CH 5

2097 Words
Luci Wow, this pack was huge. The Black Forest Pack was almost a full day’s drive up to the northern part of Idaho, from their pack Nightfall, which was down in the middle eastern part of Oregon. Her father had made her wash her make-up off before leaving the packhouse. The man had even gone through her suitcase, and rid it of any make-up she had in there as well. “There will be no dolling yourself up.” He’d muttered at her, right before he’d started going through her clothes next. He took out the one dress she’d packed; it wasn’t even fancy, just a simple sundress, and it had been a modest one, had a hem-line that went all the way to her knees, had capped sleeves and a square neckline that showed no cleavage. What more did the man want? Her dad had only allowed her to pack jeans and tee-shirts, and then he had ummed and ahhed over which ones as well. He hadn’t particularly liked any of them, she thought. Not that he had a problem with her wearing any of them here inside of Nightfall. He’d stared at her in the end and muttered, “Which one’s aren’t skin tight?” “None of them are.” And they weren’t. Luci liked to be comfortable in her jeans. “They are fitted but not skinny jeans, father.” He’d been unhappy but had tossed three pairs into her suitcase along with only loose-fitting tee-shirts and then a sweater as well. He’d looked at her sleepwear and frowned. “It’s that, or I sleep butt ass naked.” She’d folded her arms across her chest and stared at him pointedly. There was nothing wrong with what she had packed. A silk top and shorts, it was simple regular sleepwear around the pack, even in winter as it was now, because they ran hot, she didn’t feel the cold never really had. He’d tossed them in, banged her suitcase shut and zipped it up, then carried it out to the car himself. Clearly, he did not trust her not to repack it to her liking, she’d just rolled her eyes and walked out after him. Was used to his overbearing ways where she was concerned, but it was getting more annoying by the day. Trent had been standing outside the packhouse to say goodbye to her, and she’d walked over to him and kissed him, pressing her whole body to his a little, “I’ll miss you, my sexy beast.” She’d winked at him. Luci heard her father growl in annoyance, “Get in the bloody car, Lucian.” She’d just grinned up at Trent and then gone and gotten in the car. He’d known she was tormenting her father. It’s what she did, he never seemed to mind her using him for that. Usually got other things in return as a thank you. Now here she was in another pack and for two or maybe three whole days, and though she knew that her father would be watching her like a hawk would its prey. Surely, she could find a way to slip out. Once he was in bed, the man slept like the dead when his mate was in his arms. A bonus, her mother was also there. If not, sneaking out would be a nightmare. The gates to the pack were amazing. A massive black wrought iron gate that stood at least twelve feet high and was a good 25 feet wide. On it was a depiction of big black trees, the sky and what she thought of was the lake or a river perhaps, that ran under the trees. It looked just like the pack’s name, a black forest. She’d never seen anything like them before in her life. The gates back home were a simple set of standard black gates that met in the middle, looked like all other entrance gates to homes. As her father put it, they didn’t draw attention. So, it kept the humans away, didn’t pique their curiosity, which meant they stayed away from the pack. Just how he liked it. These gates, however, were definitely eye-catching. They had to drive a long way to get here and all the way around a large lake, it looked nice and inviting to her. They passed through a human town that she imagined wasn’t so small in the summers. It probably wasn’t such a busy town at the moment, being winter, or the off season, she supposed, it was nice and quaint, with a light covering of snow on everything. Her father warned both her and Thatcher not to wander off. That the Black Forest Pack backed almost directly onto the human town itself, so they had to be careful where they went. Then, to contradict himself, he had stated, “I expect you not to wander off at all.” His eyes had met hers in the revision mirror, and he’d looked at her pointedly. “Yes, father.” She’d stated. Driving through this pack, was so nice it was filled with tree-lined streets that had all been cleared of the light snow, and it had pretty wrought iron streetlamps. The houses were all well maintained from what she could tell, and they all had nice picot fences, individual yards, the place was neat and tidy. Though she did not see a town center, but that could just be elsewhere off the main road, she guessed. No shopping mall or anything that she could see to explore while here, the pack might just go into the nearby town to help support it, or the closest city an hour away for their shopping needs. Pulling up out the front of the packhouse, dropped her jaw. The place was absolutely massive, five stories high and was completely cement rendered in dark grey, with black shutters on all the windows; she wondered if they were part of the lockdown mode. Though had to think that anyone attacking this place would have to be crazy. The sheer size of the packhouse denoted the size of the pack itself. There were also two smaller buildings on either side of the packhouse, styled much the