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EVOLET I feel so ashamed of myself right now I’m asking a stranger to pose as my wolf for the hunt, and it’s all because of that backstabbing Fiona, who thinks I can’t be the Alpha’s Luna. “You’ll just pretend to be me when it’s time. You’ll use that black smoke you created back there and switch places with me. That way I…” “Do you know what you’re saying?” Cadell asked, releasing me from his grip. I was expecting a positive response from Cadell, but it seems someone had no interest in this plan one bit. “You want me to act as your wolf because of a stupid hunt, right in the Alpha’s home?” “It’s not stupid. It’s… Look, you have to help me. I really need to impress the Queen and her son, if I want to be the future Luna. It’s not as if I don’t have a wolf, I… I just don’t know how to prove it. Come on, Cadell. Just this one, and we will both go our separate ways. I promise,” I begged, joining both palms together, hoping he would agree with me. But instead of a Yes… “And what if I say No?” he asked, lifting his brow at me with seriousness in his gaze. I felt my body shiver in fear, as Fiona and my mother’s words rang in my head, leaving me troubled. “Cadell, please just…” “You don’t get it, do you, Evolet?” He silenced, drawing closer, while my feet drew back a bit. “You saw what happened back there, didn’t you? The guards were after me, not you. I am considered an enemy of this pack by the Alpha and his mother. What do you think they’d do when they recognize a wolf with dark cloud ability, appearing in their crazy hunt?!” he questioned in anger, drawing nearer. I gasped, feeling my back against a tree, freezing in my spot, as my gaze locked with those furious silver eyes. “They won’t just put me down, but harm you as well. And… I don’t want that,” he said, causing my heart to skip on seeing the calmness in his eyes after saying those words. And just like that, Cadell refused my offer, turning around and heading into the forest. “I’m sorry, but such an offer isn’t for a rogue like me. Good luck with your Luna hunt, tomorrow.” “But I… we made a deal!” He waved his hand without looking back, until he vanished into the dark, leaving no trace behind. All I saw was darkness, just like the one he released back there in the woods. “Fine, don’t help me! I’ll do it on my own and show everyone that I can get in without a wolf!” I yelled out to no one, feeling bruised at heart. Now my mother’s words were hitting hard. Maybe I am useless just like she said. . The next day, every damsels who signed up for the hunt were gathered at the Alpha’s mansion. I was also among them, hiding behind all the excited girls, who couldn’t wait to begin the game. Among them was Fiona, lifting her shoulders with pride, as she bragged to other ladies about her training for the hunt. “The Queen said the tasks ahead would be tough, but I know it’d be easy for me, just like the Alphabet,” she boasted, getting the girls to envy her. As I watched her from my hidden corner, I thought about the games and slowly held my necklace, making a soft prayer to the goddess. “Please, make it easy for me. I don’t want to be removed before emerging to the next round. Please Goddess.” Just then, Sorceress Thelma showed up with Beta Dean, announcing the start of the hunt. “For your first tasks, you’ll all be asked questions to determine if you are fit for the next round. You will be escorted to the question ground now. May the best damsel emerge victorious,” Beta Dean said, signaling the guards to lead the way. “Goddess, it’s time, “ I puffed, following the crowd. Every maidens were placed in different questioning rooms, as we were asked numerous questions about the pack and the royal family by elders of Wolf Fall. Out of a hundred, forty percent of the damsels that came for this game were eliminated! They failed to give reasonable answers to their questions, which led to their eviction. I thought I would face the same fate, but thanks to the goddess, I made it! Most of my questions were based on the late Luna Violet, and having some knowledge about her, I succeeded, advancing to the next stage. “Yes!” I jubilated while joining the others in the next room. Only to be spotted by Fiona, who frowned when I came into the room. “I can’t believe you made it. Well, you both know you won’t last forever,” she mocked, letting out a soft chuckle. I wanted to ignore her presence, only for Fiona to announce to her new minions about my inability to summon my wolf, getting them to gasp out in surprise. “She’s wolfless?” “You shouldn’t be here! If you want to be a Luna, then you need to have a wolf at least!” “When the Alpha learns this, he’d laugh at you before Queen Chriselda kicks you out,” They all laughed at me, causing me to lose my faith by the minute. One of the girls suggested that they let the beta know so they’d make my eviction easy, but Fiona said, “Oh no. Evolet claims her wolf is inside, struggling to come out. Maybe during the game, she will finally show us her wolf. Right, Eve?” she smirked, tilting her head to the side. Bitterness filled my heart as I asked myself how I made the mistake of being friends with a monster like Fiona. Just then, a girl stood up for me, going head to head with Fiona. “Just say you’re afraid of her. Only people that are scared of someone would try to pick up on them, just to look superior,” she said, getting Fiona annoyed. I don’t know her, but her action boosted my confidence. Fiona, who didn’t like what the girl said, rolled her eyes at us and said, “Whatever. We shall see who is scared soon enough.” She walked into a corner with her new friends, still laughing at me. When she left, I looked at this girl who stood next to me and noticed she was already staring at me with a smile on her face. A creepy one. “Don’t mind her. We have some weirdos like her around here. By the way, I’m Derby,” she introduced, clinging to me. “Evolet,” I responded, giving a light grin. “Waw, Evolet? That’s a unique name.” “Yeah, that’s what people said,” I blushed. “Well Evolet, I hope you don’t mind me tagging along, because this girl needs a friend to ease her racing heart,” Derby said, revealing her fear for the game. When I saw this, I couldn’t help but laugh, agreeing to be friends with Derby. She was thrilled with my