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Jasmine Days turned into weeks, and the looming wedding day grew closer with each passing moment. The Castletown pack was bustling with preparations, as if it would be one of the grandest events in history. However, I couldn't find it in me to care. The wedding didn't hold any significance to me anymore. I couldn't deny that Lucius' mother made sure I was well taken care of. But deep down, I couldn't help but wonder if it was solely because of the baby growing inside me. They saw me as nothing more than a vessel for their future heir. Adjusting to life in the pack proved to be challenging, especially with Maggie's constant display of dislike towards me. It was clear that she didn't want me here, and her icy demeanor made it hard for me to feel comfortable in this new environment. Every day felt like a battle, fighting against the inner turmoil and the expectations placed upon me. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was trapped, a mere pawn in this game of power and duty. I haven't really been seeing much of Lucius lately. The last time we crossed paths was during dinner, and since then, he has been nowhere to be found. But to be honest, I couldn't care less about his absence. I rolled my eyes, even though no one was there to witness it, and made my way downstairs. I had just finished taking a shower to start the day, with no idea what plans the family had in store for me this time. It was always unpredictable. As I entered the living room, I noticed Lucius' mother and Maggie sitting there. I briefly considered turning around and walking away, but it was too late. Lucius' mother had already spotted me. "I was about to call for you," she said. I kept my lips pressed tightly together as I slowly approached them, taking a seat next to Maggie. She shot me a disapproving look, as always. "I was just about to call Lucius to take you for a dress fitting," his mother continued. "Dress fitting?" I repeated, a bit confused. "Yes. I want the wedding dress to be ready before the big day. And since you've been gaining weight, it's better to have it adjusted in advance." I couldn't help but feel attacked by her comment about me "gaining weight." It felt like an insult, but I kept my anger hidden beneath a calm facade. "You're right," I replied, trying to maintain my composure. "Alright then. I will call Lucius now, and Maggie will accompany you," his mother said firmly. "Why?" Maggie interjected. "I don't have all the free time in the world, Mother." "I know you're on a break from your job. Can't you do this for your future sister-in-law?" his mother retorted. "Sister-in-law?" Maggie repeated, a bitter chuckle escaping her lips. I could sense the bitterness in Maggie’s voice as she repeated the words “sister-in-law.” It was clear that she didn’t see me as family, and her mocking laughter only confirmed her disdain. The mother shot her a disapproving look before turning her attention back to me. “Ignore her, Jasmine. She can be difficult sometimes,” she said, attempting to brush off the tension. I nodded, trying my best to maintain my composure despite the growing discomfort. Deep down, I knew that this family dynamic was going to be challenging, but I had made up my mind not to let their attitudes affect me. “Let’s get this dress fitting done, shall we?” I suggested, eager to move past the awkwardness. It was better to focus on practical matters than dwell on the negativity surrounding me. Lucius arrived shortly, and we headed off for the dress fitting. As we reached the car, Maggie quickly opened the door before I could, and I silently climbed into the backseat. We arrived at the dress fitting location, a boutique filled with stunning wedding gowns. The dressmaker greeted us warmly and led us to a private fitting room. As I stood there, surrounded by beautiful wedding dresses, a sense of unease washed over me. The reality of the impending wedding hit me once again. The dressmaker began showing me different designs, asking for my preferences. I could feel Lucius’s eyes on me, his presence lingering in the room. Maggie, on the other hand, stood in the corner, wearing a bored expression. I tried on a few dresses, but none of them felt right. They all seemed to be a symbol of a life I didn’t want. The dressmaker noticed my hesitation and suggested a different approach. She brought out a simple, elegant gown that caught my attention. As I slipped it on, a sense of peace washed over me. It felt like a dress I could truly be myself in. “Do you want anything to be added? Like a slit at the back or something catchy? The dressmaker asked. “No. I want it simple like this” “Why don’t you drop the act. We already know what type of a person you are. You have already cornered brother into this s**t. So stop pretending” Maggie appeared from nowhere and threw at me. My inside was already filled up with rage. I’ve been trying to hold my anger in. But it seems I need to give her a piece of my mind. “Look here Maggie. I didn’t force you to come here. Just because I’m getting married to your great brother doesn’t mean you can talk to me anyhow. I also don’t want to be here or do this” my eyes went to Lucius who was looking at us already. He didn’t even try to defend me. He allowed his sister to talk to me anyhow. “What? I can’t talk to you anyhow? Who do you think you are? Brother might go all easy on you but I won’t. Mark my words” she pointed a finger at me before sauntering away. I felt like a cold water had been splashed on me. “Um.. I will be right back” the dressmaker profound disappearing out of the room. I was left with Lucius. “I’m-“ I cut him off. “Don’t. There’s