
1873 Words
Jasmine No words were spoken between us again up to our arrival at our destination. My surprise was evident on my face as I make out the surrounding before me. It is one of the most beautiful mansion I've ever laid my eyes on. We stood outside the magnificent mansion, and I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. A "Wow" escaped my lips, and Lucius joined in the excitement. He parked the car and stepped out, and I followed suit. "Welcome to Castletown," he cheerfully exclaimed beside me. I turned to him, momentarily forgetting the anger I held inside me. "Is this the Castletown pack?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "Yes, this is where I live with my family. The next building is where the pack members stay," he explained, pointing towards a nearby structure. I nodded, still lost in the awe of it all. "There's much more to discover, but let's go inside for now," he profound. I nodded, following Lucius's lead as we walked towards the entrance of the grand mansion. The doors swung open, revealing a lavish interior that matched the splendor of the exterior. The scent of freshly cut flowers filled the air, and soft music played in the background, creating a welcoming ambiance. As we entered, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This was a whole new world for me, and I had no idea what to expect. Lucius guided me through the hallway, and I couldn't help but admire the intricate details of the architecture. We reached a spacious living area where a few people were gathered. They turned their heads toward us, their eyes filled with curiosity. The first person my landed on was Mr. Blackwell. Lucius father. I was welcomed by Lucius' father and some of the faces which I don't recognize. "Welcome to Castletown. Here we are all equal. Meaning we don't outcast one because he or she is not from our pack" a woman who resembles Lucius greeted me with a warm smile. The only thing I did was forced out a smile. From the looks of it, the people look like royalty. "Thank you Ma'am" I muffled out. "Call me mother. You're my son's soon-to-be wife" I spared Lucius a look whose face was held in a smile. "Beta Owen, go inform the pack members to prepare for a welcoming ceremony" Mr. Blackwell ordered a man sitting next to him. The man nodded in answer before walking away. I watched as Beta Owen quickly left the room to carry out Mr. Blackwell's orders. The atmosphere grew more lively as preparations for the welcoming ceremony began. I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and curiosity. What exactly did this ceremony entail? Lucius’s mother, who insisted I call her "mother," guided me to a comfortable seating area. She took a seat beside me, her eyes filled with a motherly warmth. Despite my initial doubts, I couldn't deny the sincerity in her voice and the genuine care she seemed to have for me. As we waited, Lucius sat down beside me, his hand lightly touching mine. His touch sent a wave of conflicting emotions through me. I couldn't forget the circumstances that brought us together, but there was a growing sense of connection between us. The sound of footsteps echoed through the hall, drawing our attention. The pack members began to gather, their faces displaying a mix of excitement and curiosity. The room filled with an air of anticipation as everyone took their places. Mr. Blackwell, standing at the front, cleared his throat and addressed the crowd. He spoke of unity, family, and the importance of embracing newcomers. His words resonated with me, and I began to realize that despite my doubts, I was now a part of something bigger than myself. The ceremony proceeded with various rituals and traditions, each carrying a significance that was explained to me along the way. It was a beautiful display of the pack's values and their commitment to embracing new members with open arms. As the ceremony concluded, I found myself surrounded by friendly faces, receiving warm greetings and well wishes from the pack members. Their genuine excitement and acceptance touched my heart, erasing some of the doubts and fears I had been holding onto. I stood in awe as I entered my new room, unable to suppress a gasp that escaped my lips. It was like a dream come true—a king-sized royal bed, adorned with luxurious sheets and pillows. The room itself was beautifully decorated, with elegant furniture, soft lighting, and everything a girl could wish for. But as quickly as my excitement rose, so did a wave of fear. I couldn't help but question the motives behind this treatment. Was it simply an act of kindness, or was it solely because of the baby growing inside me? I mustered a grateful smile and thanked the lady who had shown me to the room, but deep down, a nagging doubt lingered. