
1296 Words
{Maisy’s POV} He cuddled up behind me, snuggling me into his warm embrace. I felt safe, secure, like nothing could hurt me. I didn’t realize how much I needed to feel that way right now. Damon had done so well at keeping me distracted, that I had begun to feel comfortable with him. Used to, he would annoy me to the point where we would have to be separated. Right now, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but in his arms. When I woke up the next morning Damon’s massive shirt was draped loosely around me. It rose up to my hip on one leg and draped down my leg on the other side. I turned over, my face landing in a hard chest. I placed my hand gently on it, and began to doze back off. “Nnn..” I could hear Damon groaning. “What time is it?” He asked turning away from me and lifting his phone from the night stand. “S***!” He said jumping out of bed. “Your brother is on his way here!” “What? Why?” I asked, my whole body feeling flustered. “He said you didn’t answer, and I didn’t answer, so he was coming to check and see if everything is okay.” He answered. “Wait, he’d have to get on a plane to get here any time soon!” I said, before hearing the doorbell to Damon’s penthouse ring. “HE TOOK A PLANE!” I shrieked getting up and running into the bathroom. “Throw some blankets onto the couch so he won’t think we slept in the same bed!” I said from the other side of the bathroom door. “It’s not like we did anything..” Damon said from the other side of the door. I opened the bathroom door and looked him in his eyes. “Okay, then go tell my brother that we slept in the same bed, but we didn’t do anything, and now I’m here in your clothes.” I smirked, knowing that this time I had him beat. He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. “Fine!” He grabbed some blankets from his closet and haphazardly threw them onto his couch. I closed the bathroom door back and began brushing out my hair and trying to make myself look presentable. “Damon, darling, I was so worried when you didn’t answer your phone! Then I saw this man at the bottom floor of the building and he said he was looking for you.” A shrill voice said from out in the living room. Her accent was French, but it was more of an annoying fake accent than an actual one. I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror, of course Damon has a girlfriend, what was I thinking. Wait, what was I thinking, and why do I care.. Damon had tortured me since I was little, there’s no reason for me to be upset about his snobby sounding, fake accent having girlfriend. I grabbed my handbag that I left in here and quickly fixed my makeup, covering up the bruise on my eye. I pulled my hair up into a pretty, messy bun. I hurried and pulled on a pair of his sweat pants, but they were much to big on me. I tied them tightly around my waist and buttoned up the shirt he gave me. I gulped loudly and walked out into the main room of the house. When my brother saw me he looked taken aback, but no one looked more stunned than the woman that was hanging onto Damon like a leech. “Good morning!” I said running to my brother and hugging him tightly. “I’m so sorry I didn’t call you, there was an incident at the club, and lucky for me Damon was there. He took care of the problem, and allowed me to come back here and stay the night. He was a perfect gentleman and even slept on the couch.” I said, smiling at him. “You had me worried Maisy!” Ethan said, hugging me back tightly. “Oh good, I thought that some trash had been piling up since I left.” The woman said snarlingly. “Excuse me?” I asked turning to her. “Damon is my boyfriend, I just didn’t want some little tramp in our penthouse!” She finished. “First of all, I’ve known Damon since we were in diapers. Second of all, I’m not trash, nor a tramp. Third of all, stop with the fake accent, and if it’s real, maybe take some classes on how ‘not’ to sound like a c***!” I said, then turning my attention back to Ethan. “Well, I’ve had enough of fake b****** for one day, what do you say we go back to my place so I can get ready, and I’ll treat you to some breakfast!” I said smiling at him. “Oh no you don’t!” The woman shrieked grabbing my bun and tearing it down. She ripped out a clump of hair, and I cried out in pain. “What the h*** Cynthia!” Damon said standing in between us. “You’re defending her, after what she said to me?” She shrilled. “You started it, you called her trash and a tramp, and you expected her to just sit there and take it. May is a big girl, and she can handle herself. You on the other hand are acting like a child!” He said, pointing his finger at her. She slapped his finger out of her face and lunged at me. She grabbed water from the table, splashing it in my face, then tackled me to the ground. My makeup began to smear, which meant that Ethan was going to see the massive bruise that took up my eye. I grabbed her hair and pulled her to the side, using that momentum I stood to my feet and dragged her across the floor. I walked her to the door and threw her out into the hallway of the building. “I’m only going to say this once, stay away from me! The next time I see you, I’ll k*** you, you don’t get to attack me twice and just get away with it. Consider this your head start before I sick my dogs on you!” I shouted slamming the door in her face. I stood, frozen at the door, my body shaking. In that moment I had never felt so afraid, so weak. I couldn’t move, it was as if my feet were glued to the ground. “I didn’t know you had that in you!” Ethan said, I could feel his footsteps coming closer behind me. “Me either, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so angry!” Damon laughed. I know what I did was out of character, every bone in my body is screaming at me. They’re shaking uncontrollably, and it felt as though I’d fall over. “Maisy?” I heard Ethan’s voice coming from behind me. “Maisy, you’re shaking, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Why.. why couldn’t I do that before.. why wasn’t I strong enough..” I whispered under my breath. “What? I couldn’t hear you Maisy, what is it?” His voice came again. “What do you mean strong enough?” Damon’s voice came from the other side. My body trembled, then suddenly I was falling. My body hit the ground hard, and my vision faded out. I didn’t want to deal with this, I didn’t want to feel anything. I just wanted to sleep, and forget.
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