Chapter 3

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The sight of hundreds of black-clad bodyguards bowing in unison was incredibly shocking and left countless passersby stunned. Some people also remembered that before Samantha treated the elderly woman, Ethan had given that elderly woman a vial of special medicine. Could it be that they had failed to recognize his true identity? But now none of that mattered. The elderly man paying his respects was the Patriarch of the Chapman family, which was a prestigious political family in the capital. The Chapman family had produced two generals and three state secretaries. It was a Jewish family that controlled a vast fortune of trillions. At this moment, everyone was guessing what the King of Hell meant. Ethan glanced at the elderly man and gave a slight wave of his hand. "If there's anything you need, we can discuss it when I return to the capital. Also, I don't want to see any news about what happened today." Having said that, Ethan stopped a taxi and headed toward the Sullivans' home. What was left was a shocked expression on the faces of the countless people present there. *** Half an hour later, the taxi pulled over at Sullivan family's villa. Ethan got out of the car and checked the back seat of Vivi's Porsche, only to discover that the painting he had left behind was gone. This painting, Marilyn Monroe, worth tens of millions, was a gift that he had intended to give to Henry after his release. Ethan was about to ring the villa's doorbell when the gate suddenly swung open. A well-dressed man emerged, laughing as he carried the painting. "It's authentic! I've confirmed it. This Marilyn Monroe is indeed an original Andy Warhol! Mrs. Sullivan, I won't be staying for dinner. Prepare a hundred million dollars, and we can finalize the contract the day after tomorrow!" After saying this, the man got into an Audi and quickly drove away from the Sullivan family's estate. "Mr. Louis, goodbye!" Hannah waved and said, standing at the villa's entrance with her arms crossed. She then turned to Ethan with an irritated look and said, "You ex-convict! Change your shoes and come inside now!" Since they had left Ethan at the courthouse, Hannah and Vivi got some good scolding from Henry when they got home. Ethan ignored her and glanced into the villa. He saw that there was another man in the living room besides Vivi's family. The man, with a slick hairstyle and an immaculate designer suit, was wearing a broad smile. This was Peter Brown, Vivi's pursuer. Henry held Peter's hands and said with a grateful expression, "We owe you a huge thanks, Mr. Brown! If you hadn't brought the painting, we wouldn't have landed this project. You've really gone out of your way this time. I'll make sure to repay you for the cost of the painting in double someday!" Peter smiled faintly and said with a casual tone, "Henry, you're being too formal. Vivi is my friend. I've got her back. Of course I should help her out of trouble." "Mr. Brown, did you buy an Andy Warhol painting and give it to that manager?" Vivi hurried over to Peter with a face full of shock. "Hey Vivi, don't be so surprised. We're good friends. It's only natural for me to help!" Peter said with a smile. His gaze then shifted to Ethan who had just entered, and his expression turned cold. "And who might this be?" "A recently released ex-convict. Just ignore him!" Lydia Lee spotted Ethan as she emerged from the kitchen. She had just spotted Ethan walking in and was speaking with a sarcastic tone. 'I can't understand why Henry is so set on marrying our daughter to an ex-convict like Ethan. Our daughter is so accomplished. She became a company president right after graduating from university. My ideal son-in-law should at least be someone of Peter's social standing!' Henry shot Vivi a stern look and quickly stood up to welcome Ethan and invite him to sit down. Ethan didn't see the need to argue with Lydia. After all, he had lived here with his mother for years before he went into prison. During that time, he had endured plenty of her disdain. But the matter of the painting couldn't just be left like this! Ethan gave Peter a cold, scrutinizing look and said, "The Marilyn Monroe painting is a gift from me to Henry. When did it become yours?" That startled everyone. "Ethan, have some shame!" Lydia's anger flared as she glared at him. "Do you even know how much money you have after just getting out of prison? That painting is an original by Mr. Andy Warhol. It is worth several million dollars! Can you afford that? Why don't you simply say that the Capital Mansion on Moonview Mountain is yours too?" "The Capital Mansion on Moonview Mountain is indeed mine," Ethan said calmly. 