Engineering a Solution

1117 Words
Aura awoke from her slumber next to the beaming lake. The sun was high in the air and peaking through the tree branches. She had fallen asleep here after all of the tiresome events yesterday. Aura had crashed as soon as she reached the lake. She needed rest after running around the valley and away from Enoch wore her out. Aura was beginning to believe God had been playing with her life. Aura had been kissed not once but twice yesterday by two very different men. First, Dax had taken the chance and kissed her sweetly, but it ended quickly because Raika kept trying to mindlink her. Although a brief kiss was probably for the better since Aura knew nothing could come of it. Second, Alpha Enoch went all primal and pinned her to a column before aggressively kissing her. She had felt his whole toned body against hers. His kiss was rough but not horrible. He had been her student not long ago, so why is he just now acting this way. He can't afford to be this way with her. Enoch has to focus on being an Alpha right now. He's still impatient with everyone. What a mess Aura was in. Despite what happened yesterday, she still has a job to do, and thinking about those two idiots was not going to help her. She picked herself up and jumped into the depths of the lake. The water cleaned her silver and white of the dirt she slept in. Aura popped out of the water and paddled to the shore. She shook out her fur and rolled in the grass. Aura loved the smell of morning dew. Once she was satisfied with her scent, she hunted for a fanged rabbit to fill her roaring stomach. Stomach full, she headed back toward the village. Aura mindlinked Jenro, the engineer, to schedule a meeting for this morning. She had to hurry to meet him in his cabin to discuss her solution for building a passage under the mountains. When she reached the edge of the town she knew her mind would become vulnerable to her sister's interruptions and the Alpha's probing. As a wolf huntress or hunter, the beast shifter gives up the privacy of the mind in the village, so villagers could easily ask for help. There were a lot of things Aura had to sacrifice to become a wolf huntress at a young age. Aura returned to her beast person form and walked quickly to Jenro's cabin. Children ran through the street chasing each other, happily. Some of the shopkeepers waved at Aura as she passed while others were focused on customers and goods. The street was noisy and full of life, which brightened Aura's spirits. Her mind stayed focused on what was right in front of her as she approached Jenro's cabin. She went and knocked on the door with her tail slightly wagging with excitement. The door opened, and behind it stood a towering figure. "Aura! I am so glad to see you come inside again." The towering figure welcomed her in. She took a good look at the figure and recognized it as Jenro. "Jenro, you look well. How is Karis?" Aura said, shaking his hand. "She is well. She is off in one of the villages on the other side of the Hailia Mountains trading goods for the village." Jenro explained. He loved to gush about his mate, and the good she does as a wolf huntress. Not every wolf huntress or hunter goes on spying or warrior missions. About a third of them are dedicated to business, diplomacy, and maintaining high-level positions in other kingdoms. When the first Alpha Hunter and Huntress received the polymorphic rings that allow select individuals of our clan to shift into other races, they set out to protect our clan and help other beast shifters throughout the land. That's why wolf hunters and huntresses are an elite group of warriors. Only they can use the polymorph rings. Aura's ability to use the ring at a young age made her a wolf huntress even though she never wanted to be one. Aura listened to Jenro tell tale after tale of Karis' negotiations and trade deals. She thought about those villages on the other side of the Hailia Mountains when she remembered what Dax had told her about the plagued villages. "Jenro, when did she leave for her latest trade mission?" "About a week ago," Jenro replied. "Why?" "Has she reported back?" Aura questioned. She prayed that Karis was safe and not unresponsive as Jalen, her mentor has been for the last month. If she wasn't reporting back then that means Karis could be dealing with the plague as well. "No, I haven't heard anything," Jenro said, sadly. The light he had in his eyes had just gone out. Aura took his hand and smiled at him. "Don't worry. I will look into it while we work on our new project." "Thank you, Aura." He gave her a slight smile. "Tell me about what you want to try to do." Aura explained her latest mission to Jenro. From the constant travel of the humans through the valley to the risk, the humans pose on the valley if it continues. "The humans were bringing needed supplies to a village in need on the other side of the Hailia Mountains. I don't want to stop their work, but we can't let them in the valley. We need a way around the valley." "So around the valley is too long, going through the valley is dangerous for us, that leaves over or under the valley. Since a bridge over the valley would defeat the purpose, I am guessing you want to go under." "Yep." Aura's tail wagged fiercely. "A tunnel under the mountains to the northeast. That will allow for a safe, short passage instead of the humans going around the southwest point of the mountains." "Okay, okay. Calm down, Aura." Jenro chuckled. "Let me work out the logistics. We are talking about a large amount of magic to reform a few mountains. I am not sure it is entirely possible. Give me a few days, and then I will let you and the Alpha." "Right. I will see you at the meeting with the Alpha." Aura said as walked to the door. She was not keen on seeing  Enoch again just yet. Aura left Jenro's and headed to see her parents' place. When the world didn't make sense, they always seemed to provide her with clarity. Something she felt in desperate need of, today because Enoch would eventually come looking for her. It was only a matter of time.
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