
1035 Words
-HIM- I woke up with a sharp pain on my head and feeling dizzy. For some reason, I felt sick to the stomach. When I opened my eyes, instead of the familiar ceiling of my bedroom, I was met with a very low white ceiling with operational lights embedded in it.  This bewildered me until I realized that I was in the hospital. Instantly, I was able to remember how I got there. I remembered participating in an operation where we raided new vampire covens and I happened to have found my mate there. She was barely alive and I took her here to get help. I didn’t want to leave her side and my lycan was very close to losing control so I was given sedatives. I found myself lying on the hospital bed, still wearing my combat gear. My lycan was relatively in my control but he was still very active in me. He was constantly bugging me to go looking for our mate. We were both very anxious for her. My head hurt when I tried to sit up. At the same time, I felt a pricking pain on my hand. It was when I noticed a needle in my hand that was connected to a saline bag hanging from a stand that stood not very far from my bed. I was sure that they had given me some more sedatives with it to keep me passed out.  The bag of the saline was empty currently. It must have been drained out a long time ago for the effect of the drug to start wearing off me and hence, I was awake now. While I was still processing everything in my brain, one of the lycan doctors entered my room. He grumbled something incoherent under his breath as he looked at the saline bag before finally looking at me. “How are you feeling, Commander Deviller?” He asked me, still maintaining a good distance from me. I was sure that he was doing it because he was still unsure about my lycan. “Where is my mate?” I asked him instead. “She is being treated currently. You need not worry about her. Let’s talk about you for now,” He spoke but I wasn’t satisfied with the information he gave me about her. I still wanted to know more about her and in what condition she was currently. “I am fine. I want to see her now,” I demanded, as I ripped the saline needle off my hand. He eyed it before commenting, “You shouldn’t be doing that but I must tell you that you cannot see her yet. We are halfway operating on her,”  “Operating? What happened to her?” I demanded. Was it something serious? I wanted to know.  I stood up from the bed but I instantly stubbled on my feet. The dizziness from the drug was still there, affecting my balance.  “I cannot tell you now because chances are, it could trigger your lycan.” His words were enough to evoke my lycan anyway and I growled lowly at him. He maintained his calm on his face but he stepped back slightly at my advances. I knew he had noticed the change in me.  “Commander Deviller,” He spoke grimly, “Control your lycan,” He told me but my lycan had already started fighting me to take control over me. He wasn't going to stop this time.  “Where is my mate, Doctor?” I asked him grimly while glaring at him.  “She is alright,” Was all he told me before he spun on his heels and exited the room. Before I could follow him outside, the door was being shut and locked from outside. My lycan let out a thundering growl before I punched the metal door hard, engraving my knuckles into it. For half of the day, I tried to get out of the room but there was no way out. The room was specially built to stand all a lycan's strength in every way. I knew that they had deliberately put me there because if I ever lost control over my lycan then he could go on killing rampage. Needless, my lycan ended up destroying some of the very few things in that room. There was an automated window like thing through which they gave me food twice but I never touched it. Besides that, no one visited me. It only enraged me even more. I paced around the room and phased back and forth several times, growled, screamed, kicked, punched and did everything to gain their attention but nothing happened. It was around evening when I heard the intercom on the door turning on before a familiar voice spoke through it.  “Jave?” It was Ace, speaking on the intercom. I knew he was outside.  “Let me out,” I growled through the intercom. “We cannot let you out yet,” He spoke, “You have to be here for a couple more days until your lycan is in control,”  “Where is my mate?” I demanded again. Silence followed his words before a feminine voice spoke. It was Dossam, Ace’s mate, “She is doing alright, Jave. I am looking after her,”  Her words somewhat calmed me down. Knowing that Dossam was operating on my mate brought a strange relief on me. I trusted her very much and she was one of the best doctors we lycans had so there were very little chances of anything going wrong with my mate but I still wanted to see her. “Then let me look at her!” I demanded.  “She is unconscious, Jave. You can see her when she is up,” She explained to me gently. In the background, I heard Ace complaining about me acting childish but I doubted that he wouldn’t have acted much differently had he been in my shoes. “At least tell me what has happened to her,” I requested, this time more politely to Dossom. “I will tell you everything, Jave but not now because it can affect your lycan,” “Something bad has happened to her, isn't it? Why would my lycan react otherwise?” I questioned her grimly.  “Talk to you tomorrow, Jave,” Ace spoke this time before the intercom turned off. The only thing that I could do in response next was to destroy more things in that room.  I was afraid if they didn't let me out from there soon then I would do something horrible. 
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