'During my ten years in prison, I trained ten generals, eight scientists, and dozens of leaders in finance, technology, and martial arts for the U.S.. Among them was Tyler Jackson, the God of War from North Region. Three years ago, he gifted me the Capital Mansion on Moonview Mountain to repay my teachings!' Henry said with a serious expression, "Ethan, why have you started talking nonsense as soon as you get out of prison?" Peter waved his hand casually and said, "Lydia, I understand. Ethan must be feeling uncomfortable about not being able to give a gift. So he claims the painting as his own to save his honor in front of you all. I totally get it." "Well… that painting can belong to Ethan!" Peter pretended to give in, pointing to the two bottles of Romanée-Conti at the entrance. "I only brought these two bottles of wine with me. There was no painting!" Peter's strategy of retreating to advance only made Lydia's disdain for Ethan reach its peak. Vivi also gave Ethan a disdainful glance. She thought to herself, 'This guy has no real abilities but only a thick skin. He probably thinks that since he didn't bring a gift after his release, he can claim the credit for the painting as if it were his. How despicable!' "Henry, I'm not joking. I left the painting in the car when Vivi and I went to the city hall," Ethan continued to explain. "At that time, Hannah was sitting in the back seat with me. You can ask her if you don't believe me." Henry turned to Hannah, and asked with a sunk tone, "Hannah, did you see Ethan having a painting with him when he went to the city hall with Vivi?" "What painting? I didn't see anything!" Hannah blinked and replied with feigned ignorance. In fact, she remembered that Ethan had indeed brought a painting. Since he wasn't allowed in the car at the city hall, she and Vivi had returned home where Peter greeted them and saw the painting in the car. He took it and gave it to the manager. But so what? Even if Marilyn Monroe was originally brought by Ethan, it was properly stolen. Such a person didn't deserve anyone defending him. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Ethan, waiting to see how he would try to explain himself. Lydia snapped straightforwardly, "So you have no excuses to argue back? You are just a piece of trash!" Seeing Ethan being ridiculed, Peter's lips curled into a cold smile. "Alright, let's not dwell on it. After all, Ethan has just been released from prison and needs to make an impression. Let's be understanding." "To make an impression, one should use real skills! Claiming a painting worth millions as your own is no different from theft," Hannah said, rolling her eyes at Ethan and turning her head away in disgust. 'He is so unworthy. Vivi is truly unfortunate to marry him.' Ethan gave a cold smile and said to Peter, "You have no idea who you're dealing with. I suggest you should be careful, or you might not even get the chance to apologize to me later." "That is too much!" Vivi's expression darkened as she snapped, "Ethan, how much longer are you going to keep this up? Mr. Brown is speaking on your behalf, and you still dare to threaten him! I really don't understand why an ex-convict like you is so defiant. Are you planning to hit Mr. Brown and end up in prison again for a few more years?" Ethan glanced at Hannah and said coldly, "If you think about it carefully, you'll realize that the painting was indeed brought by me. I wonder what your intentions are in hiding the truth." The girl appeared innocent, but it was surprising how much she enjoyed lying. After hearing this, Hannah hid behind Vivi and pretended to be scared. "Ethan, you're not going to hit me too, are you? Is it not enough that I say that the painting was brought by you?" "Lydia, the painting was indeed brought by Ethan. Please stop nagging on him." Seeing Hannah's pitiful appearance, Lydia was furious. "Ethan, you ex-convict! You steal Mr. Brown's credit and even dare to threaten Hannah! Do you believe I'll throw you out of this place right now?" "Enough!" Henry said loudly, stopping everyone. "This matter ends here. No one should mention it again! The project has been secured, and we need one hundred million dollars for the contract the day after tomorrow. The Sullivan Corporation only has a few millions in funds. Have the bank loans been approved?" Vivi shook her head and said, "I just made a call. The application for the one hundred million dollar loan has been rejected again." Henry sighed heavily and said, "We have forty million unrecoverable from the Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and the loan application is now rejected. So, even if we get the project, we won't be able to sign the contract. If this continues, you might have to resign soon as the president!" "Well, don't get too anxious. Worrying all night won't solve anything," Lydia said, also wearing a worried expression. Peter's eyes glinted with malice as he coughed twice and said, "Lydia, didn't Ethan say he bought the painting? Someone who can afford a painting worth million should have some skills. Why not ask him for help?" After saying this, Peter turned to Ethan with a mocking expression. 'An ex-convict just out of prison probably can't even get past the bank's front door. Let me see how you continue to show off now. '
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