Scar's and star's

1807 Words
ARMANDO I saw the look of panic cross her features, sweaty neck and all , even though she was trying to act tough , I could still see the fear in her eyes, I was only a few weeks in the city and someone was already trying to kill me. wow, I was determined to get to the bottom of this and I wasn't playing around. I had no intention of killing her though, even if I did ,Caden my wolf wouldn't let me, so I aimed the gun in an angle in which the bullets would only graze her skin, and then I pulled the trigger, she swiftly tilted her head sideways and the bullet merely grazed the skin on her neck and shattered the window behind her. The smirk I had on nanoseconds ago vanished to be replaced by a curious frown. What was that on her neck? a tattoo, I can swear to the moon goddess that I had seen that tattoo somewhere before, but I just couldn't remember where exactly, it was an angel coated with stars, and it rang a very strong bell. I approached her, closing the gap between us. She was still confined to the chair I tied her in. "What is this on your neck? this image,where have I seen it before? remind me" I grabbed her by the neck, tilting it sideways for a proper look. She defensively tried to move backwards with the chair, it was a hard one to do. "Don't f*****g touch me!" she panicked. The fact that she was acting defensive, not wanting me to see it clearly, the fear of exposure tinged in her tone was enough to raise my curiosity further. I firmly held her by the neck , and cupped her falling brown tresses away from the tattooed image on her neck with the gun. This drawing was familiar but where had I seen it before? She continued to struggle under my hold. "Stop struggling and answer me!" I had, in a moment of annoyance and growing impatience, tugged vehemently at her hair. She winced slightly at the pain, then two very pissed emerald green orbs glared at me. "I don't owe you any explanation!" she yelled. "I see , you rather have me do it the hard way right? , then so be it" I flung the gun on the bed, and searched her for any means of identification but only saw a pocket knife. I pulled it out, drew out it's cold blade and positioned it across her neck. "This should make you talk" I remarked with an evil glint My anger was growing. I came into town for a different reason and not to be on someone's kill list, and what is worst I have no idea who this person could be, and I hate my enemies sneaking up on me. Unfazed by the weapon kissing her skin, she emitted a mysterious chuckle. "Do it. Let's see if you can spill the blood of your mate." Her green orbs had darkened. My grip around the knife tightened, fury boiled my blood. "I don't do mates!" I snapped. I refuse to acknowledge whatever she had said even though it was true. I had heard her coming before I saw her. Due to the kind of wolf I possessed, I was blessed by the Moon Goddess with a lot of abilities many werewolves could only dream of. My heightened sense of smell, for one, had helped me sniffed her presence before she even opened the door. I wanted to take her unawares but Caden - my wolf - had been excited to mention it was my mate. Though shock had rocked my system, I couldn't not believe it. But it did not mean I would accept it...or her. Mates and its bond were nothing but weakness and a total waste of time and energy,. It only ended leaving one experiencing untold pangs of pain and anguish. So whatever this girl with eyes and lips that could make any man become a simpleton and agree to so her bidding was thinking about she and I, she had better think twice. In the flicker of an intense moment, I directed the blade away from her neck and had it on her shoulder. She was, just like me, in a wounded state. Maybe more wounds would make her tell me what I want to hear. "One last chance?" My lips crooked up. Her eyes held mine in a challenging manner. "Do it!" And I did it, I drew blood from her. A simple cut, nothing deep but it was enough to draw blood. "Is that all you've got?! even a baby can do more damage..." she taunted, giving me a disappointed look . Clearly, she was only trying to get under my skin and I wasn't gonna give her that pleasure. A smile formed on my lips ,I loved challenges ,I was about going in for another cut when the tension was suddenly interrupted by loud bangs on the door. "Open up, it's the police!!!!. We heard multiple gunshots from your suite, we need to make sure everything is alright." A voice echoed from outside the door. I casted a gaze towards the entrance, and returned it back to the girl a second later, only then did I see fear and apprehension flicker across her face. A mean smile appeared on my