Secrets in dark places

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Lucy I finally received the details of the gala sent by the alpha's people, it said it was a masked party. That had been a very welcomed information. With the recent development in town, the security around the state had become so tight that not even a mosquito could hurt anyone and get away alive, after what had happened two days ago at the continental, I could not risk being identified and caught. Another thing I was grateful for was the fact that the cameras in the hotel had not captured my face. My disguise had still been in its firm place and had only come off when Armando had pulled my wig, and so far they are yet to identify the culprit, that means I am still safe unless Armando points me out. The gala was happening at the mansion of one of the Elders of the state. Elder Zukka. He was celebrating his successful journey back from abroad where he had gone for a surgery. My phone rang, I brought it out of my diamond-studded clutch purse. The Alpha. "Alpha." I moved away from people so no one would hear my conversation. "Where are you? This is a masked party, I can't recognize you." He said. "I'm on a black dress." I informed. He chuckled and then shouted impatiently . "There are a lot of women here on masks and black dresses so which f*****g one of them are you." "Mine has a high thigh slit on the left. Low-back riding. Also, I'm wearing a silver grey stilettos. My..." Without giving me the chance to complete my statement, he echoed impatiently into the phone "Why the f**k are you so stupid Lucy.....? You really expect me to understand what the f**k you're talking about? Am I supposed to understand these stupid girls descriptions you ladies come up with every now and then. Just tell me where the f**k you are." he thundered. He had a Luna, how could he not know what women wore? His cluelessness almost erupted a chuckle from me but he would not appreciate that one bit. "I'm close to the fountain, just by the gardens." I disclosed. "Perfect spot. That's private enough. Wait there I'll join you in a minute." He said and ended the call. I had initially wanted to approach the building and step inside to search for the Alpha but he had beat me to it. I took a detour and went to occupy a concrete bench in the garden and waited for him. It was not very long before I saw a tall frame appear and it wasn't alpha Jax. The place was quite hidden so unless I showed myself, he was unlikely he'll see me. I stood up but surprise had me sitting back down, keeping out of the light. It was a tall frame alright but he was with someone else, whispering behind the bushes . "I hope here's safe, Tasha." It was a male. Definitely male. I slunk back further into the dim-lit gardens, they had no idea someone was there. Whoever they were, I did not want to disturb them. But Tasha? Was that not the name of Alpha Jax's wife? No, it could not be. There were many people. It could probably be a different Tasha. The lady in a white dress that clung to her perfect body like a second skin giggled. Why was that giggle so familiar? "Of course, handsome. No one would see us here. The party is happening inside not here. We can go all along." Her voice. I had heard it so many times that I could tell it in my sleep. But the guy? Who was the guy? Was it someone I knew too? "Perfect." The guy's voice had gone low making it hard for me to caption it properly. But I could f*****g swear that the woman who was being kissed and pulled further into the darkness was the Alpha's wife, Luna Tasha. But why? Why would she be doing this? Did the Alpha know? Of course, he would not. That was very stupid question to ask. If he knew, I was sure both Tasha and the guy would not be alive. Though the garden was very expansive and the Alpha would probably never see them or hear them, I suddenly felt uneasy. I could not have a discussion with the Alpha in a place where his wife was being ravaged by another man. Pulling my stilettos, I ran out of there and entered the main building. I would find a different spot. One that did not have both the Alpha and his Luna in it. My phone rang and I knew who it was. "Hello, Alpha." "Where the hell are you? Are you joking with me?" "I am truly sorry, Alpha. I had a bathroom emergency. I am in the main house. Come meet me here. I already have a private spot where we will talk." I ensured my tone was apologetic and filled with regrets. "You'll be punished when I get there." He spat. I eye rolled as soon as he hung up. I was trying to save him or was it Tasha or myself. Maybe I was just trying not to be there when s**t went down between the Alpha and his wife. Though it was non of my business, regardless I didn't want to risk drawing attention to myself, when the alpha catches his wife pants down and cheating on him and decides to cause a scene. I found a secluded spot by the balcony, where no one occupied and it had a sliding door that could contain sound and speeches. Just perfect A while later Alpha Jax arrived fuming . "I'm sorry, Alpha. It's just nature. I couldn't hold it in." I made sure my expression was a blend of sincere apology and regret. "Let's get down to the issue at hand. You f****d up, big time." He began after closing the sliding door. "Yes, I know. He was quick to notice my presence , it was like he was prepared and waiting for me to arrive. I have no idea how but he knew I was going to be there." "Ridiculous,You think someone told him?" His confusion was palpable. "I don't know for certain,but if someone did, then I intend to find out who it was, we have to figure out who the rat is or was" As someone who had lived life on the edge, for years, logical lies came naturally to me. "Good, but whoever it was it not your main target, allow me to handle that , while you focus on the problem. I heard he will be at this party tonight but I am yet to see him. It's a masked party though. He could be anywhere, regardless you need to bring this guy down, Night Star." I nodded, not trusting myself to talk. He stared at me for a while, making me a bit uncomfortable. "Is anything the matter, Alpha?" "You've not flopped on a mission before. I'm just surprised you blew this." Oh. "Well, let's just say i had a bad day , regardless it won't happen again, I promise." "It better not." He straightened himself. "Because if it does, then bid your freedom goodbye or even worse ,your life. Whichever you choose." I understood his threat and I did not like it one bit. But right now, I could not be as confident as I wanted to. And for the first time ever, I was at loss for both words and action.
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