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than meets the eye. As I settled into the room, I found myself torn between gratitude for the comfort provided and a sense of unease about the underlying intentions. Only time would reveal the truth, and until then, I vowed to stay cautious and not let my guard down. Just ten minutes after settling into my new room, a sudden knock jolted me from my thoughts. Before I could even respond, the door was kicked open, revealing Lucius' sister standing at the entrance. We exchanged no formal greetings; she had entered the house while I was making my way upstairs. "Hi," I managed to say, mustering a light smile. To my surprise, she didn't respond or return the smile. Instead, she forcefully dropped the tray she was carrying onto a nearby stool. The sound of the impact echoed in the room, and her harsh hiss sent a shiver down my spine. Without another word, she turned and walked away, leaving me with a lingering sense of unease. I couldn't help but wonder what had caused her sudden outburst and the cold reception. I tried not to think about the behavior she pulled and dig in my food. Normally, I was starving. I had to clear everything from the plate. By the time I was done, I gathered everything and head out. I met Lucius, his mother and his sister. "Oh Jasmine. You should've left it in the room. The maid will come and pick it" the woman warmly said. "No it's fine" I didn't take more than two steps when the maid came out of the kitchen and took the tray from my hand. I was left staring into space thinking of what to do. Either to leave or stay. Until Lucius sister broke the silence. "Brother are you sure this is the woman you want to marry?” she said bitterly. Taking not only me by surprise but her brother and her mother. Confusion was evident on their mother's face as she asked, "What do you mean Maggie?" Meanwhile, Lucius remained silent, his gaze fixed on his sister. "She's not your type, brother. I'm certain she's only here for the money," Maggie stated with a venomous edge to her words. Her accusation struck me like a sharp blow, and I gasped in disbelief at the audacity of her claim. Finally finding his voice, Lucius spoke up, his tone stern and firm. "Maggie, don't you ever say such a thing again," he warned her, his eyes piercing. Maggie scoffed in response before abruptly standing up. I didn't miss the look she passed me as she walked away. It clearly shows she doesn't like it. Not only by her words. With the way she was behaving and her looks towards me. But I couldn't care less. It's not like I want to be here in the first place. "Sorry for what she said Jasmine" Their mother ushered getting back my attention. I forced out a smile. "It's fine" "Do you want to sit?" She said. Lucius and I exchanged looks. At that moment I felt like slapping him. It was all his fault. As I found my way and sat down, he stood up. "Mother I will be out for some work" he announced. I wanted to roll my eyes but because of the woman sitting in front of me, I refrained from doing that. I found myself in an uncomfortable position as Lucius's mother bombarded me with a series of personal questions. She seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me, but it only served to remind me of the stark differences between our lives and backgrounds. She asked about my upbringing and the type of work I did, and I struggled to find the right words to respond. Opening up about my humble beginnings felt daunting, and I couldn't help but feel out of place in this grand mansion surrounded by opulence. I managed to give her brief answers, trying my best to maintain a polite demeanor. However, her curiosity seemed insatiable, and the constant probing left me feeling exposed and vulnerable. Deep down, I wondered if she truly wanted to know me as a person or if she was simply fulfilling her role as the mother of the man I was soon to marry. It was difficult to discern her intentions, and a sense of unease settled within me. I got to be freed when one of the pack members interrupted. I flee to my room without waiting for her to finish her discussion with the man. However, I was about to push my door open when Maggie voice resonated to my eardrums. "Do you think you'll get something here?" I clenched my jaw. I'm not ready to engage into any argument with her because it seems that's what she was looking for. I choose to ignore her and went on to open the door when she approached me in a long stride holding my hand and discarding it from the doorknob. "So you're pregnant" she said mockingly Ignoring her mocking tone, I replied curtly, "Yes, I am pregnant." Her laughter filled the hallway, echoing in my ears. It took all my self-control not to react to her taunts. Instead, I tried to maintain my composure. "I see. Your greediness is clearly visible. Let me make something clear to you" she marched forward. "We don't entertain cheap people here. Most especially people with fake facade" Ignoring Maggie's mocking words, I looked her straight in the eye. "Listen, Maggie. I'm not here because of you, and quite frankly, I don't care what you or anyone else says about me. If you're looking for someone to blame, go talk to your brother. He's the one who wanted to marry me," I stated firmly, Without giving her a chance to respond, I turned on my heels. I had no intention of engaging in any further argument with someone who clearly had a biased and judgmental view of me. Entering my room, I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. It was clear that I had stepped into a complicated and challenging situation.
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