CH 3

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Luci Luci found herself eyeing off that next generation of Alpha Unit. They were all a year older than her, having been born before she was, and they trained separately from her; she not having a wolf was her father’s reasoning on that one, but she did get to hang out with them a fair bit. They were all good friends, but she didn’t know if they knew her father was going to wait for Thatcher to become of age and pass her over or not. Though not having a wolf was just another reason, she was a disappointment to her father. Not to her mother though, she didn't seem to mind at all, wasn’t even concerned about it. Those three men she knew were good and strong, had lots of stamina, and she found all three of them looking at her as she looked them over. Alex had a slight smile on his face as she looked at him. Luci knew that she was pretty; took right after her mother, she had the same rich chocolate brown hair, that was thick and lustrous, and fell all the way down her back, she’d never cut it. Her eyes were a brilliant green that drew everyone’s attention, and they had long, thick, dark lashes. She had full pink lips that just begged to be kissed. She had curves to die for, large firm breasts and a tight ass to grab on to, or so Trent told her. She did work out, though just not like all the others here did. For Luci, no wolf meant not training for the same number of hours that the others got to. Not even every day like they did as well. Another restriction of her father's. Only three times a week, either in the morning or afternoon, but not both. The wolfen training regime would be too taxing on her wolf-less body is what he told her. She hated that fact; wanted to train with everyone else. Those three men over there all knew that she was off limits to them. Her father had warned them already, ‘Unless you scent her out, don’t touch her.’ he’d told them right in front of her, just so she knew as well, then he’d threatened to de-rank them down to Omega status if they did touch her. She sat at that table and smiled at each one of them in turn, though she knew none of them would risk their position within the pack, no ranked members boys would, they were all under the same threat of de-ranking if they dared to touch their Alpha’s daughter. Trent was a warrior and only just so, he wasn’t a ranked member, so that threat didn’t extend to him, another loophole she’d found and made use of. She’d been dating him for two years, though only officially in her father's eyes for six months, she had kept him off her father’s radar. There was nothing her father could really do about it. Her mother approved of it. Now that she was 18, she could sleep with him as an adult, so Luci did. Those three boys over there, at this point, were considered to be her Alpha Unit, her future Beta Alexander, her Gamma Dominic and her Delta Vincent, or, as she called them, Alex, Dom and Vinny, were all ripped and good-looking, and they knew it. Also knew she was now 18 and an adult. They all smiled right at her this morning as she looked them over. “Luci.” It was her father’s disapproving tone, came from her left where he sat next to her. He always sat her right next to him, another way of keeping unwanted male attention, in his eyes, off of her. She turned her eyes to him. He was 44 and only looked to be 30, had blue eyes and black hair, she definitely didn’t take after him in any way at all. Thatcher, her little brother did though, he had the same hair and eyes. “Yes, father.” She acknowledged him. “What have I told you?” He snapped right at her. “The boys are off limits, unless one turns out to be my Mate.” She answered in a bored tone. She knew the rules. “Then stop staring at them.” He grated out. “Yes, father.” She nodded and turned her eyes back to her meal. She needed to get to another pack, to find a better man to sate her needs. Luci heard Kali snort right at her, fully amused by that thought, ‘how do you suppose you’ll do that?’ she chortled. They both knew their father was very controlling. ‘I don’t know, but there’s got to be a way.’ She sighed right back at her wolf. She was already getting angsty, and she’d had s*x last night, albeit disappointing s*x for her, and had gone home and sorted herself, but it wasn’t the same, and she knew it deep down. Hell, she’d seen it with her own eyes, couples going at it out in the woods, heard it, knew it could be so much better, wanted to experience that for herself. Her eyes moved back to the next Alpha Unit, and she sighed out loud at the thought of them being off limits to her. Was actually smacked up the back of her head, “Enough.” Her father snapped at her. “I can’t help it.” she snapped right back at him, suddenly angry that he would deny her needs. The whole room went silent in an instant, and she knew why, she’d just yelled at her own father; the Alpha to the pack, in front of all here eating breakfast in the dining hall. She’d never done that before. She knew she was about to be punished for it as well. She knew that one didn’t just go yelling at the Alpha and get away with it, not even if you were his eldest child. She turned her eyes on him, and yes, he was completely furious at her disrespect in front of all. “My office now, Lucian.” He snarled right at her. Luci stood and followed the man, heard her mother sigh heavily, followed him all the way to his office. There was no point in apologising, he’d not care for it, ‘Too late’ would be all he would say. He stalked across to his desk and snapped at her, “Sit the hell, down.” As he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. She sat as directed. “You’re out of control.” He snarled at her, “I’d lash you, but without your wolf, you wouldn’t survive it.” Nothing she hadn’t heard him say before, in the past two years, when he was displeased with her. Luci said nothing to his