
1318 Words
[TRIGGER WARNING! This episode contains themes of attempted SA. Reader discretion is advised.] {Maisy’s POV} He was drunk, and his hot breath on my face was beginning to scare me. I needed to find a way to get away from him. My heart was pounding in my chest and a tear slipped down my cheek. “Please.. stop!” I cried out. “I know what you want, and you know what I want, so let me make it blatantly obvious!” He growled in my ear. He lifted my dress up over my hips, exposing my bare a** to him. He gripped my hip roughly with one hand and lifted his other to cover my mouth. “I’m going to take what I want from you, right here, right now!” He sneered. I threw my head back hitting him in the nose, he let me go, I pulled my dress back down and I began to make a run for it. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. “LET ME GO!” I shouted, but with the loud music playing it was doubtful that anyone could hear me. He pulled me back against his chest and breathed in deeply. “I’ll let you go when I’m done with you!” He sneered furiously. He punched me in the face, hitting my right eye. It throbbed as he turned me back around to face the wall. His hands combed over my body, landing on my hips. He dug his fingertips into my hips roughly, causing me to cry out in pain. “She said no, j******!” I heard a deep booming voice from behind us. My eyes were closed, as I was pinned against the wall. I felt the man’s body pressed against me, then he was yanked away. I could hear fists beating into something behind me, and turned to see a large, bulky man on top of the other one delivering one blow after the other. I recognized the man instantly, it was Damon he’s been my brother’s best friend since we were children. Damon was 7’2, and at least 280lbs, he had bulked up since the last time I saw him, and from the looks of it, he was about to k*** the man that hurt me. I ran behind him, grabbing his arm. My small body gripping on with all my might. “Wait, if you hurt him too bad you’ll get arrested!” I said softly. “With what he was trying to do to you, you’re going to help him?” He asked, an irritated tone in his voice. He looked back at me, his pale blue eyes staring through me, coldly. His hair had grown out and now laid slicked back to his shoulders. He had thick stubble that covered his jaw, his beard beginning to grow in. “No, we’re going to have him arrested, I’m trying to help you!” I retorted. “What good would it do for the guy who saved me to go to jail when it was this b******* fault in the first place?” I asked. He paused, seemed to be pondering for a moment. “Derek!” He looked up at his brother who just made it over to us. “Call the cops, and have this man detained until they get here. Keep him out of my sight or I’ll kill him!” He threatened before turning and walking towards the exit. He stopped a few feet from the door, and turned to look at me. “You coming?” He asked. I smiled and nodded softly, and walking out with my head facing the ground behind him. My mind racing as I realize what just happened. “D-Damon..” I whispered softly. “Yeah?” He asked, turning to look at me. Tears were running down my cheeks, I raised my hand to wipe them away. “Thank you..” I whispered, my body was shaking, I wasn’t cold though, I was scared. After Phillip, I promised myself I would never be a victim again, and yet here I was. That man, what he did to me, it brought back so many horrible memories. He turned to face me and pulled off his massive over coat. He wrapped it around me gently, before I knew what was happening he began stalking back towards the club. “What are you doing?” I asked, turning to face him. “I changed my mind, I’m going to k*** that b******!” He said through gritted teeth. I ran after him grabbing his hand, it was the first time I had ever held his hand, it was much bigger than mine was. His hands were rough and calloused, his fingers long and slender. I looked down where our hands touched, I had both of mine wrapped around one of his. “Wait!” I said holding on tightly. He faced me, his eyes glancing down at my hands then back up to my face. “Please.. don’t do that.. I can’t be the reason you go back to jail. You saved me, that’s all that matters, I’m okay now.” I said, looking down at the ground. “Really.. I’m okay Damon..” “Don’t lie to me May.” He said in his deep grumbly voice. “Do you think I’m stupid?” He asked. “I’ve known you since you were in diapers, I know better than that!” He shouted, I released his hand and took a step back, flinching at his words. He stopped talking, but I could see his feet getting closer to me. “Look at me May!” He said sternly. I shook my head, refusing to look up from the ground. My eyes focused on his feet, just knowing he wasn’t going back in was enough for me. “I said, look at me!” He said, his tone shifting, he sounded more angry than before. I closed my eyes and tilted my head upwards to him, my heart beating heavy in my chest. “What?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper. I felt his hand softly against the side of my face, then his thumb pressed the area around my eye. I winced in pain. “He hit you.. and you’re out here telling me you’re okay? He tried to assault you Maisy! His hands were all over you!” His eyes trailed down my body and landed on my hip where the slit of my dress was. “His fingertips are there, bruised onto your hip!” He yelled, anger oozing out of every word he said. “I’m sorry..” I whispered.. “I’m so sorry Damon..” I pulled his coat tightly around me and hugged myself tightly. “I knew this was a bad idea.. I never should have come out tonight, or wore this stupid dress! I feel like an i***t, what was I thinking? I know better, I knew I should have stayed home!” I cried out, I covered my eyes, but the tears continued to pour as I let out a choked sob. “No..” he said, his tone softening. “You have nothing to apologize for, you didn’t do anything May.” He said, sighing and running his fingers through my hair. He lifted me up in his arms bridal style. He carried me to his car, opening the door and setting me down. “You’re staying with me tonight, I’m going to make sure you’re safe, and I’ll get Derek to tell the police they can come talk to us in the morning.” He said sternly. “For now, let’s get you back to my place so you can get some rest.” He carefully buckled me in, and we took off towards his house.
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