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EVOLET I wanted Mom’s words about Fiona to be false, but she sounded serious, raining insults on me. This is my best friend she’s talking about! Fiona promised to support my wish in taking part in this hunt, and now Mom claims she’s the same person that told her about my plans? This can’t… I don’t believe… “After everything we discussed, you chose to insult me by disobeying my order?! You’re selfish, Evolet! A useless child!” Mom yelled, dragging me to my feet, ready to land another slap on my face. When I saw her hand swooshing at my direction, swiftly I pulled myself out of her grip, causing her to lose her balance. “Mom!” I called out worriedly, quickly grabbing her hand so she wouldn’t fall. But with the bitterness towards me, she pushed me off, not caring if I’d get hurt or not. “You want to be a Luna, huh? You want everyone to see a weakling like yourself as Wolf Fall’s Queen, right?! Then Go! Go and disgrace your home with your shamelessness! Let the whole pack know that my daughter has no wolf and thinks she can rule others with that empty vessel she calls a body!” “MOM!” I roared, silencing my mother out of pain. She glared at my audacity, letting out a laugh, as she clapped for me. “Yes, keep practicing, Eve. From disobedience, you have dived into power. Good!” she mocked, clapping harder. What she was doing broke my heart even more. I couldn’t hold back my frustration and blurted out at her, “Why… why are you always mean to me?! All these years I’ve been obeying your orders, doing as you wish. But now that an opportunity to leave this poverty we’ve been staying in for years, has come knocking, you… you chose to remain in the shadows and hold me down? Why Mom? Why this path?! I need an answer!” Nothing. She didn’t answer my question, but glared at me. And when I saw this, I became fed up immediately. “That’s it, Mom. It’s fine if you don’t tell me. I won’t ask. But you see that hunt? I’m going to take part in it and come back here as Wolf Fall’s Luna. And when that day comes, I’m going to take you away from this place. Mark my word,” I promised, storming out of the house with a pang. I could hear Mom yelling from behind, doubting my ability. She has no faith in her own child. She sees me as a failure. . “Fiona! FIONA!!” I roared, standing outside my so-called friend’s home, calling out to her. But she didn’t answer. Only her mother came out and demanded to know why I was screaming out her daughter’s name. “Fiona isn’t around,” she claimed. But I know that was a big lie. Because through the opened door, I saw Fiona walking into the living room, operating on her phone. When I saw this, I stormed inside and went after her, ignoring her mother’s voice. Stepping into the living room… “Hey Eve! How are you?” Fiona cheered, opening her arms wide to welcome me. In anger, I pushed her arms away, making her laugh. “Why are you being so grumpy now, Evolet? Is that how to greet your friend?” “Why did you tell my mother, Fiona? You promised to help me, so why did you do it?!” “Your mother? Tell her what?” she shrugged, grinning at me like a clown. That face expression was enough to prove that my mother was right. “You were never heading home. You lied to me.” “And so?” she lifted her brow, smirking out. “You act as if lying is a new thing, Eve. Grow up,” Fiona scoffed, finally revealing her devilish side. “So, what if I told your Mom that her weak a*s daughter is planning on disobeying her orders? I did you a favor, since you didn’t want to listen,” she added, cat walking to a couch. I stared at the one I’ve called my best friend for long. Her behaviour shocked me to the core. “Evolet, you are a weak omega with no wolf. You keep on assuming you have one, when we both know you are lying to yourself. And trust me, it’s sad watching you give yourself some hope.” She sat on the couch, looking at me. “Just like your Mom said. When the Queen asks if you have a wolf and you can’t prove it, she will disgrace you. Instead of thanking me for doing what is right, you’re getting mad? Gosh! Some friend you are.” “Some friend I am? I should be saying that to you!” I sparked, pointing at Fiona, who rolled her eyes with no care. “If you called yourself my friend, you wouldn’t stab me in the back after promising to…”I paused, noticing something. The calendar in the living room. Tomorrows date was marked with a red pen, indicating the word ‘D-day’ above. On seeing that write-up, I then understood everything. “The Luna hunt starts tomorrow. You… You are taking part, aren’t you?” I glared at Fiona, finally seeing through her lies. With a smile across her