
1279 Words
-HIM- A guttural growl slipped past my lips as I instantly rushed to her side before snatching her in my arms. The way her head and hands were dangling lifelessly, it made me growl out even louder. I was sure that others had heard me outside because of it. She was cold and pale. I saw dried blood running across her cheek and soon, noticed a deep cut on her forehead. It wasn’t fresh and it only made me wonder how long she had been in that hell. My lycan was in a mess. He was fighting me heard to let him have control again but I pushed him back. I wanted to act rationally at that moment. Several flashbacks of what had happened to Sean were the only things that were keeping me attached to reality. I knew if I let my lycan have control then he would tear that place and everyone apart out of madness. So, I took my time to look at her while my whole being turned numb with the grim realization that she might be dead. She was very beautiful. Her face was heart-shaped and she had high cheekbones. She had full lips, which were dry and parted.  Her thick long eyelashes rested over her high cheekbones while serenity decorated her face. She seemed to be in deep slumber. I waited for her to open her eyes and look at me but her cold body and pale skin hinted away that she may never wake up from that slumber.  My heart wanted to dig its way out of my chest while my blood boiled with anger. I desperately searched for her pulse while my beast edged closer and closer to insanity. I didn’t want to end up like Sean.  “Wake up,” I growled at her but she remained unphased. Only a single thread of hope was all that was keeping me in touch with my beast.  “Javier,” A familiar voice called for me. I instantly knew it was Archer. He tried to step near me but I flashed him my canines, daring him to take my mate away from me. She couldn’t be dead yet. I didn’t know who she was or what her name was. I couldn’t let her go like this, “She is dead,” Archer’s words were overpowered by a thundering growl from me. How dare he call my mate dead! In that instance, I wanted to leap across the room and tear his throat out but I didn’t want to leave my mate alone. Instead, I put an ear to her still chest and listened for something… anything. I was met with silence but I pressed my ear adamantly to her still chest and waited. Seconds passed before a very faint thud of her heart travelled through her cold layers of skin and reached my ear. I pressed harder to hear closely.  Thud. Thud. Thud. That was all I needed for confirmation. I held her closer to me as I flashed my canines to other Lycans who dared step closer to me. She was mine and she was certainly not dead. Even though I was trying very hard to stay in control, I felt reality slip through the gaps of my fingers like sand.  My canines sharpened on their own as the thoughts of sinking them in her skin concurred my mind. I was so close to doing that to her. Maybe that would stop them calling her dead. She would be already mine that way. “Javier don’t,” Solomon, another lycan warned me. He was a medic and constantly trying to get closer to me while Archer stood in shock and stared at me with terror decorating his face. “I will kill you,” I growled at Solomon but he still stepped closer to me. Locking his eyes with mine, he spoke, “Javier, she’ll be alright. Let me check her. No one’s going to take her away from you,”  His words had the strength to pull me down to reality. The fog of suspicion and doubt upon my own people started to lift slowly. I clutched my mate tightly while I looked at Archer and Solomon. Everything else around us was in chaos. The other Lycans were busy examining the bodies while some stood and watched the whole scene unfold with a mixture of shock and pity.  “I promise,” Solomon added after seeing the effect he had on me. I stayed still as I let him get closer to my mate. Although I was alert and observant enough to be careful about his moves. I was still finding it hard to trust him.  “She’ll be alright, Jave,” Solomon patted my shoulder first before he pressed two of his fingers to her neck and waited. I hated it right away and growled at him in warning but he was quick to declare, “She still has a pulse,”  His declaration made me drop my shoulder in relief. It was then I realized how tense my body was but Solomon was quick to add, “But we need to take her to the hospital soon otherwise we will lose-“  I didn’t wait for him to finish. I simply got up with her in my arms and rushed out of that room. I felt Solomon and Archer follow me closely. Archer gave some commands through the headpiece behind me while Solomon was constantly telling me to stay calm. But all that mattered to me then was to take her out of that hell as soon as possible.  When I stepped out of the warehouse, a van equipped with all the medical necessities was already waiting there. I got inside without missing a beat. Two medics were already inside it and they instantly started to work on her. “Lay her down. We need to look at her closely,” Spoke one of those medics while Solomon got inside the van and shut the door. I growled at the lycan and clutched my mate tighter. The van was already speeding back to one of our hospitals. “It’s alright, Jave. He has to check her to know what’s wrong with her,” Solomon tried to convince me again. I let out another thundering growl at them but only let Solomon get near her.  “She has been hit really hard on her head several times,” Observed one of the lycans before adding, “She has fainted due to a lot of blood loss from the cut on her head,”  Hearing his words rose my concern for her.  “Do something,” I hissed at them even though they were already taking some blood from her for testing and cleaning her wounds, all while she was in my arms. While they checked her, I did my best to keep my beast in control. I didn’t want him to do anything ugly there. We were driven to the hospital very quickly. At the hospital, they first decided to take a full-body scan of her.  “If she is wearing any jewellery then please remove it,” One of the lycans told me. I did as I was told. I found a very small pendant on her neck. I decided to keep it to myself for then before I carried her all the way to the scan room. I didn’t want anyone near her. “Jave, she’ll be alright,” Solomon kept telling me. He was always by my side, mostly making it easier for other lycans to deal with me. “We all want her to be alright, Jave but you need to leave her with us so that we can heal her," He tried his best to convince me but I wasn’t going to have any of it. It wasn’t long until I was being dragged away by three lycans. I fought them hard until I felt something prick my arm. I kept fighting until the sedative finally won over me. 
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