanning myself. Why did nana choose this desert to live in? It's like 70 degrees out here and at times like this I missed Canada even though I've been here for two days now. Well even though it will get cooler after August, I just wish it was cool now. After running our errands, I was glad that they would send someone out today to get the water back on that same day, but I'd have to wait one more day for the electricity which sucked I tell you but there’s nothing I could do about it. The animals are thirsty and I'm glad that they'll be able to get water now. We found out from the lawyer after calling him to let him know that we have arrived that around ten of the animals had died so far from dehidration. I thought there was water out here, but he informed me that the land stopped getting water two weeks ago and so the animals were dying one by one. I couldn't have that now so I vowed to make sure the animals gets enough water to last them a lifetime. " to think a land this big would have a well on it or couple water tanks, that's next on our agenda sweets." Adam said and I nodded. I didn't care if that took all of my money, I was going to get it done. " ok so we need to go get something to eat and talk about hiring people to tend to the animals and the farm." I said and Adam agreed and that's what we did. It was going to be a long day, but at least I had Adam here with me and I would get through this easily. The farm consist of all the vegetables you could think of, It was that huge. The crops were slowly dying, so we needed to hire some people to tend to the farm as well and make sure it doesn't all go to waste. " Adam where are you!?" I shouted searching around the land for him. After we tend to the animals and the farm and cleaned the house, we got something to eat but I somehow fell asleep on the couch in the living room and I woke up covered with a blanket and no Adam. " where the hell is that man." I said to myself exasperated as I was already sweaty while searching for him. " Adam you a*****e where the hell are you!?" I shouted as I turned around a corner next to the barn door. " over here monkey butt!" Adam shouted and I followed his voice. " what the hell are you doing in that hole?" I said confused as to when that hole even got here. " I started digging it for the well, you were out after I fed you and didn't want to wake you up. But I have great news!" He said while climbing out of the hole and running towards an envelope that he had under his hat. " what's the news?" I asked and and he shoved the envelope towards me. " while you were sleeping a mr. Jake Riley our next door neighbor came to purchase two stallions, one mare, three cows and two goats. He said he was going to raise them on his land as he had other animals there as well." He said grinning like an i***t as I began tearing the envelope apart finding a big a fat Cheque in it. " what? Fifty five thousand dollars? Isn't that too much?" I asked surprised as to how much this guy spent on those animals. " no silly, we did our calculations and it's the right amount. He said he also knew some people who would want to come and purchase some of the animals here as well so he's going to have them link up with us." He said and we began celebrating by jumping up and down acting like children. " do you know what this means?" I asked out of breath. " yes, that we can easily pay off your grandmother's debts and get the farm back on the road." Adam said and I laughed so hard from being happy I started coughing and Adam doubled over laughing. " ok another thing is with this guy, he said he knew your nana and he was the one who use to supply the land with water. He didn't stop, after she died he moved away for a bit because of the job that he was doing. He also said he rented out his place to some people and they were the ones who stopped the water from getting on this land. He said he would also like to talk to you so you can stop by his place anytime you want." Adam said and I wondered how long I was out for them to have that long of a conversation. Well it didn't matter, I was going to thank him for what he did and with that thought I smiled and began helping Adam with his task. I was so excited that we made our first sale. I now know that if we kept on going at this pace, we didn’t have to worry about money at all. This was a great start here and I couldn’t help but feel proud of the way things have started out for us.
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