face, Fiona boldly accepted her guilt. She was among the first set of damsels to ** for the hunt, hiding this news from me when she discovered my plans to join in the game. And out of selfishness, she decided to use my mother against me. “Just like you, Evolet, I love Alpha Allen and will not allow anyone to stand in my way. Not even you,” she smirked, rising to her feet and approaching me. “That’s why I used mommy dearest in shattering your hopes. Now you can’t show your face at the hunt tomorrow. Sorry Bestie.” She gave out a fake whimper, about to caress my face. But to her surprise, I slapped her hand off and said, “Who told you I’m not taking part in the hunt? I am going to be there tomorrow, and trust me Fiona…” I pointed at her face, as she glowered at me. “I will be the Luna after all these, not you.” “Says the Wolfless Omega who can’t summon her wolf,” she mocked, laughing at me. “In case you didn’t know, Eve, every Damsel will have to show of their wolf. And when you can’t, I’d gladly help the Queen in humiliating you. Now…” she pointed at the entrance of her home and ordered, “Get out of my house, you filth.” “We shall see,” I promised, walking pass Fiona’s mother while her daughter insulted me from behind. “Look at this fool challenging me, mother! She thinks she can win the Alpha’s heart with her empty body? What a joke.” “So funny. She stands no chance against you.” Both mother and daughter laughed, as I stormed out of their home in rage. . All alone in the woods at night, I sat on a rock, staring out to the sky with tears in my eyes. I couldn’t head back home after what transpired between Mom and I, and I had no other friend to spend the night with. The one I called my best friend, turned out to be a wolf in sheep clothing. I can’t help but feel betrayed and hurt from both end. In fact, I don’t know my purpose in this life. “Why was I born into this world, if I’d end up with no family or friends to call my own?” I sniffed, wiping my eyes. Suddenly… “BRRRRRRR!!!” The pack’s air horn came on, startling me in my spot. It is always used to alert the pack of an enemy, intruder, or a rogue in the pack or approaching the pack. And hearing the horn blowing out at this hour, I became terrified. “I need to head back home quickly,” I panicked, jumping off the rock and racing back to the pack, in the hopes of getting back before I’m being caught by the enemy. Just as I was getting close, something rushed passed me like the wind, heading into the forest. I turned over to see what it was, but it was gone. “What was that?” To my surprise, I heard the sound of wolves growling in the woods. On facing the direction I was heading into, I saw about five to six yellow glowing eyes, fixed on me. I gasped out in fear when I saw them, but recognized the wolves as Wolf Fall’s pack guards, when they stepped into the light. I felt a bit relieved and thought I could explain myself, but the guards mistook me for the enemy and began to chase me! Horrified, I ran into the woods, screaming in fear. I was so terrified that I almost stumbled, but managed to get my balance. “Goddess, please help me!” I cried, looking back to see how close the guards where. Due to my carelessness, I was suddenly slammed to the ground by another wolf that cornered me from the front. Seeing I was surrounded, I began to beg the wolves, trying to get them to listen to my voice. But they were too deaf to hear my cry. “You can’t deceive us, Rogue. You are good as dead!” That statement sent shivers down my spine. Is this the end for me? As I lowered my head down, waiting to be attacked by this vicious beasts, something unexpected happened. Right before the guards, I was scooped out of their midst and far away from their spot in seconds! I saw myself dashing through trees in a great speed, high above the ground. “What… what’s happening?!” I panicked, noticing a strong muscular arm holding me tight. It was obvious that the arm belonged to a man, but who? When I lifted my head to look at the man that saved me, I was blown away. His hair… They were as white as snow, and his eyes were out of this world. It was silver, almost like the eyes of a blind man, yet beautiful. His face was so charming. It was as if I was staring at a prince from a book. He was so… handsome. Who is he? Where did he come… Wait a minute. That face. I’ve seen it somewhere before. Somewhere like… Holy s**t! “p*****t?!” “What?!” My Saviour uttered in shock, finally looking at me. And when he did, I got a better look at his face. It’s him! The creepy crawler! “You?!” he gazed at me in astonishment, recognizing me.
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