CH 4

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Orien He needed to calm down before his Mate walked into this office, and he knew that she was going to, he’d just smacked Luci up the back side of her head. Their Mating Alliance mandated he was not to harm the girl. And though he had not, not really, he’d heard Addi's sigh when he’d walked away with Luci in tow. It was the only leeway he got where either of their children were concerned. She frowned upon it, and didn’t like seeing it, but seemed to understand that, as a parent, sometimes admonishment had to be done, though he was always the bad guy on that front. He needed to think about something else before Addison came into this room. She didn’t like coming into the Alpha’s office and seeing him angry, especially at one of the children or knowing it had been aimed at one of them. It made her angry, something specific, about anger in this office specifically, something from her past, he could only presume, seeing that she never talked about it. Likely something to do with herself and something that had happened to her in an Alpha's office. He turned his thoughts to his Mate herself, how beautiful she was, how much he loved her and Rali loved Fallon, how they were with each other, the bond they had and smiled a little as he thought about just waking up this morning with her draped across him all naked. He was surprised that they only had Thatcher and no other children, considering the amount of mating they did, and she went into heat once a year as well, but still no children after Thatcher; though it had taken eight long years to get him after Luci was born. Orien sighed to himself, he’d thought they simply weren’t going to have a child of their own between them, and he’d not been allowed to ask her to give him one either. Their Mating Alliance stipulated only when the Goddess saw fit to give them one and how many, was also up to Selena herself. Though it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying for those eight years, he and Rali had knotted Addison during all her heats, multiple times. Hell, Rali still knotted himself to Fallon after every pack run each month, right there in front of the pack members sometimes. Fallon didn’t seem to mind it, was their wolves showing their pack that they were still strongly bonded to each other. He would love to have more children with his mate, but it seems that wasn’t to be. He watched Addi walk into his office and look right at him, and he’d sighed. At least his anger was gone, “I didn’t punish her, but if I smelled her arousal, so could the whole bloody table, including those boys.” He muttered. “We have to do something about this Addison.” “There is nothing you can do Orien, our daughter is a Pure-blooded Alpha, and you yourself know about how crazy needy you and I are, even now mated for 18 years, you and I are insatiable some nights. She is not going to be any different to either one of us. It is simply an Alpha bloodline trait.” “I don’t like it. She needs to have some self-control.” “She has it, waited till she was 18, unlike half the she-wolves in the pack right now, who are between 16 and 18 and going at it with their boyfriends daily. Did you wait till you were 18?” Orien frowned, she already knew the answer to that question, and it was, ‘no’. He’d had a girlfriend in high school, they’d started having s*x pretty much the minute she got her wolf. “Couldn’t she at least wait until she gets her wolf?” he tried turning it around. “What if she never does? Do you expect her to be an Alpha-blooded female that is celibate all her life?” “No,” he huffed, “of course not Addi. When she finds her Mate she...” “Orien, there is no guarantee she will find a Mate. You didn’t find me till you were 26, but you still had needs, did you not? Sated them when and wherever you could, yes?” “Addison.” “Don’t you Addison me. Alpha-blooded is Alpha-blooded, let it go and get off her back. Or I’ll give that girl permission to f**k a ranked member, I’ll go and pick one for her myself, after I size them all up.” Orien’s mouth actually fell open at her bold statement. He was completely shocked by his own Mate's words. He even knew what that meant, ‘Go and size them all up’ that she would stand and look at them while they were naked to see who had the biggest d**k and pick that one for Luci. Addison was glaring right at him, and he really wanted to yell, but he knew better. They were about to go away, and if he yelled, she would likely not go with him, opt not only to stay here but to keep Luci here with her as well. Then go and do just what she’d told him she would do. “Addi, we’re off to the Black Forest Pack in just a few hours. And we’ll be taking both the children with us.” “What for?” she stated, still staring at him. “You’ve never wanted either of them to be in other packs, you certainly have never wanted that Alpha and Beta around Luci.” He sighed now, she did have him on that one, those two liked to share she-wolves between them, he didn’t want them anywhere near Luci. