
2016 Words
Lucius I sat in my father’s study room, alongside Beta Owen, discussing the details of my upcoming wedding with Jasmine. My father was inquiring about the date for the ceremony, and Beta Owen offered his suggestion. “If Lucius isn’t in a rush, we could set the wedding for a month from now. That should give Jasmine enough time to settle in,” Beta Owen proposed. I nodded in agreement. Truth be told, I wasn’t in a hurry either. As I reflected on the current situation, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. It was a complicated scenario that I never anticipated. I hadn’t planned on succumbing to my desires and ending up sleeping with Jasmine. And now, the pregnancy had further complicated matters. I hadn’t been able to disclose the situation to my family straightforwardly. I had confided in my father first, and he had suggested a solution. Since I was going to assume the Alpha position, he saw this as an opportunity for me to have a partner by my side and the added benefit of an heir. However, I couldn’t deny that dealing with Jasmine was proving to be quite challenging. Taming her fiery spirit wouldn’t be an easy task. As I approached the dining area, I noticed Jasmine and my mother already sitting there, enjoying their lunch. Jasmine's expression spoke volumes, filled with a mix of frustration and anger. She shot me a look that could have pierced through steel. "Are you not going to join us for lunch?" my mother inquired. I hesitated for a moment, considering my options. I had been planning to head out, but the thought of sharing a meal with them didn't seem like a bad idea. Besides, my stomach was growling, reminding me of my hunger. So, I pulled out a chair and took a seat next to Jasmine. Her body language made it clear she didn't want any physical contact between us. I tried to ignore the tension and focus on the food in front of me. The atmosphere around the table was far from comfortable, but I was determined to make the best of the situation. We ate in silence, with occasional glances exchanged between my mother and Jasmine. As I stood up to leave, Jasmine spoke up. “Can we talk Lucius?” Curiously rise in me but nevertheless, I nodded my head. We went upstairs. Jasmine turned to me. “How long am I going to stay here?” came her question. “I don't quite get your question. Aren't we getting married?” I asked equally. She took a deep breath. The expression on her face clearly shows she was pissed off. “Marriage? I don't want to marry you. I don't want this” she pointed at her stomach. Surprised by her sudden outburst, I tried to process her words. Her frustration and anger were evident, and her pointed finger made it clear that she didn’t want the responsibility of our impending marriage or the baby growing inside her. “You don’t want to marry me?” I repeated, a mix of confusion and disappointment filling my voice. I had thought we had reached an understanding, albeit a complicated one, but now it seemed that everything was falling apart. Jasmine crossed her arms, her eyes blazing with fire. “No, I don’t. I never wanted this. I never wanted any of it,” she asserted firmly. I struggled to find the right words to respond. It was clear that she felt trapped and resentful of the circumstances we found ourselves in. I had to choose my next words carefully. “Jasmine, I understand that this situation is not ideal for either of us. But we have to think about the future. The baby deserves a family, and stability” I tried to reason, hoping she would see the importance of our commitment. Her gaze hardened, and her voice turned cold. “I can give the baby all of that without being married to you. I won’t let you use our child as an excuse to control my life or make me stay here.” Her words struck a nerve, and I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn’t intended to control her or force her into anything. I wanted to find a solution that worked for both of us, but it seemed that trust and understanding were crumbling between us. “I never wanted to use the baby as an excuse, Jasmine. I genuinely thought this could be a way for us to build a future together, despite the circumstances. This is the only way I can compensate for what happened” “Compensate me?” a chuckle erupts out of her. “I didn't put this on me. It's all your fault!” her voice was loud enough to echo around. “You-” I didn't get to say what I wanted to say when she turned on her heels and walked away closing her door with a loud thud. What just happened? What did I get myself into? I stood there for some time before descending down. I was met with my mother. As soon as she turned around, I knew she heard our voices. “It seems you and Jasmine had a pretty heated conversation” “Yeah, it didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped,” I replied, feeling a mix of frustration and concern. “Jasmine is clearly overwhelmed and resistant to the idea of our marriage and the baby. She made it clear that she didn’t want any part of it.” My mother sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. “This is a complicated situation, Lucius. You both need time to process everything and find a way forward. It’s not easy for either of you.” I nodded, grateful for my mother’s understanding. “I know, Mother. I didn’t want things to turn out like this. I thought I was doing the right thing