CH 2

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Orien He was utterly furious with Luci, to have her show him such disrespect out there in the dining hall, where all of his pack members were sitting after their morning training, to eat their breakfast and could see it. She was becoming more of an unmanageable nightmare for him with every day that now passed. Luci had always been a handful, but now she was so bloody headstrong he didn’t even know what to do with her anymore. She had just turned 18 and was a Pure-blooded Alpha female, anything he said to her, she saw as a challenge. Had started getting like that at just 12, got worse at 16 and now, anything he said set off that Alpha mentality. She may not have a wolf yet, but she still had that Alpha blood running in those veins, and one of an unknown Alpha to him at that. He’d been mated to Addi for 18 years and not once in all that time had she spoken of Luci’s true lineage, not even so much as what that girl's father’s personality had been like. He’d only asked once, and Addi had simply shut herself off from him and Rali. They’d been mated for about 3 years at the time and a 3-year-old Luci had been standing there in their suite screaming up at him and Addi had done nothing to curb the girl's temper. He'd asked via the mind-link what her father was like, his temperament only, and she’d stared at him and then just picked Luci up and walked away with her and banged into Luci’s room and cut herself from him and Rali. He’d learned the hard way that day to not bring the man up at all, he'd thought it would be okay to ask just one question about him. It had been three years, and they were happily marked and mated, had a really good bond even. But no, it was not something to be brought up, and it had taken him 4 days to get her back into his bedroom with him. He had apologized every day, not that she’d seemed to care to hear it apparently, had littered that room with flowers and, by the end of the four days, all the pack knew they were arguing because she was quiet and only spent time with Luci, and he’d been a surly man himself for those days. Orien could only think that Luci was very much like Addison’s first mate, and that was why she let Luci get away with everything and anything, liked seeing her first mate in their daughter. Something he now thought she actually encouraged. Then this morning, Luci had been eyeing off the next generation of the pack's Alpha Unit, and those three he had seen look at her more often than he liked. He also knew that each one of them over there, were all looking for her to be their Mate come this full moon. Not that he thought that was going to happen, but he did know they all wanted her for their Mate. He had actually heard the three of them talking about it once and had not liked hearing it either, they had all only just turned 17, and she wasn’t even of mating age. But they all wanted to have s*x with her and the language that had come out of the future Beta had not impressed him at all. What he would do to the girl if she was his. The three of them had walked around the corner of the packhouse while laughing and talking about it and come face to face with their own Alpha that day. All of their mouths had snapped shut instantly, realizing that he’d heard them all talking about his daughter in such an unholy manner. He’d been absolutely furious with the three of them and had hauled their backsides into his office and then called all their fathers in as well. None of his own unit had been impressed by the words their sons had to repeat to them that day. They all had designs on Luci and though she’d not even been 16, a month away from that even, and with no wolf at the time, they were all apparently just waiting on it, for her to get her wolf so they could all have a good time with her. Apparently, they had seen her looking at them, and taken it as a sign she’d be up for it the minute she got her wolf. Each boy had been lashed by their own father for the vulgarity of their thoughts and words about the s*x acts they wanted to do to their Alpha’s daughter. One lash for each vulgar word had been their punishment. Those three had learned the hard way, that very day, that Luci was off limits to them. The minute Luci had turned 16 and not gotten her wolf the following full moon, he had hauled them all in once more. He had even brought Luci in that day as well, to make sure that all four of them were clear in the understanding; that there would be no fraternising between any of them and her. They should have already understood this, but he was just making sure his Alpha-blooded daughter, who he’d seen himself, was starting to show more signs of interest in boys around her; and that it had been growing by the day. That she too understood that they, the future Alpha Unit, were completely off limits to her as well. So far so good. But today, this morning at breakfast, she had just gone one step too far, she had been sitting next to him and, to his shock and then horror, he had actually smelt the light scent of arousal coming from her, from just looking at them. He’d known what she was thinking just by the scent coming off her, and no parent wanted to smell that on their child, especially not their daughter. If he could smell it, then so could others around them. Likely even those boys themselves because they had been focused on her. Could well have been smelling for it to