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place right this minute: To leave Luci here or to take Luci with him? Neither option suited him at all. Thankfully, up until this very minute in time, he’d been able to time their trips here to the pack with Luci not being here inside the pack, off on some day trip, or weekend camp for school. She would certainly catch their eye and he knew it. He changed tactics with Addison and brought Luci up as the heir to the pack, something he knew she liked hearing. “It is time, she is 18 now, needs to see how it is inside allied packs, learn how to conduct herself as the future Heir to our pack, in other packs.” He saw her narrow those eyes of hers on him, and then she just sighed herself after a full minute. “Fine, but you will conduct yourself as well.” She muttered right at him before leaving his office with a slight bang of his door. She was not fooled by his choice of words, conduct instead of behave, she had used that word right back at him, to show him she’d understood his meaning all too well. He leaned back in his chair; the bloody woman knew him too damned well sometimes. But with Luci not here inside the pack on the full moon and with half the available male pack members looking to see if she was their Mate, especially that boyfriend of hers, getting that girl out of here was a good thing. His gut was telling him it wasn’t going to be that boy, she wasn’t getting what she needed from him. But if she did find a Mate, he just knew his daughter wouldn’t bloody care if he saw her marking and mating. Mated pairs went at it out in the woods all the time in both human and wolfen form. She would be no different, though he had a feeling she would do it just to tick him off, because she knew he couldn’t say anything at all about it when it happened. Marking and Mating was natural and expected of Goddess Gifted pairs, and some Alphas weren’t all that concerned about when and where, some would just out right fight it out for dominance in front of all until one submitted and was Mated fully, regardless of who saw them. He got the feeling Luci would do that just to annoy him. Though even taking her to another pack was not a good thing with the full moon upon her, after her 18th birthday, she could well find herself Mated off to someone in that pack. Though he doubted very much it would be the Alpha or Beta to the Black Forest Pack. They were 36; twice her age, though whoever their Mate was had yet to show themselves, and from what he could tell, neither of them intended to Mark anyone that wasn’t their actual Goddess Gifted Mate. Orien knew that here in Nightfall those two had not found a single she-wolf to share between them. It wasn’t often one would willing put themselves between an Alpha and a Beta that wasn’t their Mate; they would be a lot to handle for one she-wolf. So that was a blessing. Luci was new to s*x and wouldn’t be up for that, so taking her with him was the only option open to him right this minute. Though taking Luci to their pack, he was going to have to check her wardrobe, no make-up would be allowed, the girl was stunningly beautiful like her mother even without it. But those eyes of hers; he shook his head. He’d heard more than one boy talk about them and how amazing they were, and they were not wrong. He’d raised Luci as his own, was considered his own daughter, but those eyes of hers were a dead giveaway that she was not actually his, they were her biological father's eyes, and he knew it. Not that Luci knew that she had been told those eyes where a family trait on her mother’s side was all. Something she believed, never having seen anyone in her mother’s family. Not even he knew where her home pack was, not what part of the country it was in, not what the pack was called, not even her mother and fathers names. If she had siblings? Nothing about her past at all. 18 years they’d been mated to each other; it was clear she never intended to say a word about it to anyone, including him. Though he understood she loved her first mate, he’d had trouble obtaining her himself due to how recent her first mate’s death had been. Orien sighed and got up. He was going to have to sort out clothes for Luci as well, nothing revealing for the girl or all the bloody un-mated male wolves inside the Black Forest Pack were going to be wanting to mate her as well. She was a nightmare to handle and not just because she was Alpha-blooded, but because of how naturally curious, friendly and damned beautiful the girl was. All eyes were on her, even while growing up, he already had offers for Mating Alliances for her, because of her bloodline and beauty. Not that he’d agreed to any, and he knew Addison’s opinion on that, a Mating Alliance was a no unless it was for Luci’s Goddess Gifted Mate or someone, she chose to love herself. All of that was just going to get worse now that she was 18 and of legal age. He was actually glad she didn’t have her wolf. It kept those ranked members away from her, he just knew they’d be all over her if and when she became shifter. He actually recalled remembering this issue when she’d been born, and Addi had just laughed it off unconcerned. Nothing around his daughter was ever easy, and he had to be very careful to always uphold his Mating Alliance with Addison, or he could lose his mate over the girl. That was more bothersome to him than anything else, and some days he just wanted to scream at the girl regardless of that Mating Alliance he had. If not for that Mating Alliance, he and Luci would likely have come to blows already.
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