Straight to Bed

1190 Words
{Maisy’s POV} We made it back to his penthouse in no time and he packed me in. “Let’s get you in the shower, then straight to bed.” He said setting me down on his bathroom counter. He started up the shower and turned back towards the door. “Damon..”I whispered softly. “I don’t have any clothes..” “You can borrow something of mine for tonight, I’m sure one of my shirts would fit you like a night gown.” He answered, twisting the handle. “But I..” I began. “What is it Maisy, just spit it out already!” He said, sounding slightly annoyed. “I don’t have any underwear!” I blurted out, before looking down to my feet. “What do you mean? Why aren’t you wearing underwear?” He asked, I looked up to see his eyes trailing down my body, they paused on my breasts, my n****** poking out in this dress, then they began stalking back down my body and landing on my hips once again. “I guess.. it’d be annoying to wear underwear in that..” he said under his breath. “It’s fine, never mind! I’m freezing in here, so a nice hot shower sounds great!” I said pushing him out the now open door. He allowed me to push him out and quickly closed the door behind him. I turned to look at myself in the mirror, a black eye, bruised wrist and that pigs disgusting fingertips bruised into my hip. I took off my dress, sliding down to the floor and looked over my fresh wounds. My body was curvy in all the right places, I was in a DDD, and my hips were wide. I did squats and other exercises daily to work on my figure. Now all I saw in the mirror was the pitiful woman who got hurt. I took out my ni**** rings and sat them down on the counter. While looking around I couldn’t find a hair brush. “Do you have a brush?” I yelled out loudly, unsure of where he was. “Yeah, it’s in the top drawer.” He said opening the door and walking back in. His eyes were fixated on the towel in his hand, but soon he looked up seeing me bare. I grabbed the robe off the wall and put it in front of me. “DAMON!” I shouted. “I’m sorry..” he said, his words sounding sincere, but his jaw hung open. “I didn’t think you’d be like that, I thought you hadn’t undressed yet!” He said, his eyes searching my body, then landing on my wrist. His jaw clenched, and he stalked over to me. “Why didn’t you let me beat him?” He asked,, fire burning in his eyes, internal rage that was left unchecked, and unused. “Look at what he’s done to you.. your wrist, your eye, your hip..” he paused. “I should’ve..” I reached out with one hand still holding the robe to my body. “You’ve done enough..” I said placing my hand over his. “He laid his hands on you May, no one is allowed to lay their hands on you.” He grunted out. “It’s not the first time a guy has gotten handsy. That’s something all women have to worry about.” I said back. “Plus, why do you care, you’ve always hated me, remember?” I said, getting a little irritated. “My body isn’t an object, and what if I want someone’s hands on me, then would it be okay?” His eyes flashed with a fury I didn’t know he had. “I don’t.. I just.. who have you been allowing to touch you?” He said his voice low and angry. I blushed, my mind all a flutter. “N-Never mind, can you go so I can wash off!” I said pulling my hand away and looking at the ground. “Have you been letting some lowlife touch you? You shouldn’t just let anyone do that!” He growled out. I closed my eyes tightly. “That’s none of your business!” I shouted. “Who? Who has been allowed to touch you?” He asked. “Only Phillip..” I fumbled over my words. “I just.. ugh! Go away Damon, I’m not wearing any clothes, and I really would like to shower before the water gets cold!” I shouted at him. He smirked, then turned and made his way out of the bathroom. “Good girl, don’t let anyone else sully you!” He said closing the door. I hurriedly dropped the robe and jumped into the shower. I grabbed the soap and washed my hair and body. I stood under the hot water, allowing it to burn my skin, and sanitizing the parts of me that now felt filthy. I got out, dried off, and wrapped the towel around me, making my way out of the bathroom. I looked around for Damon, but his penthouse was confusing, so I ended up in the kitchen and decided to get me a bottle of water from the fridge. I opened the fridge grabbing a bottle out and turned around. There he eased, Damon, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another one drying his hair. His physic was more toned now, I guess going to prison will do that to you. He hadn’t noticed me yet, and I couldn’t help but ogle at his body. It was as if it were chiseled by gods. My eyes trailed up his toned abs, and chest, back up to his face, where I could see him looking back at me with a smirk. “See something you like?” He asked, a mocking tone to his voice. “I see a big i***t that’s dragging water all over the place!” I snapped, pointing to his feet then taking a long drink of water. Water had begun to pool around them, as he looked down, then back up to me. “Is that any way to treat your savior?” He asked, faking a pitiful look. “Well..” I began. “I could think of some other ways to ‘treat’ you..” I said in a seductive voice as I made my way around the kitchen counter. “But what fun would that be?” I asked giggling. He walked over to where I was and lifted me up, setting me down on the kitchen counter. “Don’t play around with me May, that giggle may just be the end of you.” He warned. “I’m not someone to mess with, plus I didn’t get you a birthday present.” He said, his hands gripping the counter on both sides of me. “I know something I could do, but I think after the night you’ve had, it may be best to skip it.” He smirked down at me. He knew just how to push my d*** buttons.
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