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EVOLET Stepping into line with other damsels, I had my eyes hovering around the large building, hoping to spot the Alpha. But no sign of him. I was getting bored on the long queue, wishing Fiona hadn’t left to attend to an urgent work at home. But soon, that boredom was wiped off when suddenly… “Queen Chriselda!” the others cheered on seeing the Alpha’s mother, walking out of the mansion with her trusted seer, Thelma, an elderly and well-respected sorceress of our pack. Her presence bloomed every maiden’s heart, as we all bowed, welcoming the Alpha’s mother. In her sweet voice, she welcomed us all, announcing her plans for every maidens that wish to be the Luna, “The games will begin tomorrow. You need to be fully prepared for it, because it’s going to be tough. You won’t be asked questions only, but prove to my son why you’re worthy of being his Luna. Is it by your actions or by your beautiful transformations? All that would be answered when we begin.” I gulped down, recalling my mother’s harsh words, when she pointed out what the queen would do when she discovers I can’t summon my wolf. That got me praying for one thing. “Goddess, let Alpha Allen see me. Then he wouldn’t bother to go ahead with this game,” I smiled, having faith in my love for him. She wished us well in our journey and her seer reminded us of something special, that we considered a tradition in our pack. “And don’t forget to seek blessings from our beloved late Queen, Luna Violet. May her goodness be with you all,” The sorceress said, waving at us. As instructed, when a maiden signed her name down, she would walk up to the large statue of late Luna Violet, which was situated near the gate, and seek their blessings at her feet. When it came to my turn, I signed my name down with delight before rushing up to the statue, with my eyes fixed on the face of the late Queen. As far as I remember the story, the late Luna was the one who found Wolf Fall pack and made it the place it is today. She brought peace during her reign, from the Vampires, Werecats, and to the Werewolves, be it far and near. Until those creatures ganged up against we werewolves, killing our innocent Luna. Since then, werewolves have been at war with both vampires, werecats, and outsiders, which brought about the reign of Luna Chriselda, who made it her goal to lead her people to peace. She has been doing well as a leader, as well as Alpha Allen. But still, I wish I had met Luna Violet. She’s my number one role model. “Bless me, Luna Violet. I wish to be the Luna of this pack just like you, and rule with love and peace,” I prayed, lowering down to touch her feet. The moment I grazed the feet of the statue, I noticed another hand right next to mine. It wasn’t a lady’s, but… a man’s. I immediately looked to my side and found that perv from earlier, smirking at me! My whole body shivered as I drifted away from this weirdo, who carefully touched the feet of the statue and kissed his hand, saying, “May her blessings be with us forever.” Then, he directed his gaze at me again, smiling! “It’s you! Have… Have you been following me?!” I questioned out loudly, hoping to get the attention of a guard. But there was none in sight. “Following you?” the stranger laughed, swaying his head. “And what makes you think I’d waste my time chasing you? Are you from a rich family or perhaps the queen herself?” he mocked, shimmering his deep black eyes at me. What he said left me feeling embarrassed. I thought I was being too jumpy over the situation, only for this creep to prove me right in split seconds. “But if you are craving for a stalker to admire your behind, then I’d gladly be your man.” He winked, biting down on his lower lip, seductively! Pervert! I knew it! Luckily, I spotted two guards coming. I called out to them, so they’d get rid of this freak, but the perv immediately ran away before the guards could lay their eyes on him. “Creepy-crawly subvert. I pray they get you one day,” I frowned, exiting the mansion. As I journeyed home, I thought of keeping this news away from my mother, until I am able to prove to her that someone like me can get into the hunt without a wolf. “Oh Goddess! Please when the Queen asks and I tell her the truth, do touch her heart so she accepts me, or send Alpha Allen to my rescue,” I prayed, slowly arriving home. As soon as I stepped into the house, I was frightened by my mother, who greeted me from behind the door, terrifying me. “Mom, you scared me.” I smiled, trying to control my fear while stepping inside. “Where are you coming from?” she questioned, moving away from the door, and drawing nearer to me. “Fiona’s place,” I lied, trying to keep my cool while facing her with my back. “Fiona huh?” she uttered, sounding spooky. I swallowed, nodding. “I know I stayed too long with her, but she needed my help in finishing some works. But… But I still returned home early. It’s five in the ev…” Before I could complete my statement, I felt my shoulder being gripped hard and my body being turned over with speed. All of a sudden, WHAM! My head went turning to the side with force, leaving me in shock! Mom… she landed a slap across my face, causing my whole body to shiver at her action! “How dare you lie to me, Evolet?!” she roared, grabbing my shirt, and forcing me to face her. “I told you not to ** for the hunt, but you disobeyed me! How could you?!” “What?!” I was startled by what she said. How did she know? Did she follow me to the pack? “You ungrateful child!” Furiously, she tossed me to the ground, sparking out in anger. “You thought your foolish mother wouldn’t find out, huh Evolet?! You concluded that your mother was stupid and can’t control you anymore! Isn’t that right?!” ”Mom, what are you talking about?” “SHUT IT!” She shouted, lifting her hand to smack me again. I went silent at once, afraid of getting struck on the face. But that fear soon turned into shock when Mom said in rage, “You claimed you were helping Fiona at her place, when your friend came here to tell me about your secret plan in getting into the hunt!” “Fiona?” I was appalled, finding it hard to believe my own best friend would betray me after promising to stand by me. “She told me everything, Eve! How you refused to listen to her words and went to the Alpha’s home despite her plea!” She kicked my legs in anger, puffing out steam. This has to be a lie. Fiona wouldn’t do this to me. Mom… Mom is trying to fish the truth out of me. Fiona can’t betray me.
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