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Jasmine I can't believe the day has finally arrived. The day my life will change whether for good or worst. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about it. The pack house was in full swing. Some part of me waited for my parents's call but none came. Lucius sent the maids to help me with the dressing. As I sat infront of the vanity mirror, I saw a different person. I looked completely different. As if I wasn't the same Jasmine. Willow was already on her way coming so at least I won't feel left out. "Oh my god the dress!" I heard the gasp of the maid making me to turn around. There she stood with my wedding dress all covered in black stain. A gasp also left my lips. "What! How did this happen?" I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw my wedding dress, now completely ruined and covered in black stain. It was clear that I wouldn't be able to wear it in its current state. How could this have happened? The maid who brought the dress stood there, equally shocked by the sight before us. I felt a surge of frustration and disappointment. Who could have done this? Was it a deliberate act of sabotage? I tried to compose myself and not let the situation overwhelm me. Willow was on her way, and I didn't want to ruin the day with my own distress. I took a deep breath and turned to the maid. "Is there any way to fix this? Can we salvage the dress somehow?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of emotions. The maid shook her head, a look of helplessness on her face. "I'm sorry, ma'am. The damage is too extensive. It will be impossible to repair it in time for the ceremony." A sense of panic started to set in. What was I going to do now? My mind raced, searching for a solution. I couldn't walk down the aisle without a wedding dress. The weight of the situation bore down on me, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Just then, Willow arrived, her presence bringing a glimmer of hope. She looked at me, her eyes widening at the sight of the ruined dress. Without a word, she rushed over to me, offering comfort and support. "We'll figure something out, Jasmine," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We won't let this ruin your special day." I could feel panic rising inside me as I realized the gravity of the situation. I couldn't possibly go out without a wedding dress. The guests were already waiting outside, and Lucius' mother had put so much effort into planning this wedding. I couldn't bear to embarrass myself and let everyone down. I looked at Willow, hoping she would have an idea. "What do we do now? How can we solve this?" My voice trembled with desperation. Willow took a moment to think, her brows furrowing in deep concentration. "Okay, stay calm. We need to come up with a plan," she reassured me, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "Is there any other dress available? Maybe something that can be altered or borrowed?" I suggested, grasping at any possible solution. Willow nodded, her eyes scanning the room. "Let's check the other closets. Maybe there's something we can work with. We might need to get creative, but we'll find a solution." We began rummaging through the closets, searching for any dress that could be suitable for the occasion. My heart raced as time ticked away. I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment, but I knew I had to remain focused. Finally, among a sea of clothes, we found a dress that had potential. It wasn't a traditional wedding dress, but it was elegant and could be altered to fit me. It wasn't perfect, but it was our best option given the circumstances. "We can make this work," Willow said, a spark of optimism in her eyes. "We'll find a seamstress who can make the necessary alterations quickly. It won't be the original dress, but it will be beautiful nonetheless." "How can we find a seamstress this quickly? Time is ticking, and we need to act fast," I exclaimed, feeling the weight of urgency bearing down on me. Just then, the maid who had witnessed the unfortunate state of my ruined dress spoke up. "I can help," she offered, her voice filled with determination. Willow and I exchanged a glance, contemplating the feasibility of her proposal. "Can you really do that?" I asked, a glimmer of hope creeping into my voice. The maid nodded confidently. "Yes, I can. But we need some time. It will take about an hour," she explained. An hour seemed like an eternity in that moment, but Willow's reassuring hand on my shoulder helped me regain some composure. "Calm down, Jasmine. Trust that things will work out as planned. Let her get her toolkit, and we'll make the most of the time we have," she reassured me. I took a deep breath, trying to quell the rising anxiety within me. I had to trust in the process and believe that everything would come together. "Thank you," I said to the maid, grateful for her willingness to help. She quickly retrieved her toolkit, and we gathered in a designated area to assess the dress and discuss the necessary alterations. Time was of the essence, and we wasted no time in getting started. As the maid skillfully worked on the dress, adjusting and stitching, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her assistance. Her expertise and efficiency instilled a glimmer of hope in me, making me believe that perhaps we could salvage the situation. Together, we carefully tailored the dress to fit me, making alterations that would transform it into a beautiful wedding gown. Every passing minute brought us closer to completing the task, and with each stitch, my worries began to dissipate. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the maid stepped back, revealing the altered dress. It was not the original, but it had been transformed into something equally stunning. It hugged my figure in all the right places and exuded an air of elegance. I looked at myself in the mirror, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over me. Though unexpected, this turn of events had taught me the importance of adaptability and finding solutions even in the face of adversity. "Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate your kindness," I expressed my gratitude to the girl, giving her a brief hug. "Let's go, Willow," I said, turning to her and taking a deep breath. I knew that entering the pack hall would mean facing the curious eyes of everyone, including Lucius' mother. I couldn't help but feel anxious about her reaction to the altered wedding dress. However, I had to put those thoughts aside for now. The priority was to proceed with the ceremony and address the dress situation later. As we made our way down the corridor, my heart pounded in my chest. I felt a mix of excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. All eyes would be on me as I entered the pack hall, where the ceremony was set to take place. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the hall. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards me. I could feel the weight of their gazes, but I mustered up all the courage I had and walked forward with determination. As I approached the front, where Lucius and his family stood, I caught a glimpse of his mother's questioning gaze. I knew she must be wondering why I wasn't wearing the original wedding dress. It was a moment of uncertainty, but I held my head high, refusing to let any doubts overshadow the significance of this day. Lucius and I stood side by side, the priest positioned before us. He began reciting verses, but my attention drifted away. The words held no significance for me. I felt a deep sense of detachment and indifference. All I wanted was for this ceremony to be over so that I could escape from this place. I didn't belong here, amidst the scrutinizing gazes of the onlookers. I’m clearly doing this out of choice. Not because I want to. "Before we proceed with the rest of the vows, please step on stage for the mating ritual" Lucius held out his hand for me. My heart was telling me not to go ahead with it but then the look his parents were giving me. They were so happy witnessing whatever was going on. I took a deep breath and placed my hand atop his. However as we stepped on the stage, a voice echo through the crowd. "This mating ritual won't take place!" the voice rang out, cutting through the stillness. All eyes turned to the figure standing at the door.
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