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Maggie There's no way I would allow my brother to marry that gold digger. She thinks because my parents take a liking of her, she'd misbehave. She's wrong. I need to do something. I paced around the room as I think of what to do. "Yes!" I yelled out when an idea striked me. I reached for my phone on the bed and dialled a number. "Hey Lily. Are you in town?" "Yeah. Got back last night. I was actually planning to come over today. What's up" her voice sounded exhausted. "Let's meet. I have something important to tell you" I ended the call before she could say more. I grabbed my keys and head out. I met mother and Jasmine seated at the sitting room laughing to some jokes mother was saying. The wedding is going to take place tomorrow and preparation was more in swing. I paid no heed to them and made my way out. I stepped out of the house, determined to execute my plan. I knew I had to act quickly if I wanted to prevent my brother from making a grave mistake. The thought of him marrying that gold digger, Jasmine, made my blood boil. I couldn't let it happen. I got into my car and drove towards the coffee shop where I had arranged to meet Lily, my best friend. She was the only person I could trust with this secret plan. As I entered the coffee shop, I spotted her sitting at a corner table, looking tired but intrigued. "Hey, Maggie! What's going on? You sounded urgent on the phone," Lily greeted me with a concerned look. I slid into the seat opposite her and took a deep breath. "I have something important to discuss with you, Lily. My brother is getting married" "What! How in hell!" "It is what it is. The wedding is tomorrow" "Why am I finding out now? Why didn't you call me" I took a sip of my drink. "Well, you were busy with your work and then you and brother are not in that position anymore. You know you choose your work over him" Lily threw me a glare. "We didn't break up. I traveled for work and just like that he's getting married. What a bullshit!" She gulped down the drink. This is the right time to strike. "I don't like the girl he's getting married to. I know he's marrying her for the child but it's a matter of time before she corner my brother" Lily raised her hands. "Wait...what do you mean for the child? She's pregnant for him? So his lust has reached that extent!" Lily threw bitterly. My smile faded. "Don't insult my brother because you're angry. If he's lustful, you two had a thing before. So don't blame him" "But he can't just throw away what we had Maggie. How could he do that to me" "I know exactly. Which is why I want us to join hands together. I won't allow him to marry that hag. She's here for the money. Nothing else" Lily took a deep breath. "I won't allow that too. What do you have in mind. We don't have much time. We have to stop the wedding at all cost" After finalizing our plan with Lily, I made my way back home, my mind filled with determination and a sense of purpose. I knew the task ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. As I entered the house, I could hear the sounds of laughter and conversation coming from the living room. I walked in to find my mother and Jasmine engaged in a lively discussion. I wonder if they didn’t leave the living room all day. I plastered a smile on my face and joined them, pretending that everything was normal. "So, Jasmine, how are you feeling about tomorrow?" I started a conversation. She seemed a bit suspicious of my sudden change in mood. "Well, there's nothing much to feel. It's just a normal thing," she replied. "You know, the ceremony won't just be for your wedding, but also for the mating ritual with brother Lucius. I'm sure you're nervous," I added, trying to get a reaction out of her. But deep down, I was seething with anger. She won’t like what will come her way. "Stop pestering her, Maggie. She'll be fine, Jasmine," my mother intervened. Just then, the door swung open, and Lucius walked in. "Brother, you're here," I greeted, waving my hand. He joined us, and I could see the look they exchanged, which irritated me. I don’t know whether he has feelings for her or not. But the way they’re looking at each other doesn’t settle well with me. "You look exhausted, brother. Is it because of tomorrow?" I asked, trying to dig for information. "Nothing major. I just had a stressful day with the clients," he replied. "You should rest, Lucius. Oh, by the way, your father wants to talk to you," my mother chimed in. He nodded, stood up, and they exchanged another look. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. The doorbell rang, and Mother instructed the maid to answer it. She returned with a box in her hand. "It's Jasmine's outfit," she declared. I felt a pang in my chest, but I quickly masked it with a smile. "Wow, the dressmaker kept her word. Congratulations, Jasmine." "Lucy, can you take it to her room?" Mother ordered. I watched as Lucy headed upstairs. I waited for a while before deciding to go to my room. "Um, Mother, let me go to my room. I'm exhausted." "Sure, goodnight. Jasmine and I will continue our discussion. Or do you want to leave as well?" "No, I'm fine. I'm not sleepy yet," she replied. I rolled my eyes. As I climbed the stairs, I crossed paths with Lucy. She bowed her head in respect. I walked past Jasmine's door, but something urged me to check the dress. I glanced around the hallway for any signs of anyone before cautiously entering her room. The box was placed on the vanity mirror. I reached for the box, my hands trembling slightly with anticipation. Carefully, I opened it, revealing the contents inside. It was Jasmine's wedding dress, neatly folded and arranged. The sight of it took my breath away. The intricate lacework, the delicate details—it was a truly stunning piece of artistry. But as I stared at the dress, anger started to well up inside me. How dare she? How dare she think she could waltz into our lives and steal my brother's heart? This dress was meant to be worn by someone deserving, someone who truly loved and cherished him. Not her. An idea formed in my mind, fueled by my frustration and resentment. I grabbed the eyeliner from the vanity and began to deface the dress, drawing circles all over the front. A wicked smile curved up on my lips. Let's see how she enjoys her wedding now, I thought triumphantly. With a sense of satisfaction, I closed the box, leaving the ruined dress inside. It was a small act of defiance, a way to express my disapproval. Tomorrow is going to be a day of revelations, and I'm going to ensure that Jasmine's true intentions were exposed.
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