by offering marriage and stability, but it seems to have backfired.” She placed a comforting hand on my arm. “Sometimes, even with good intentions, things don’t go according to plan. It’s important to listen to each other and find a resolution that respects both of your feelings and desires.” I appreciated her wise words, knowing that finding a middle ground with Jasmine wouldn’t be easy. “I’ll give her the space she needs and hope that, with time, we can have a more constructive conversation. Our priority should be the well-being of the baby.” My mother nodded in agreement. “Indeed, the baby’s well-being is paramount. That was why we decided to set the wedding in a month's time. Before then you two will understand each other” I nodded my head before heading out of the house. I haven't gone to the office for like two days. I own a shoe manufacturing company. Although we have a lot of employees, I tend to go round and check their progress. My phone rang with Tyler's name. Tyler is my best friend and also someone who works for me at my company. “Hey man” came his distant voice. I could hear the sound of music through the phone. “Don’t tell me you're at the club at this hour?” its still afternoon. I don't know who has ever gone to a club in the afternoon. Only Tyler that I know. “I can't hear you!” he yelled out. “Why did you call then!” I equally shouted. “Meet me at the club. I have new girls here with me” “I can’t believe you’re at the club in the middle of the day,” I exclaimed, slightly annoyed with Tyler’s unconventional lifestyle. “But alright, I’ll meet you there. Just don’t get into too much trouble.” I hung up the phone and made my way to the club. It was a popular spot known for its lively atmosphere and energetic music. As I entered, the vibrant beats filled the air, accompanied by flashing lights and the chatter of people enjoying themselves. I scanned the crowd, searching for Tyler amidst the pulsating mass of bodies. It didn’t take long before I spotted him, surrounded by a group of girls, all dancing and laughing. Tyler was always the life of the party, attracting attention wherever he went. I approached him, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. “Hey man, what’s going on?” I shouted over the music. Tyler turned towards me, a mischievous grin on his face. “Lucius, my man! You made it! Meet these lovely ladies I just met. They’re a blast!” I exchanged pleasantries with the girls, trying to maintain a friendly demeanor despite my reservations about the club scene. It wasn’t really my scene, but I appreciated Tyler’s outgoing nature and his ability to have a good time. I dragged Tyler out of the scene towards a quiet corner. “Why did you call me here!” I seethe. His eyes darted left to right. “For the girls of course. I'm sure they're your type” he ushered dancing to the beats. My eyes went to them. They are indeed sexy girls but the current situation I am, I don't have time to waste on any w***e. “You don't know the situation am in at the moment” I said returning my gaze back to him. “What is that?” “Let's get out of here first. These girls are tempting me” “What! You mean to tell me the girl you had a one-night stand with is pregnant!” Tyler exclaimed after I had told him about my situation. I nodded, confirming Tyler’s assumption. “Yeah, she’s pregnant. And things are getting complicated. I never expected this to happen, but now I have to figure out what to do.” Tyler’s face shifted from surprise to concern. “Damn, man. That’s a tough situation. Have you talked to her about it? What does she want?” I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on me. “We’ve had some heated conversations, to say the least. She’s not happy about the pregnancy or the idea of marrying me. I don’t blame her, honestly. But I can’t just ignore my responsibilities.” Tyler placed a supportive hand on my shoulder. “Listen, Lucius, you need to find a way to communicate with her. It’s not just about you anymore. There’s a child involved. You have to find a solution that works for both of you.” “I don't think she'd understand. She's blaming me for everything. My father had already set the date for the wedding and mating ritual. I myself don't want this. But you know I'm going to be the Alpha, I can't start on a wrong foot” Tyler listened attentively, understanding the weight of my predicament. “I get it, man. It’s a tough spot you’re in. But sometimes, we have to make tough choices for the greater good. Being the Alpha comes with responsibilities, and you have to think about the pack’s stability and your future as a leader.” I nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. “Yeah, you’re right. I need to consider the bigger picture. But at the same time, I can’t ignore the fact that Jasmine is unhappy. I don’t want to start a marriage and a family on a shaky foundation.” Tyler placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I trust you will do the right thing. I will be happy if you settle down with a Luna. Anyways, I need to see the woman who managed to chain Lucius Blackwell down. I'd have to applaud her for this achievement” he teased with a wink. “Get out!” I spat through gritted teeth. Only for Tyler to shout as he made his way back to the club. “The great Alpha Lucius Blackwell is getting married!”
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