same, and even from here she could see people coming and going from them. Likely the singles apartments, she thought to herself. They had a singles apartment in Nightfall. “Luci.” She heard her fathers annoyed tone. She turned and looked right at him. “What? This place is amazing.” And she wasn’t kidding, it was very modern, nothing like Nightfall. It likely looked like a very wealthy gated community to outsiders. She thought it must be really nice living here, right on that lake too. She thought that must be nice to swim in as well. Nightfall didn’t have a lake, just one small river, and a few swimming pools for the pack was all. “Alpha Rafe, nice to see you again.” She heard her father state as she got out of the car, still looking around, this was her first time inside of another pack, and she was getting to see the difference between hers and this one, which was a lot. “Alpha Orien, Luna Addison,” a deep masculine voice responded to her father, “a pleasure as always. These must be your children.” Luci turned her eyes to the man in question. He was tall and all muscled up like most Alpha’s were, he had jet-black hair and deep dark sapphire blue eyes, pearly white teeth and a smile; that Goddess help her, was to die for. ‘Damned Alpha’s and their genes.’ She thought as she looked him over standing up there on the top step in dark blue slacks and a light blue dress shirt. “Yes, my daughter Lucian and my son Thatcher.” She couldn’t help but smile at him, when he looked right at her, the man was damned sexy as hell, “Welcome, Lucian, Thatcher.” He smiled a little more, she thought as his eyes met hers, if that was even possible, “My Beta, Jack.” He introduced the man standing next to him to them. Her eyes moved to Jack, who was just as damned sexy, had deep dark forest green eyes and blond wavy hair, and a smile that made him even more handsome if it was possible, lit up his face as he smiled at her. He was only an inch shorter than his Alpha and dressed much the same. Goddess, if all the male wolves around here were like that, she was in real trouble. She knew that Alpha and Beta were off limits to her, but Goddess, didn’t they make her all hot and bothered. She was already starting to feel that itch she had that needed scratching, was kicking in real good and had only been here all of two bloody minutes. Inside the packhouse was just as amazing as the outside of the packhouse. It had polished concrete floors, plush sitting areas dotted around the downstairs. A massive grand staircase on either side of the foyer area and they swept upwards all the way to the top floor. Once again, with the wrought iron, and it was beautiful, full of swirling metal and leaves. She got to walk up that staircase and slide her hand over the marble-topped railing. It was crisp and cold under her hand, was also black like the wrought iron. Had polished concrete stairs to match the flooring, so very modern. She walked down the hallway following her father and mother, trailing a little behind as Alpha Rafe and his Beta, Jack showed them to their suite for the duration of their stay. She was looking at the artwork on the walls, all abstract paintings. She didn’t really know what to make of it, was not into art at all. She stopped to look at one piece though, as it drew her eye right to it. It was all blues and greens bar a darkened shape off to the left of the middle. She tilted her head slightly and looked at it from another angle. It was pretty, and it drew her right to it. She stopped walking to really look at it. What it was she had no idea. The small plaque under it read, ‘What is hidden’ and her eyes moved back to the darkened area. She suddenly felt Kali pawing at her mind, while she stood looking at it, ‘I want out.’ Kali huffed at her. ‘I know, I want you to be able to be out as well.’ Luci sighed right back to her own hidden beast, realized Kali kind of felt kinship with the painting itself, and she too wanted her wolf free and not hidden from the world around them. Luci sighed softly as she looked at the painting. She felt just a little sad while looking at it. “Do you like it?” a soft but deep voice came from behind her. Luci turned to find Beta Jack looking right at her questioningly, and she nodded, “I do like it. Though…” she turned back to the painting and pointed to the darkened area. “It makes me feel sad.” She murmured. “Why? Sometimes things that are hidden are treasures,” Jack stated simply. Luci snorted with amusement and she shook her head. Turned back to him to see him smiling right down at her, and she swore her heart skipped a beat, as she looked up into those dark green eyes of his. “Lucian!” It was her father, and he sounded annoyed with her, even knew why. She was standing with that Beta and he didn’t like seeing it. “Coming.” She called out, nodded to the pack Beta, and headed off down the hallway. She could feel just how hard her father’s eyes were glaring at her right this very minute. Didn’t need the trouble. Walked right over to where they were all standing, stood next to her mother. “Now, Alpha Orien, the suite for you and your Mate is here. Your Mate did have a request, unusual as it was, I was able to accommodate it.” “What request?” Her father asked with a frown and Luci saw her father look questioningly at her mother. “An adjoining room, for your daughter. Separate from your suite, but also accessible from your suite.”
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