face. " I see, it seems you're not friends with the police." I chuckled. She remained silent, not saying a word. "Please sir or ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to open up, else, we'll come in regardless." They did not have the password, so they couldn't...well, except they had the support of the hotel management, which probably had an override card, then maybe they could force their way in, but either way I wasn't going to let that happen, I liked being in control. I quickly tugged the gun behind me quickly, and hid the knife under the bed. "Don't move, and stay silent, I got this..." I eyed her tied state. " have nothing to worry about. I'm just going to chase those men away and I'll be back , so we can continue our little conversation." I walked to the door, the suite was a big one so they would not be greeted with the sight of broken things and a woman held hostage in my bedroom. I would do whatever it took to get answers from her. Fated mate or not, beautiful face or hot legs, those were not my concern at the moment, business was business, besides I wasn't one to take a threat likely. "Good evening, gentlemen." I ensured to make my voice tired and weak, as I unlocked the door. "Are you alright, sir?" The three uniformed men who stood in front of me all had curiosity plastered on their faces. "Yes, I just..." "You're wounded." The suspicions and urgency rang clear in the policeman's tone. "We'll have to check your room, sir." I wanted to argue but it would only rouse more suspicions. But then again, if they eventually saw her... "You can't come in, I'm sorry." I said blocking the entrance with my huge frame. "You can not stop us, sir. You might be in danger, we need to make sure everything is OK." One of the policemen argued. "I know but I really need to use the bathroom right now , it's kind of messy in there. You guys can return in ten minutes time. I'm really sorry, thank you." I closed the door, cutting off their arguments halfway. Was I supposed to hand her over to them and let her rot in jail for the rest of her life? . Why had I saved her? I walked back to the room and she was gone. My gaze immediately went to the balcony. s**t! Even the chair I had her tied in was missing as well. I dashed off to the balcony to see if I could get a sight of her, but the only thing I saw was a chair floating in the pool downstairs. f**k!!! she got away. I picked up my phone and dialed a number, it was my people , in this world of power you had to belong to an important organization that can ensure your safety and I belonged to the white lotus syndicate. As soon as the lines got connected, I wasted no time . "There's a new development in town, I just got attacked by an assassin, it's a female, she has this tattoo on her and it's very familiar , it's an angel decorated in stars. behind her neck , have this investigated immediately, I must find her, also tighten up on my security I can't afford any loose ends, you know I came into town for only one reason, to find the assassin who murdered my late luna, and I can't leave until I get my revenge, is that clear?." The reply of 'Yes, boss' echoed through the line as I ended it. Just as I was about to put the cell phone away, and clean up the mess before the police returned, the phone began ringing yet again. I checked the caller ID. A smirk appeared, it was Tasha one of my flings and little play things, well apparently she was my ex, she and I had a history together a very long time ago. "Hello, Tasha." The familiar giggle at the other end of the call responded. "Hey, handsome. I heard you're in town." "You heard well." "And you haven't bothered to call me." "Forgive me, mi amore. You know I'm a busy man." Tasha was one attention seeker, and it worked well for me. s*x with her was nice and that was all it was. All she was and ever would be. "Surely you can't be too busy for me, my handsome, there's an upcoming gala ,in a few days and I'll love for you to attend, you know I've missed you so much" "hmmm" I contemplated for a few seconds ,attending a gala wouldn't be such a bad idea besides I could use the cool off s*x "When?" I asked . I knew what she wanted and I wanted it too. "In two days time my love." She replied. "Ok I'll attend it ,but only on one condition" "Anything you say prince charming " she giggled. "Come without panties, just the way I like it." That sexy giggle again. "Alright, handsome, Will be expecting you." "Yeah " and with that I ended the phone call, the next thing on my To Do List now, is track down this assassin second chance mate of mine, and know exactly who paid her to kill me and why.
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