Meeting Rafe and Jack

2274 Words
Luci Age 18 Luci lay staring at her sleeping boyfriend, Trent; she’d turned 18 last week and had been having s*x with him every night this week. She had found her needs were even higher now than they had been prior to turning 18, and Luci had been denying all of her needs for two full years, due to her dad’s controlling ways and his belief that she should wait for her Mate. She found though, that she just couldn’t wait for that day, didn’t even know when it would happen, it could be a decade away or more even. She had needs now and had, out of respect for her father, waited until she was 18. Had barely been able to do so, and she knew it, sometimes she wondered if something was wrong with her, The way she craved s*x, and it wasn’t just the act, she stopped to watch others have s*x if they were out in the woods, felt like she was drawn to it and just couldn’t help it. Didn’t want to stand and watch, but a part of her was so curious that she'd found she couldn't turn away at times, she’d seen many interesting things and now itched to try them herself. Her mother just smiled at her and told her it was completely natural to be curious about s*x. That she herself was the same at that age and exploring all the things one could do during s*x was just natural, and that at some point, she would get to do that. That she herself craved s*x some days more than others; that she should just ignore her father and his silly ideas, to explore her needs. That he’d not been her first, and she’d certainly not been his, it was silly of him to want her to wait when neither of them had. Luci couldn’t really deny her needs anymore, and once she’d had s*x that first time, she now just got all hot and bothered and worked up when thinking about what she wanted to try, so she had to come here to see Trent. He didn’t mind and was enjoying that they were finally having s*x, after dating for two years and nothing being allowed to happen between them, due to her being the Alpha and Luna’s daughter. Not with all her father’s rules around her, he was too strict in her book, and it was unfair of him to put so many rules on her, as far as she was concerned, she knew no one else here had the same rules. Her other friends had s*x all the time, as did her unit. Trent, she didn’t think was going to be her Mate, but she’d known him all her life, he was funny and nice as well. A good wolf, and a part of her just couldn’t deny her needs any longer. He was good with her crawling into his bed, just smiled at her and it was on a moment later. She seemed to just crave a man’s touch and, as the Alpha’s daughter had waited until she was 18, to reduce the risk of incurring his wrath. Though she did know lots of her friends had s*x younger than she did. But ticking her father off or getting Trent into trouble and being locked up in the cells because of it happening before she was of legal age, was not something she was looking to do. Her needs her father knew about; she was Alpha-blooded just like he was, just like her mother was. She was however, a Pure-blooded Alpha female. Though he knew she had needs, he had turned into a chauvinistic pig nowadays, an ‘You’ll do as I say’ type of Alpha. Though he had not always been like this, she had many happy family memories with her father, him playing with her and chasing her around, them laughing together and him hugging her and tossing her up in the air even. Nothing like that since she’d turned 12 though. He expected her to wait on her Mate. She was now just a disappointment to her father, seeing as she had not waited on her Mate, and he did know she’d not. He also did not like knowing she was having s*x with Trent. Luci looked at Trent asleep in the bed next to her and wondered, not for the first time this week, why she was still with him? All week long she’ tried to attain an o****m from him, even took full control to try and reach it for herself. She sighed as she looked at him, the boy, well man now. He too, was 18, had been for six months, just couldn’t it seem get her there, couldn’t last long enough to sate her needs. Even when she was in control of the s*x, and demanded him not to c*m, to wait, to hold it off. Think of anything else, when she rode him trying to obtain that elusive o****m for herself, the very pleasure he was about to get, he just couldn't, had told her she rode him to damned hard to not be able to hold in his cumming. He just didn’t have the stamina she needed to sate her needs, it seemed one romp between the sheets and he was out like a light. She sat up and looked at his naked body, it was nice, and had all the muscles warrior wolves had, even young like he was, he was toned nicely, and he was a good fighter. She liked watching him fight, it was a hell of a turn on, and she wondered if that was the real problem, coming here to have s*x after training? Perhaps he used all his energy on training and had none left for her? ‘Or perhaps he’s not for you.’ Kali her wolf stated dully. She herself at this point was considered wolf-less; although Kali could talk to her, she had not yet emerged under any full moon and shown herself to anyone. Luci had not even told her parents about Kali being with her. Because Kali had asked her not to, because her wolf did not think they were whole, or that she was ever going to be fully realized and shift into her wolfen form, Kali had explained it once, as she kind of felt like there was a part of her was missing. This had saddened Luci to hear, but so far those thoughts of her wolf had, about not being able to come forth into her wolfen form, had been true. It had been two long years of being able to talk to Kali, but also, two long years of her not being able to come forth and emerge like other wolves. Though of late, Luci did feel different since turning 18 last week. Along with feeling more angsty and sexually needy herself. Kali was actively scratching at her mind, wanting to get out of her. She’d never done that before. Luci stared at Trent for another long minute and then just got up and dressed. He didn’t even stir as she got up and out of the bed. She headed back to the packhouse, to her new suite. Her mother, Addison, had insisted against her father’s wishes, that now she was 18, she should have her very own suite. She was an adult and would have needs, as her mother put it, “Best if we don’t hear that.” Those words had started one hell of an argument between her two parents, which had gone on for nearly an hour. Her mother was of the opinion that if Luci was a boy, he wouldn’t have an issue at all. Which of course, was the real issue. She was not a boy. Her mother had even argued the, when did you get your first suite card? It had been the day he turned 18 and her mother knew it. Even all her units had their own rooms now. They were all boys and 19, living in suites of their own since turning 18, which had been argued as well. Her father, however, was of the opinion she was a girl and shouldn’t need a suite of her own. Didn’t need to sate any s****l needs. Was to keep herself pure for her Mate when he came along. Their argument had gotten very loud, though it wasn’t the first time she’d seen them argue over her, they were both Alpha-blooded and had tempers to match. She knew they loved each other and were Goddess Gifted to each other, but they did butt heads on many things, usually her being the thing that made them argue. Her mother just always seemed to understand her better than her father, no matter what age she had been, even as a rambunctious girl, it had always been her mother on her side. She had in the end been given a 1-bedroom suite of her own, one room down and across the hall from their own. To which her father had snapped right at her, “Girl, I had better not see any boys coming out of that room, or I will snap their necks, and it’ll be on you.” “Yes, father.” Had been her only reply, she’d known what he was going to say before he even said it. So, she and Trent had s*x at his place. He still lived with his parents, but they didn’t seem to mind, probably thought that their son was going to be mated to the Alpha’s daughter at some point. But if he couldn’t get her to that o****m soon, that was very unlikely to happen. s*x at his house technically wasn’t breaking her father's rules. She smiled to herself as she strolled back to the packhouse, she’d found a nice little loophole to exploit. She also never left or came back via the doors of the packhouse in case her father was up. Luci stood and looked up at the balcony of her room, she was on the top floor. The building wasn’t that big, only three stories high, and she did what any sneaky child did, climbed out a window and back in a window. Or in her case, down from her balcony to the one below and then the next one before dropping to the ground. Despite not having Kali, her agility was good; she was fairly strong even without her wolf. Luci launched herself up at that first balcony and pulled herself up and went from floor to floor in the middle of the night until she got to her room. Her balcony doors stood open waiting for her to return. She showered and climbed into bed to sort out the rest of her needs that Trent just couldn’t seem to do. She had a variety of toys, smiled at them, her mother’s doing, once again. Her mother had taken her shopping, unbeknownst to her father just after she was 16, had told her simply, ‘You are pure-blooded Luci, you’ll have very high needs in the s*x department and your father is well…you know’ and Luci did know. Even with her toys, it would still take some effort for her to achieve any kind of small pleasure, not really an o****m but sated somewhat, and likely two or three different toys at that, to change the sensation. It still took a little doing, but she slept afterwards. Luci sat down in the packhouse dining hall to have breakfast and allowed her eyes to wander over all the ripped un-mated wolves, and she wondered if she just needed a better bloodline, one with more stamina? Her father’s unit all had boys to take over when the time came for him to step down. She also knew that her mother wanted her father to pass the pack to her and that he would likely have done so, up until they had finally gotten another child, a boy. He was just ten now, Thatcher, and he was a bit of a rascal, but a good kid. They loved ribbing each other and having a good laugh together. But Luci already knew that her father was going to hand the pack to Thatcher and not her. She’d seen that coming a long time ago, had known for years now. Her mother she thought was in denial. He would be holding off his retirement until Thatcher was old enough, and she knew it. Her dad wasn’t such a young man anymore, he had been 26 when he’d met her mother, and it had taken 8 years to get a second child from his Mate. The son he wanted to take over. He was currently 44 and still had to wait till his son was not only 19 and out of Alpha college, but had learned all the ropes. From what she understood, 25 or 26 was the age her father thought was appropriate for one to take over and only then if they’d learned all the pack's duties properly. Thatcher was still 15 years away from that happening, her father was going to be near on 60 when he retired, probably older. Luci didn’t really mind not being the one to have to take over, it didn’t much concern her even though she knew her mother was pushing for it. "Their firstborn is and always should be the pack Heir". That Is how she put it. Though Luci didn’t really want it anymore, had once, no longer did she desire the seat.
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