Strong Enough

1050 Words
{Maisy’s POV} “What do you mean strong enough?” Damon’s voice came from the other side. My body trembled, then suddenly I was falling. My body hit the ground hard, and my vision faded out. I didn’t want to deal with this, I didn’t want to feel anything. I just wanted to sleep, and forget. When I woke up I was in a hospital room, tubes sticking out everywhere. There was an iv in my hand, and breathing tubes in my nose. I sat up quickly looking around, no one was here. I was alone in this dark hospital room, nothing but the sounds of monitors beeping to remind me that I’m awake. My head throbbed, and I doubled over in pain. At the same time I felt nauseous, I looked around, grabbing the iv stand, and running for the bathroom. I ran in, closing and locking the door, and threw up all in the toilet. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the bathroom door. “May, you okay?” Damon’s voice rang from the other side of the door. I sat in the bathroom floor holding my stomach. “I-I’m fine, I just got sick to my stomach.” I said softly. “The doctors said you might be sick and have a headache. When you fell you hit your head pretty hard, you have a concussion. They said you could have headache, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and excessive fatigue. You didn’t lose any of your memory did you?” He asked, concern oozing from his voice. He even memorized the symptoms I could have, why was he being this nice, he was never this nice. “I wish..” I half laughed. “What did you mean.. this morning.. when you said that you weren’t strong enough?” He asked, his body leaning against the door making it creek. “I don’t remember, sorry. Must have been a situational thing, my memory is just not what it used to be.” I said, half jokingly. I didn’t want him to know, it was my shame to carry, no one else’s. “May, open the door.” He said trying to turn the knob. “I’m okay, really, just go back to wherever Ethan is.” I said. “Open the door, or I’ll break it down!” He said, his voice getting slightly more irritated. Normally I wouldn’t give into him like this, but I know his temper, he would break the door down. I crawled over, dragging the iv stand with me. I unlocked the door, then leaned back against the wall next to the door. He opened the door carefully and stepped inside closing it behind him. He slid down the door and sat beside me. “Maisy, I know better. You had that far away look in your eyes, the one you have when you don’t want to upset people. You have something that you want to say, but you’re afraid to say it. Tell me, what’s going on with you! Why are you acting so weird if there is really nothing going on?” He said. He made some good points, and as much as I hate to admit it, he does know me. I shrugged him off and began to stand up. “I’m fine, and I don’t want to talk about it!” I said turning the knob, “Now move so I can get out!” “Not until you tell me!” He said sternly. “Ethan won’t be back for hours, he went to your apartment to get some things for you, and he was going to stop by your favorite restaurant to get you something to eat.” The word food made my stomach lurch, I once again felt ill. I ran for the toilet, and threw up my stomachs contents again. I stilled for a moment, when I felt Damon’s hand on my back. He gathered up all of my hair and tied it up for me, then rubbed my back as I threw up. Once I was done I sat back and took in a few deep breaths. “Thanks..” I whispered, standing up and flushing the toilet. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands. He stood and walked behind me, he stood at my back. I could see him towering over me in the mirror. “No problem.” He shrugged, “I know you feel bad, but you need to talk to someone. Who better to talk to than me, you know I won’t tell anyone, and you know that I’ll try to help you.” He said, smiling down at me. “Damon.. if you knew.. I’d hate to think of what you’d do.. I can’t be the reason you go back to jail.” I said looking down into the sink. “No, now I have to know, what happened to you May. You’re worried about me going to jail, what happened to you?” He said turning me around and kneeling down in front of me. “Tell me May, I mean it!” “It.. it was a while back, it doesn’t matter. I’m better now, I’m getting better now.. I’ve been going to therapy, getting help. I’m okay, Really.. I’m o-o..” tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t bare to look him in the eyes. “I’m okay..” I sobbed hysterically. “May.. you’re not okay, and whatever happened, you can trust me.” He said placing one of his large hands over my cheek softly. “It was Phillip..” I started.. my breath hitching in my throat. Phillip was my ex, we dated for two years, and within those two years I suffered, more than I ever wanted to share with anyone. “Last night, in the club.. it just took me back there. Then this morning, that girl saying those awful things about me. I felt so angry, all the pent up rage I had.. it just came out.” I whimpered. “What did Phillip do to you Maisy?” He asked, his voice had a chill tone to it, one that let me know, he was angry.
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