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EVOLET “Put me down! DOWN I SAY!” I roared, swinging my legs at my captor. He didn’t budge, until I began slamming my fists and biting him on the back. That’s when Mr. Perv swooshed down with speed, dropping me roughly on dry ground. I almost lost my balance, but managed to hold a tree for support. “Do you want to kill me, you Subvert?!” I groaned in anger, turning around to lash at Mr. No Good. Only for me to be startled by his action. He didn’t even give me the chance to strike. Instead, he grabbed my hands and pinned me against the tree, staring into my eyes with a growl. Fear engulfed my whole body when I saw his silver eyes flashing at me intensely, gritting his wolf teeth. Now, I was no longer looking at the man I once called a p*****t, but… a beast. A strange wolf I’ve never seen before. His eyes… He looks nothing like the rest. “Don’t call me a p*****t,” he groaned, drawing his face closer to mine, causing me to gulp down in fear, as I shivered in my spot. I wanted to look away from this maniac, but his charm… It was hard to turn away from such a mesmerizing figure. “By the way…” He uttered calmly, releasing me from his grip. “How did you know it was me?” He asked, lifting his brow, with his head tilting lightly to the side. That question felt silly to me. Who wouldn’t recognize a weirdo like him in a wig? I pointed at his face and said, “Um… your face? I mean it’s easy to recognize you under this disguise.” “It’s not a disguise. This is the real me. And one recognizes me in my real appearance. You’re the first.” “Oh,” my face flushed at what he said. “It’s true. I’m surprised that you of all people were able to tell the differences from a handsome black hair hunk to a white hair prince charming,” he said, drawing closer to me, sending shivers around my body. Is he being serious? Am I the only one that…Hey, wait a minute! “Are you flirting with me, you Creep?!” I widened my eyes in suspicion, watching this freak smirk at me with no shame! “You… How dare… How many innocent ladies have you deceived with that statement?!” I groaned. “Quit acting innocent, your Majesty. I should be the one asking that question, not you.” “What?!” I gasped, getting mad. “You heard me.” He boldly took a strand of my hair in his hand, accusing me of stalking him all the way into the forest. “You should have said you were a naughty girl and wanted this good looking rogue to hold you close. That would have saved us the trouble. Isn’t that right, Miss Stalker?” he smirked, drawing closer to me, with his arms slowly wrapping around my waist. The moment I felt his touch… “BACK OFF BEFORE I KNOCK YOUR NEURAL STRUCTURE OUT!” I threatened, shooting both fists out like a boxer. When he saw this, he busted into laughter, clapping for me. “Now she’s playing hard to get. Don’t worry, I’ll play along,” he said, going into the same position as me. Who gave birth to this dummy?! Oh Goddess! How did I get tangled with this freaky rogue?! Suddenly, there was a rustling sound coming from the left side of the woods. I noticed how Perv switched from a blockhead to a serious man, grabbing my arm quickly, and saying, “We have to go.” Before I could ask him why, the wolves from earlier, dashed out of the bushes, approaching us. I was horrified when I saw their vicious teeth came exposed, searching for fresh meat. In fear, I immediately held Perv, who carried me in his arms with speed, zooming into the forest. He was running as fast as he could from the Pack guards, but somehow their speed was almost matching up with his. “They are getting closer!” I alerted, afraid of what would happen if they eventually get us. That’s when I heard Perv say, “Don’t grab anything, understood?” “What?” To my greatest surprise, this maniac used his wolf strength in tossing me into the air! “AHH!” I screamed, trying to control myself. That crook! Why did he throw me? And why did he say I shouldn’t… All of a sudden, from below, I saw a dark cloud that engulfed the spot where Perv had tossed me from. It was completely dark, and I couldn’t see anything, not even the guards or that creep. Just then, as I slowly fell back to earth, something enormous emerged out of the dark cloud. It was large, pitch black, and out of this world. It was as beautiful as the dark night, a rare black wolf I’ve never seen before. I felt my heart glow at the sight of this creature, almost as if I’ve known it all my life. “Perv?” I uttered, having a feeling that the mysterious creature was him. And to prove I was right, the wolf looked up, shimmering it’s beautiful silver eyes at me. On seeing the way he flashed his gaze at me, a smile crept across my face in an instant. And just like that, falling back into the forest, I landed on the back of this large beast, astonished by it’s size and powerful pace. Holding the fur gently, I took a look behind and couldn’t see the guards or even the pack we came from. His feet… Every pace he made, left a darkness behind. “Wow,” I gasped, turning to face the wolf I was riding. I didn’t know if I should be impressed or scared. But truth be told… I was loving this. . After covering a large distance from the guards and making a turn back to Wolf Fall, Perv, who later transformed into his human form, advised me to return back home. “You can head home, Evolet. You’re safe,” he said, looking back into the path we came from. “Okay,” I nodded, ready to leave, only to stop in my track on noticing something. “Wait a minute. I never told you my name, so how did you…” “When you and your friend were talking outside the Alpha’s home, I heard when she called you that name,” he explained. “Oh, I… I see,” I responded, tucking my hair to the back of my ear. For a second I thought he was being all mysterious, but I’ve forgotten who I was talking to. “Speaking of name… What’s yours?” I asked, smirking at him. I noticed how he frowned when I asked for his identity, acting like the creep he was born to be. “Come on, I asked for a simple name. You’re acting as if I’m going to eat you if you tell me.” “How I wish it was this easy for ladies to ask for my number like the way you are asking for my name.” “What did you say?” I glared, only to get a better response swiftly. “Cadell. The name’s Cadell,” he introduced, stretching out his hand for a handshake. The name Cadell rang like a bell in my head. Where have I heard that name before? I carefully took hold of his hand, shaking hands with the man that saved my life. With a smile, I appreciated him for his help, still holding his strong hand. He soon noticed this and asked, “Is there a problem?” “Um… well…” I stammered, not knowing how I want to tell him about my problem. But somehow, after what I’ve seen tonight, I felt Cadell is the right person to help me in this situation. “Cadell, I need your… I need you to help me with something. It’s important,” I requested, getting nervous. On hearing my request, I noticed his silver eyes shimmering with delight, unleashing that pervy side of his. “Oh. And what do I get in return after the service?” he asked, slowly taking my hand and pulling me closer to his rugged chest, with his arms falling around my waist.. If not for the fact that I need something from him, I would have shoved my knuckles into his nostrils. But I kept my cool and went with the flow, caressing his chest temptingly. And it was clear he liked it. “Well, if you do help me out, I promise to give you a kiss. Maybe a long, juicy once,” I said, trying to sound seductive. Funny enough, it was working, because Cadell’s arm went tight around my waist, as he hummed cunningly like a fox, biting down on his lower lip. “What a tempting offer. What do you want from me, your majesty?” he asked, giving me the go ahead to table my request. That’s when I brought up the Luna hunt taking place tomorrow, and my failure to summon my wolf. “There’s going to be a task where every damsel will have to unleash their wolves before the Queen and her son, and I can’t do that. But if you can step in and act like a mere wolf, not a werewolf, I can pretend you’re my pet and…” “Wait, you want me to act as your wolf?” “Yes,” I nodded. “I want you to be my wolf for the hunt.”
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