see if she was interested in them and if so, they would have picked it up easily. She was bloody lucky that right this minute she wasn’t locked in her bedroom, and he wasn’t off hunting down a witch to create and put some sort of magical chastity belt on her, if there was such a thing, that was. Or that she wasn’t locked in a cell to keep her away from all the boys inside this pack. His only option now was to take her with him everywhere he went, when he left the pack, or he just bloody knew she was going to start working her way through the next generation Alpha Unit. Even though she knew bloody well they were off limits to her. No wolf meant no ranked members. She was technically still considered to be just human at this point. Hell, he didn’t want her doing anyone inside this pack or out of it. Wanted her to wait on her Mate, but that just didn’t happen. She had a boyfriend and was to his unhappiness, doing that boy nightly. He’d had the unpleasant moment of realizing it when he’d been out with Addi on a night walk, and they’d heard her themselves, demanding things of that boy and how she wanted it. Addi had been very quick to latch onto him and drag him away, she had used Fallon’s strength to do so, told him it was a natural thing for Luci to do. He’d not liked it, and wanted to beat the hell out of both Luci and Trent for that matter. She’d only been 18, all of one bloody day, and was out there having s*x with her boyfriend. He had been told by Addison, “At least she waited until she was 18.” And he’d gotten the distinct feeling her mother had not expected her to. Addi had been trying to placate his anger over hearing them. That had not resolved his anger at all, and Addi had taken it upon herself to distract him for the rest of the night herself; all night long and when he was done with his own Mate. He was mellowed out and relatively calm. By the time he’d left the Alpha suite the next morning, leaving his beautiful mate all mated out and still in need of sleep and rest because she’d denied him nothing that night; he knew why. So that he would leave Luci alone. Which he had done so, up until this very morning. Smelling that arousal coming off of her had done him in, how could he just ignore it? He just couldn’t take it today, he was due to leave in just a few short hours to go north to the Black Forest Pack, his pack was in need of a new agility course, and they were his allied pack and that was one of the things they specialised in. He was to be gone for four or five days all up. A day there, a day back and two or three days inside their pack, depending on discussions and the contract needed. But now he knew that Luci couldn’t be left here inside the pack unsupervised by him. Not even left under the watchful eyes of her mother, that woman would simply turn a blind eye to what her daughter was doing. It was like Luci just couldn’t do anything wrong in her mother’s eyes. Never once had she punished the girl, and other than the word ‘Luci.’ with a bit of tone. He’d never seen her smack the girl, even as a tiny child, though he’d never seen her smack their boy Thatcher, either. She didn’t seem like she was the admonishing type, so punishment was always left up to him. Luci had always been headstrong, but now that she was an actual adult and 18, she was fully realized to her Alpha-bloodline. It was going to get out of hand if he didn’t start teaching her a lesson or two. She would become so defiant that she was completely uncontrollable. That girl also knew his hands were bloody tied by his own Mate. Her mother wouldn’t stand for him even smacking the girl as a small child. So she wasn’t about to stand for him lashing her one now either. Addison was also not likely to agree with him wanting to put her in the cells for a few days. Orien sighed to himself; teaching that girl a lesson was not an easy thing for him to do. Just making Luci cry ticked his own Mate off, and got them into heated arguments. He rubbed a hand over his face and groaned out loud. She tried his patience damned near every day. He had to find a way to deal with her without ticking Addison off. He did not like sleeping alone, and he also knew Addi was one to make him when she was angry with him. Addison would just get up and pack a bag and move out of their bedroom to punish him herself. She was a Pure-blooded Alpha wolf, was strong and stubborn as hell. She could stand there and stare him down without fear of any kind. Would fold those arms of hers and raise an eyebrow at him, and he either had to back down or sleep alone. If she actually left the suite, it could take a week or more for her to accept his apology and forgive him. Though the forgiving part he liked, two or three days of mating the hell out of each other, anywhere and everywhere in their suite. It was glorious for not just him but her as well. Even their wolves, Rali and Fallon, would mate like crazy after a few days of separation. Going away for allied assistance, Mating Balls and Alpha meetings or off to the kingdom for that annual Alpha meeting with their King in attendance, and coming home afterwards. That was something he looked forward to, it was always fun to come home to his beautiful mate who would yank him into their bed because she’d missed him, and wanted him, climbed right on top of him, and they’d have s*x all night, sometimes all the next day even.
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