Chapter8. Jake

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“ what the hell just happened here!?” I shouted watching Adam and Aaron doubled over laughing. I shook my head getting irritated with them and told them to shut up. “ well um I’m going to go check on Ashley, I’ll be right back.” Adam said leaving Aaron there chuckling and looking at my hand. “ what?” I asked and he shook his head and chuckled a Bit. I was just too confused as to what just happened. “ i-it’s just that when she shook your hand we would think that you have a flesh eating desease or something, she ran out of here like her life depended on it.” Aaron said laughing hard again and I walked up to him ready to beat the crap out of him. He raised his hands in surrender and backed away when he saw how serious I was. “ come on bro, now’s not the time for fighting when you should be thinking of ways to win your girl over.” He said and I shook my head again while folding my arms. “ my girl? Looks like she hates my guts and I thought you said she couldn’t cook?” I asked frustratingly and he grinned at that. He was enjoying this to the fullest, that b*****d. “ yeah I know, she can’t cook that was just a lie she came up with, Adam had to be doing all the cooking.” He said and I ran my hand through my hair feeling irritated as hell. “ now what do you suggest I do to win her over?” I asked and Aaron started laughing again as if he couldn’t believe I just asked him that question in the first place. I was seriously getting ready to punch him in his face. “ you’re asking me? Last time I checked I was gay and don’t know the first thing about women, it is Adam you should be asking that since she’s his best friend.” He suggested and I nodded my head and began walking towards the front door where Adam went through. Aaron started following me asking me what I was up to but Ashley and Adam chose that moment to walk back outside. I looked at how beautiful she is with her perfect blonde hair and blue eyes. She wasn’t very tall but she had curves in all the right places. She seems to like Aaron more than me and Aaron and I are identical so what is it about me that she couldn’t stand? “ Aaron come on we need to um talk.” Adam said grabbing Aaron’s hand and dragging him out of there while Ashley looked on with a smile on her face. I screwed my eyebrows together watching Adam and Aaron hightailed it out of here and clenched my fists while Ashley started laughing. “ what?” I asked confused as to why she was laughing and she shrugged her shoulders. “ nothing it’s just the look on your face when you realized what they were up to.” She said laughing some more and I smiled a little. “ you don’t think that they are going to....eww gross.” I said and that caused her to laugh even more. Seems like everyone here was laughing at me today. I didn’t mind though, because she had a gorgeous smile. “ let’s go sit over there.” She pointed at a huge tree where some chairs and a table was and we walked over there and sat down. “ this is nice.” I said looking at her and she smiled at me. “ yeah Adam came up with this idea for the workers we hired so when they are tired they can come here and relax.” She exclaimed while I nodded my head in understanding. That was very nice of him to do. “ listen Jake I wanted to apologize for earlier I didn’t mean to ran off like that. I was...i was just a bit nervous.” She said and I nodded my head finally understanding why she ran. “ yeah I get it no need to apologize though.” I replied watching her chew her lips nervously wishing I was kissing her right now. I should really slow down if I need to get her to like me. “ ok and I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for this farm, I know you were doing it for my grandmother so I wanted to personally thank you for your help with the animals and for the purchase you made.” She rambled on and I laughed a little at that. She is so beautiful I had no choice but to take her hand in mine feeling the sparks from her touch. She looked at our adjoining hands and began smiling. “ no need to thank me i was happy with helping out and if you need anymore help you should let me know. I also have some contacts with people who wants to purchase some animals so if you’re up to it I can give them your contact information and send them over here?” I asked and she jumped up and began hugging me almost sitting down on my lap. “ thank you so much I would appreciate it.” She screamed and I laughed and hugged her back. This is the beginning of a new relationship and I was going to make the most of it. I will try and be a good boyfriend for her if she accepts me. This won’t be easy since I’m new to this relationship thing, but it just feels so right with her next to me right now. She sat back down and we began talking to each other and getting to know each other better. Was this really what I’ve been missing all along? I don’t know. But if it is, I will be d****d is I let anyone come between us. I vow to protect her with my life at all cost.
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