no point in explaining yourself. Your sister had made things clear to me. Just leave me” I closed my eyes and opened them again. However the next thing he said made me snapped my face towards him. “Do you think you’re great?” “What?” Lucius’s words caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of confusion and anger. “What kind of question is that? I never claimed to be great. I never wanted any of this. I never asked for your family or their expectations,” I replied, my voice laced with frustration. Lucius sighed, his eyes searching mine. “You don’t understand. This is not about my family or their expectations. It’s about the responsibilities that come with being an Alpha, with leading a pack.” I scoffed, feeling a surge of resentment. “And what about me? What about my dreams and aspirations? Do they not matter?” “I didn’t stop you from chasing your dreams. Did I hold you?” “What?” His words strike me. “Yes. You have been putting the blame on me as if I was the only one who was engaged in the one night stand. You are also at fault!” He spat. My eyes widened at his remark. “Did you just raised your voice on me?” “What? Can’t I? Is there any rule that says I can’t?” “Get out!” I shouted, my voice laced with anger and hurt. But he stood there defiantly, folding his arms across his chest. “Come and move me,” he challenged. My heart raced, and I clenched my fists, desperately searching for a way to release my anger. In a split second, I grabbed a nearby decorative pillow and hurled it at him, my aim fueled by my rage. “Get out of here!” I yelled, my voice echoing through the room. He retaliated, refusing to budge. “This is not your building! Shut it!” he fired back, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and frustration. We shared a heated look. It seems he wasn’t ready to back out. I inhaled a deep breath. “Alright then. I will leave” I declared and began making my way towards the door. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving like that?” “Why not? It’s my dress after all” “You’re definitely going to trip and fall because it obviously looked oversized on you” “What? Are you saying I’m overweight?” I walked back to him resting my hand on my waist. “Did I?” “Shut it! It’s all your fault I’m overweight. I definitely looked like a pig” he began laughing. I’m a joke to him. “Pig?” “Yes. That’s what you meant. You just didn’t say it directly. You’re marrying a woman who looked like a pig” my eyes watered and I began crying. Like a small girl. The words he spoke stung like daggers, hitting me right in the heart. I couldn’t believe he would mock me like that. The tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn’t hold them back any longer. Lucius’s laughter abruptly ceased, and a pained expression crossed his face. “Jasmine, I didn’t mean it like that,” he said, his voice softer now. I sniffled, trying to compose myself. “Well, that’s how it sounded to me,” I replied, my voice shaky. He reached out a hand as if to comfort me, but I flinched away. The hurt was still too fresh, and I didn’t want his false sympathy. “I’m sorry, Jasmine,” he said sincerely. “I didn’t intend to hurt you. My words were thoughtless and insensitive.” I wiped away my tears, my anger mingling with my sadness. “Do you even care about how your words affect me?” I asked, my voice trembling with a mixture of emotions. He looked down, his gaze filled with remorse. “I do care, Jasmine. I never wanted things to turn out like this.” Silence hung heavy in the air as we stood there, both feeling the weight of our words and actions. The sound of the door opening followed by the dressmaker broke us out of our trance. “Sorry Mrs. Lucius, had to take care of something urgent” “Call me by my name. Jasmine please” she was taken aback by my outburst but concealed it with a smile. “Alright Mrs. Jasmine. Should we take off the dress now?” I glanced over at Lucius. “Tell him to leave. You don’t expect me to change in front of him” “You really want me to leave this room. Alright. I will. But prepare for what I’m about to do to you later” I rolled my eyes. “You can’t do anything to me Mr. Lucius. I’m carrying your child!” I snapped but the door was already shut on my face. The dressmaker cleared her throat awkwardly, sensing the tension in the room. “Shall we proceed Mrs. Jasmine?” She asked, trying to divert the attention. I nodded, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment. As I began to change into the dress, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of vulnerability. The dressmaker made some adjustments, and soon I was standing in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. The dress was beautiful, there was no denying that. But the joy that should accompany such a moment was overshadowed by the emotional turmoil within me. I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. As I stepped out of the fitting room, Lucius was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t bother searching for him. Instead, I thanked the dressmaker for her assistance and headed back to the car, where him and Maggie were waiting. Silence hung heavy between us during the ride back. I kept my gaze fixed outside the window, lost in my own thoughts. The events of the day had taken a toll on me, and I needed time to process everything. When we finally arrived at the Castletown pack, I quickly made my way to my room, seeking solace in its familiarity. I closed the door behind me, feeling a sense of relief as the outside world faded away. The weight of the upcoming wedding and the strained relationship with Lucius weighed heavily on my shoulders.
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