acceptance. We both kept ourselves busy, until the next and final round for today, began. It was at night, and I assumed it was going to be based on questions and answers like the first, not until I saw the guards leading us into an open arena situated behind the Alpha’s mansion, with people of the pack gathered, cheering out loudly. “What’s going on here?” I asked in fear, wondering what was happening. That’s when we all heard the voice of Queen Chriselda from her high sit, announcing the next round to us and to the people. Beside the Queen was Alpha Allen! The one I’ve been hoping to see all this time. He sat next to his mother, looking unhappy. “Allen,” I uttered softly, hoping he would spot me. But my attention was taken by the Queen, who shocked me with her announcement. “Tonight, we will see each damsels in their beast form. They will each fight their opponent to advance into the next round. Are you ready girls?!” The Queen yelled out with excitement, clapping for us. The people were jubilating and the other girls were delighted over this news, ready to show off their wolves. But me… I was scared. My worst fear is coming to pass! I thought it would be a private reveal, not a fight! And it’s an open one for that matter! Scared, while glancing at the excited crowds, I remembered my mother’s hurtful words, when she said my going to the hunt was to shame her. And now… I can’t help but feel like she was right. “Let the games begin!” Queen Chriselda announced loudly. Sorceress Thelma did the pairing, creating two groups. Derby and I where in the same team while Fiona was in the other, fixing her hungry gaze at me. I could tell what was in her mind. She can’t wait to see me fall. When the battle began, each girls from both sides, would step out according to Sorceress Thelma and Beta Dean’s selection. And when they stepped into the arena to fight, they marveled everyone with their transformation, fighting like crazy. This scared me, causing me to drift back in fear. “Goddess, I wasn’t expecting this. What am I going to do?” I panicked, while Derby cheered, getting fired up. As each damsels fought with winners and losers emerging out, my fear increased, as it got closer to me. In fear, I drew back. Fiona, who was stepping out for a fight, boldly called me out! “Quit hiding and show the whole pack the loser you are!” she laughed, having no shame over her action. “What’s the meaning of that?” Beta Dean, who had pulled Fiona out, questioned her behaviour. And that’s how she said, almost exposing my problem, “Can’t you see she’s trying to run away? She doesn’t belong here, and she knows it.” She smirked. Both Beta and Sorceress looked at me, adding to my worry. I thought they would pull me out to fight Fiona, but to my luck, another lady was taken to face Fiona. “You’re next,” The Sorceress said, dimming her eyes at me, emotionlessly. I gulped down my saliva and watched how Fiona transformed into her werewolf and took out her opponent in a minute, surprising everyone, including the Queen, There was pride in her eyes, as she winked at my direction, scaring me. With her match over… “Move it,” The sorceress ordered me. Shaking, I tried to explain myself to her, but she used her powers to push me to the center of the arena, leaving me trembling. The cheers of the people terrified me. I directed my eyes at the high seat, looking straight at Allen for help. But he just gazed at me, showing no sign. “Doesn’t he remember me?” “Hey weakling,” my opponent called, gaining my attention. I turned over and saw one of the girls who sided with Fiona, changing into a large werewolf, ready for a fight. When she charged at me, I screamed, dodging at once. That action of mine got the people laughing, as I repeated it for the second and third time, becoming a clown in everyone’s eyes. “Why aren’t you changing?” I heard the Queen questioning me, but I was too scared to speak. “That’s because she’s yet to unleash her wolf! Let’s say she’s a wolfless omega who thinks she can win this game!” Fiona exposed, stunning the Queen and Alpha Allen. “Wolfless?” Queen Chriselda uttered, looking at me with disgust. Shame engulfed me as the whole crowds laughed, suggesting I be removed. I felt hurt just hearing this, hoping for a miracle to happen. Even Alpha Allen showed no sign. It was clear he forgot the lady he stole her heart that fateful night. Just when I thought I would be removed, Queen Chriselda said, “Let the match resume. I’m sure taking her out would be brief.” Her words got the people cackling, while I was filled with embarrassment. It made me wish I never signed for the hunt in the first place, all in the name of love. “You heard the Queen,” my opponent growled, getting my attention. “Taking you out would be easy,” she grinned, dashing at me. I gasped in fear, not knowing what to do, when suddenly… I felt a strong vibration in my body that pushed me out of the way, annoying my opponent! “What… what was that?” I gasped, touching my body. I thought it was all in my mind, until I was attacked again and did something I never thought I could do. Before everyone’s eyes, I landed a punch at my opposite, sending her tumbling backwards! Everyone’s mouth dropped, even Fiona. The Queen gazed at me in surprise, unable to speak. I don’t know how I did it. I just felt my body vibrate and I just served my opponent beautifully well. This could only mean one thing, and that’s my wolf! It’s trying to come out! I thought I could keep this up, as my fight with the opposite became intriguing for the people, only for the vibration that has been saving my a*s, to fail me. “No, no, no!” I panicked, getting slammed by my furious opponent, who pinned down, trying to force me to surrender. “Just give up! The Royal family don’t need a weak wolfless brat like…” Surprisingly, my opponent was forcefully pushed off my body by someone. When I looked to see who had saved me, I met a little wolf standing next to me, growling at my opposite. “A wolf? Where did you come from?” I asked the creature, confused it’s presence. That’s when the wolf looked at me with it’s brown eyes, only for me to be shocked when it’s eyes switched from Brown to… Silver! I know those eyes! “Cadell?” my eyes came large, noticing the wolf’s smile, confirming my answer. He came!
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