Mate? Oh hell no!

1272 Words
Lucy My breath caught in my throat, my eyes widened in alarm. But before I could regain my balance and make sense of what had just happened, strong legs flipped me over, and my back landed on the bed. He hovered over me shirtless, only his lower frame was clothed. The knife was now in his possession, the image of him slipped out of my jacket and he examined it in shock. "you were paid to kill me right ,tell me who sent you ? who in hell paid you to kill me?!" He growled, his eyes flashing a different color. His wolf was clearly trying to take over. His eyes burned with anger, and his expression was brutal enough to make anyone shiver in fear. But definitely not me I wasn't just anyone. That strange feeling was still attacking my senses. Laia was saying some words which I couldn't understand. "What is wrong with you, Laia?" I asked, using our telepathic connection. but didn't respond rather she continued to say crazy things. Incomprehensible things, which I couldn't understand, so I tried my best not to let it distract me. This job was suddenly not going as planed. I fought to free myself, but the guy's grip was like steel. I gritted my teeth, determination and anger fueling my nerves. I used all of my might to raise myself from the bed and head-butted him off me. He fell sideways ,just enough for me to jump out of the bed. Going with sheer sense because strength would not work with him, I picked up the stool by the bed and flung it at him, hoping to smash his brains out, but he caught it and swung it back. I dived across the smooth, gleaming floor to avoid being hit by the wooden object. "Who f*****g sent you?!" He thundered , fury masked his handsome features. He looked more dark and dangerous in person. I ignored his question and quickly pulled out my signature double silencer pistols. If a knife couldn't get the job done, then a gun should , besides knives weren't really my kind of style, I only considered it because of the special request made by alpha Jax .I squeezed the clip and released double shots, aimed at his direction, but the guy was insanely fast. He dodged the bullet, a bedside vase shattered behind him, and before I could pull the trigger for the second round attempt, he kicked the weapon out of my hands, pulled me up, and hit me hard across the face and grabbed me tightly from behind. Fuck! That hurt like a b***h! But I recovered. Having a flexible body, I used it to my advantage. I twisted myself in his arms and landed a jab straight to his nose. "f**k!" He swore and caught me by my hair as I tried to flee away from him. The raven wig came off. Damn it! Now, I really should do everything I could to kill him. If only the pounding in my head would stop and this crazy feeling would vanish. "What the hell, Laia? Stop playing around in my head. You're making me lose focus." I cried out in pain when a hand pulled me back by my jacket and used his knee against my lower back. But I was no amateur f**k-up, and this job would not paint me as one. Harnessing all of my strength, including that of my wolf, I elbowed his wrist and ran forward in a swift motion. I leaped onto a table, twirled myself mid-air, and landed two mean kicks in quick, eye-blinking successions - one landing on his jaw, the second on his chest. He staggered and fell backward on the bed. The gun went flying out of his hands, and I lifted my body , diving to catch it before it reached the floor. I pulled the trigger instantly, but again, he was fast. He peeled the bedsheet off the bed, twirled it, and used it as a sling to capture my wrist. He pulled hard, I lost my balance and was dragged towards him. I fell face-flat on him. He was bleeding from his nose, and he had a cut on his forehead. He did not waste time tying both my wrists tight behind me. Shockingly, I could not concentrate on the mission anymore. That something was hitting against my chest, and Laia only pranced more. My sunshade and wig were now lying around somewhere in this room. At this point ,I should be running away by now. My identity has been revealed and that only means mission failed. "Who the hell sent you?!" He asked again. He pulled a chair close and sat me on it, tying me tightly to the chair with a solid rope which he pulled out of God knows where . I blinked stupidly, still staring into his face, admiring his eyes. It was as though that was what Laia wanted - for me to stop fighting him and just stare. He eyed me, then emitted a short, mirthless chuckle. "You don't know yet, huh?" "Know what?" I asked snapping out of my little daydream. "It's either you're dumb or your wolf is slow." With that said ,he went into the bathroom and came out with a tissue paper, holding it against his nose. Laia growled, not liking what he had said. "Mate." My eyes widened. My chest pounded furiously. What did Laia mean? This has to be a joke. "Mate." She repeated. "Mate?!" I could not help but repeat it out loudly myself. As soon as I said the word, the ambiance of the room changed from violent and tense to something hypnotic and binding. He felt it but was trying to control his wolf, his demeanor said it all. Meanwhile, I could not believe it. The Moon Goddess had actually blessed me with a mate? This was my mate? impossible!. Oh hell! I wanted a mate, desired one but not this way. Not like this. Why couldn't he be someone I was not paid to kill? , this screws everything. "Mates do not exist!" He growled angrily and grabbed a glass vase from the floor which he flung across the room. It smashed the wall and shattered into pieces. He did not want me. Great! The time I finally met my mate, he was on my to-kill list and he did not want me. There went the dreams of happily-ever-after again. He picked up the gun and pointed it casually at my head, his gaze , cold and calculated as he demanded . " I am not going to ask you this the second time. who sent you?." This was against the job, revealing the identity of the person who placed the hit, put an instant death mark on my head, it was a better I died on the mission than snitch. I could not reveal anything, I must take the details of this job to the grave with me if I had to . In fact, no one had actually fought me this long on any mission, let alone uncover my identity. I released a disappointed sigh. "Death sent me." I taunted, My gaze met his in an unwavering stare. He might have my hands tied, but that did not mean I had surrendered. Still maintaining his calculated gaze he replied , "Oh really, you think this is funny?, well then tell death I said hi ". And the next thing I heard was a gunshot, as I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side.
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