Breaking News

1335 Words
LUCY Diving into a pool from such an incredible height was one of the many risks that came with the job. Thankfully it was dark, when I made my escape, and no one could register my face, even if they did, they would barely remember what I looked like . I couldn't just sit there and get my ass arrested by the police. Never. It was one thing to have my cover blown and another to be caught. If they had caught me and identified me as the Night Star, I might as well kiss my freedom goodbye, for all enternity. Even if the ace of spade tried to use their influence, to get me out of jail, it would be of no use. Desperate times really called for desperate measures ,imagine if Armando's room didn't have a pool side view, then I would've been toast. But that feat of excape, though successful, had resulted in many bruises and an almost broken bone. I limped hurriedly, and hopped on my bike parked a few streets away from the hotel and sped off as fast as I could, desperate to reach home . I was f*****g tired and exhausted, This mission turned out to be more difficult than I imagined. I released a sigh of utmost relief as soon as I arrived my house packing lot. "About f*****g time." I opened it with a special card only I had access to. It was a small house in a secluded area, I loved how quiet and isolated it was. I flicked on the lights as soon as I was inside and after making sure the door was securely locked, I made my way to the bathroom to get my first aid kit. The phone rang. I decided to ignore it at first but the incessant shrilling sound it made as I cleaned my wounds and stitch the cuts, grated my ears and increased my anger. I grabbed it. "Hello." "The boss wants to speak with you." The voice belonged to the same guy who had called to notify me of this job, alpha Jax right hand man. My stomach clenched in nerves. I had never failed a job before. Not once in my life. But this had taken a completely different turn, I never expected it to. My head was spinning with lots of probabilities which only managed to further annoy me. I never had to deal with probabilities or maybes. Every mission was always a certainty and a confident yes. "Night Star." The Alpha's voice echoed, from his tone, I knew this was not going to be good. Had he heard? How? , millions of thoughts raced through my mind. Still, I maintained composure. He might not be aware yet, so I pray. "Yes ,Alpha." I fidgeted slightly. "What happened at that hotel this evening?" His question left no room for lies. But I would still not take the bait. It was better to play this smart than stupid. "What do you mean, Alpha?" "Are you silly, or dumb? ,don't try to play with my intelligence. its all over the news , you thought i wouldnt find out?" He yelled in anger. But wait, what did he just say about "news"? What news? Oh my God! No, it could not be, could it? Without meaning to, I ended the call unknowingly and rushed as fast as my limping legs could carry me to the remote on the small coffee table and switched on the TV. "... exactly at ten forty five pm, the police department was notified of a break-in into the continental hotel. The receptionist is said to have been subdued with a tranquilizer shot after the medical team was called in to revive her from an unconscious state. Furthermore, a figure was captured sneaking into the hotel's elevator and coming out of it on the eleventh floor..." The reporter's calm, composed voice was drowned out by the pounding in my heart and the roar of my blood. f**k! f**k! f**k! The Alpha was not going to like this. Fuck me! I didn't like this either. The Alpha? That was when I realized I had abruptly ended the call and now the phone was ringing. Feeling more apprehensive, I could not quite maintain that composure I had begun with. "Sorry for that, Alpha." I pleaded as soon as I clicked the answer button. "What exactly are you sorry for?" He was still angry. It was even a wonder I was not hearing the shattering of glasses and any delicate what not he could get his hands on, alpha Jax had always had anger issues so i could expect it . "For hanging up on you sir." I knew he was also talking about my inefficiency of this job. "Do you still want the freedom you so desire, Lucy?" His voice sounded chill to my suprise. He almost never called me by my name, unless he was really upset and disappointed. And he was conspicuously those and more. "Of course, I do Alpha, I want it more than anything in this life. Please give me some time I can still rectify the issue." Could I? Even after finding out the target was my fated mate, could I still rectify it?, could they really kill Armando?. Though he had seemed less concerned about the mate bond but I noticed how affected he had been when I had mentioned the word 'mate'. Also, could be me just thinking and creating assumptions, but Armando did not seem like the guy who would hesitate to do whatever he set his mind to do. He really wanted to drive that knife into me, I saw it in his eyes. But he had stopped. Also, if he really wanted to hurt me, he would have killed me with that bullet. I was powerless and couldn't do anything ,tied to that chair. He probably knew his way around guns and triggers, he was not a fool to have missed, or was he just a bad shooter?. Despite the gravity of the situation, a smile sneaker up my lips and spread across my face as a thought popped in my mind. Maybe he wanted the bond too. I would not lie, I wanted the bond. It was what I had prayed for most of my life and now it was here. He was here. "Are you listening to me, Lucy?!" The angry growl of the Alpha had me jolting out of my momentarily smitten state to face reality. "Y-yes, Alpha." I hope he wasn't going to repeat that question the second time,because at this point, I honestly had no idea. "I need an explanation for what happened back there, it's not safe for us to be seen together until this whole situation goes under the radar ,anyone could be watching, so I'll suggest we meet at the forthcoming gala its in two days time , it's going to be a masked party , you better show up and on time ." He said with the air of finality. Wait, what? "Uhm what gala, Alpha?" "So you've not been listening." He sounded like he was about to go off into another stream of anger and explode like a volcano ,but he just sighed. "Gala. Two days' time , every other details you need to know, would be sent to you through encrypted messages." "Okay, Alpha." I nodded obediently even though he could not see me. "And Night Star?" Expectations coated his words. "Yes, Alpha." My gaze fixed itself on the TV. The reporter woman was still talking. The hotel was behind her. Strangely drawn to a particular window, I fastened my stare on it. "You'll rectify this issue as you've promised, won't you?" I swallowed. "Yes, Alpha." I replied in weakness. "Good. We'll talk more at the gala." And the line went dead with the phone limp in my hand. My eyes were still on the screen. Armando González, why are you my last target?
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