CH 6

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Rafe He’d taken that call from Luna Addison this morning to request to have their accommodation changed from just one room for her and Orien to their whole family. Told him that Orien had opted to bring both their children with them for this visit and that they would need a family suite instead. She had then specifically requested a two-bedroom suite with a separate room for her daughter, one next to theirs, and he had inquired as to why the girl needed a separate room. Had asked because he had thought that it was odd, such a request didn’t happen all that often, most Alpha and Luna’s would have their children reside in the same suite as them, regardless of their age. They all stayed together when off in another pack, was just standard wolfen protocol. Kind of like a safety feature. She had stated simply, “Luci has her own suite now, no longer resides in the Alpha suite now that she is 18. I feel she’s old enough to have her own room within your pack is all.” “I can accommodate that.” He’d told her, and she’d been quiet for a long moment, likely thinking about something he’d thought, and just waited, had heard her sigh a little. “Actually, if it’s at all possible, Alpha Rafe, could you make it a room with an interconnecting door? Orien might not like it if she’s in a completely separate room from us.” “I’m certain I can manage that.” He’d stated, and she’d thanked him before hanging up. He’d gotten off the phone and heard Jack chuckle, “I don’t think the Luna has told her Mate what she’s requested.” “It does sound like that to me. But Orien did leave her to call and make the request, so it’s at her discretion now.” he shrugged it off, “we’ve also got plenty of suites that have connecting doors, for full Alpha units when they visit. So it’s not really a hassle.” “It’s not,” Jack agreed. “Bringing the children though, that would be a first. I’ve seen Thatcher a few times, but in the year we’ve been affiliated to Nightfall, I’ve not once laid eyes on Luci.” “Hmm,” he knew that. “It’s bound to happen sooner or later, Luci is 18 now, so perhaps Orien thinks it’s just time to start introducing her to his allied packs. She is the heir, from my understanding.” “Shouldn’t she be off to Alpha College if she’s 18?” Jack frowned at him. “Mm, maybe she will be after this visit.” He’d nodded simply. “Likely just turned 18, I’d say.” Every pack sent their Alpha children off at different times, some the day after they turned 18, some the full moon after they turned 18. It could be either of those. He and Jack stood outside the front of the packhouse to greet the arriving family. His Gamma Allen and Delta Ian were off attending afternoon training, seeing as they couldn’t be there to do it themselves. Rafe watched Orien pull his Lexus up and get out to greet him, saw both his children openly gape and stare around the pack as they got out of that car. It was clear to him that neither of those two had ever been inside a larger, wealthier pack before. He felt Jack's interest almost instantly in Luci as she got out of that car, and he now understood why Orien had never introduced him or Jack to her as well. She was absolutely stunningly beautiful, and there was not, he noticed, a single skerrick of make-up on the girl either. Those eyes of hers when she turned them on him and met his at their introduction to each other, were amazingly brilliant, and his smile deepened near on instantly at the way she stared at him, looked him over. He introduced Jack right to that girl, and he felt Jack’s arousal bloom inside him. He also liked what he saw as much as Rafe himself did. She looked Jack over as she had him, and he felt full amusement roll through Jack at the way she looked at him as well. Rafe let it go, he’d heard Orien admonish Luci already, before she’d even gotten out of the car. That man hadn’t liked something she’d done. Though from her statement, she’d just been looking at the place, and Rafe couldn’t see a reason to admonish her for just looking at the pack. It was just a natural curiosity to see something new was all. To be expected he would think. She walked behind them all, with her little brother, and they were both talking quietly to each other about how amazing the place was. Thatcher, it seemed, couldn’t wait to get out and explore the place. She told him she was certain their parents would allow it, but not likely until tomorrow. Rafe smiled as he walked them down the hallway, “I’ve put you in a family suite, not the normal suite you’d stay in Orien.” “Thank you for accepting the late change of plans.” Orien stated, though he watched the man shake his head a little. “It was unforeseen.” Was all he said on the subject. Rafe saw Jack stop and step aside halfway down the hall and let Orien walk directly next to him, though he knew his Beta’s attention was already wandering to the man’s daughter. Rafe himself had heard her foot fall stop a few steps back. Likely why Jack himself had stopped. He felt Jack move off back down the hall, did not turn to look at him, continued on his way with Orien but mind-linked right to his Beta, ‘Don’t get Luci in trouble, Jack.’ Sent it with a little bit of a warning. Rafe knew that Jack could be a little head strong at times when looking at something he wanted and or desired, and Rafe already knew the man was interested in Luci, could bloody feel it himself. He turned at the sound of Luci snorting a little, as did Orien, to see she was standing looking at Jack full of amusement, and he frowned at just how close Jack was standing to the girl. Only a foot away from her, he knew Orien didn’t like it instantly, could feel annoyance rolling off the man at the sight before him. Orien also made it clear to all of them he didn’t like it, in the stating of his daughter’s name, allowed all his annoyance at what he’d seen, his daughter and the pack Beta right there standing so close to each other, to be heard. Rafe saw Luci react to that tone in her name instantly. She just turned and walked away from Jack without a single thought, knew she was being admonished and likely even why. Rafe got the feeling this was the very reason Orien kept his daughter hidden from sight at all times. It had taken Jack less than five minutes to put himself right next to the girl, smile and be all charm, trying to engage the girl he wanted to bed, regardless that her own father was standing barely 50 feet away. Jack had a one-tracked mind sometimes. Luci did not, however, step up next to her father, but walked herself right over to stand next to her mother. She looked so much like Addison, it wasn’t funny, the same lustrous long dark chocolate brown hair, blemish-free skin, and though her skin tone was more milky white than Addison's. No one would ever miss that they were mother and daughter. It was likely he thought that Orien would be fielding many a mating alliance call for his daughter now that she was 18 and being shown to other packs as the future Heir, he couldn’t hide her anymore. She was going to have to start training up to take over, so he was going to have to take her to other packs with him. He could already have offers on the table, he knew she was Pure-blooded, had two Alphas for parents, could smell it as well, though curiously, as Solar put his nose to the girl, she didn’t scent like Orien at all, only Nightfall to him, though he had to admit that she smelled soft and delicate to him. He liked it. ‘Smells like her mother.’ Solar told him, ‘has not gotten her wolf yet.’ Rafe looked right at her and knew instantly she was a handful for her father, a wolf-less Alpha female for a daughter. Orien would be putting restrictions on her, especially where male wolves were concerned, and she, being Pure-blooded; would kick back at those constraints around her. He saw as Orien frowned at him and then turned to look at Addison as he told them he’d been able to accommodate the Luna’s request. Felt more annoyance roll off Orien instantly and watched as Luci’s eyes dropped away from everyone. She was not going to say anything and incur her father’s actual wrath, he didn’t think. Just walked into the suite with her mother, who seemed uncaring at all about it. He’d felt over the past year of knowing this Alpha and Luna, that Addison was sweet-natured and gentle, but got the feeling she was also very fierce when needed to be, not that he’d seen that at this point. She was kind and gentle with her children and Orien was likely to be very strict as he watched the family dynamics. He wondered just how much tension there was at times between the Alpha and Luna over their daughter. It was likely going to be a very interesting few days. He left them to settle in and walked off with Jack, shook his head at his Beta. He was very happy right this minute: “Stop it,” Rafe stated. “She’ll get into trouble, and you’ll be the reason. Do you want her looking at you all mad and angry?” “Hell no.” Jack stated, “I want those eyes of hers on me all happy and filled with…” he trailed off at Rafe’s direct look. “Then I suggest you rein it in a little. Act like the Beta, not a horny wolf that’s out to sate himself with the visiting Alpha’s daughter.” Jack actually chuckled softly now, “That obvious, huh?” “Yes, let it go Jack, she might not have even ever had anyone at all.” He saw the man pout and knew why even; no virgin was going to let the two of them have her for her first time. He might have to play that card to keep the man in line.
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