comment, just sat there. She knew better, knew to stay quiet when being admonished. “The full moon is coming up, and you’ve just turned 18, you’re supposed to be presented to the pack officially and find your Mate. But no, you’re out there, eye f*****g not one, but all three of the unit that is supposed to be your unit when you take over.” She damned near laughed at him, her taking over what a joke, though held it in, “Not mine father.” She stated simply instead, “Your son’s, I believe you want Thatcher to take over.” Luci voiced aloud, her mother wasn’t in this room to hear her say it and get annoyed by it, was the only time she or her father would acknowledge the truth of what he wanted. Luci saw his jaw tighten, obviously he didn’t like her come back. “Not the point,” he muttered. “Then the point would be?” she asked with a shrug. “You dare to speak to me like that girl? I’ll take you from this pack, and you’ll not find your Mate for another month.” Now that got her undivided attention, and she wondered if he thought Trent was going to be her Mate, therefore removing her from the pack for the full moon would stop her scenting him out. That was interesting to her. But his words; that was just what she wanted, in fact. “You wouldn’t dare!” she shot right at him. “Mother would blow a gasket.” She actively taunted him now. A full challenge in one hand and his mate unhappy with him in the other. She wondered just what he would do? She knew when and where to play that card when it was needed, because her mother was always on her children’s side, more so hers than Thatcher's, but she thought that was just because the boy was doted on by their father. Luci saw his temper really flare up now, his whole face was red with anger, knew he would like to beat her one right this minute, but also knew that her mother wouldn’t stand for it, and she knew so did he for that matter. Her mother would leave him or beat the living hell out of him herself if he did that. “Pack your bags.” He roared at her, “I’ll take you from this pack, you can attend my allied meeting with me. So yes Lucian, I dare to stop you scenting out your Mate and I dare to stop you from f*****g one or all of those boys while I’m away, if Trent isn’t your Mate. I’m not so stupid Luci. You’re taunting me into leaving you here alone without supervision.” No, she wasn’t, but if he thought that, so be it. “It’s cruel. Don’t you think I suffer enough, not having a wolf, and being a disappointment to you?” “You disappoint me not because you’re wolf-less, Luci, but because you would not wait on finding your Mate, yes, I know you and Trent are at it. Thank your mother for his head still being attached to his body. I’m disappointed because you wouldn’t wait as an Alpha female should.” “Bullshit, father. I’ve done nothing but disappoint you since I turned 12.” “Because you don’t do as you're told.” He stood up and roared right at her, “Now get out of my office before I do lash you.” he slammed his fist down on his desk in his temper. Luci stalked from the office, slammed his door shut good and proper, like she was as mad as he was, when really she wasn’t at all, but this wasn’t the first time she had seen that temper of his; they could both tick each other off real good. She walked up the stairs to her room to pack, smiling to herself as she walked into her suite. ‘Out of this pack we go’, surely the goddess herself was looking over her and her needs. Luci chuckled at her own thought, there had to be someone in that other pack willing to help her out. Someone that wasn’t afraid of her father, someone that her father couldn’t threaten to rip the heads off or de-rank; she wondered just when they would be leaving, was feeling quite excited about it. She sank down on her bed and just waited once packed, it didn’t take long for her mother to walk into her room. “Did you really have to taunt the man, he’s mad enough about Trent.” “I have needs.” She muttered. “I know, all Alpha’s do, and your father is old-fashioned.” “Oh, I know.” She dripped with sarcasm, “Alpha females must be pure and untouched for their Mates…but oh, an Alpha male must go and sew his wild oats, in anything that is willing.” She watched her mother snort with full amusement. “Alright, stop that now. You sound just like him, you know.” “It’s not the first time I’ve repeated him.” Luci nodded. “So, daughter of mine. You’ll be coming with your father and I, along with Thatcher, to this meeting, I hear.” “Well, if he leaves me here, unsupervised, I apparently will f**k my whole Alpha Unit.” “Would you?” her mother asked curiously. “Maybe,” Luci admitted with a shrug, she didn’t know the answer to that herself. If the first one sated her needs it was unlikely, she thought to herself. “Then Sweetie, I suggest you come along…any sign of your wolf at all? Or anything else?” “No…” she shook her head, yet again she had heard that odd phrase, ‘or anything else?’ from her mother. She shook it off. “You’ll shift eventually, your special Luci. I named you after a water deity. I know you’ll shift, just be patient.” “One day.” Luci nodded as her mother left the room. She had never found that water deity, had searched everywhere for that reference. Nothing had come up at all, not in their world, not in the human world. She had absolutely no idea what her mother was on about. There was no water deity known by that name that she could find and Luci had looked for it, to see who and what they were. Had come to the conclusion her mum had probably just been really high on the drugs from the pack doctor the day she’d been born. She had heard that her birth had been more than difficult. That her mother’s labour had lasted for three days. The poor woman had suffered a lot of pain during that time. So, it was highly likely that she’d been given painkillers and lots of them.
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