Take a Breath

1008 Words
Aura felt as if she was under a spell being locked into Enoch's intense gaze. There was nothing she could do because her body was in a state of shock. She dare not say a word to him in fear of what he might do next. Why had he acted so rashly? Enoch has always been smart even though he is always impatient. Aura stayed frozen, not welcoming nor pushing him away. She did not want to anger him because he could easily overpower her. What was this crazed Alpha thinking? Alpha Enoch pressed his body tightly against her. His eyes never leave her golden orbs as his hand travels to her face. Her eyes are steady. Aura has no fear of his actions though he could easily take her or worse crush her. His stomach had untwisted from its pain as he held Aura like this, but something still seemed off. He had let his emotions guide his actions at this moment, and maybe he acted rashly in the process. Still, he had her this close. Would she reject him if he kissed her? Surely not. He is the Alpha Hunter after all. At that moment, he closed the distance and took her lips under his.   Aura was again shocked by Enoch's boldness. This is the second time she had been kissed in one day, and the two kisses were vastly different from each other. Enoch's lips were warm, inviting, and aggressive almost as if he was trying to prove something. Aura chose not to reject his passion as she moved her lips in time with him. The rest of her body stayed still as Enoch deepened the kiss. He bit her lip gaining access to her sweet tongue. He continued his fierce assault on her mouth until Aura forced him to come up for air. Aura took the break as a means to slip from his grip. Enoch attempted to catch her again. He wasn't done with her. Her lips had him intoxicated with want. Aura escaped his grip once more. Unfortunately for him, she is faster than he could ever dream to be. He took off after her as if she were a juicy Tri-horned Tempest Deer leaping through the forest. He stalked the room, trying to charge and trap her. Enoch wished to taste her kiss once more. Enoch knocked over chairs as he flew after Aura around the main chamber. Aura jumped on top of the meeting table making the clan's tribal decorations fall over beneath her. Enoch slid under the table, beating her to the other side of the table. She changed direction last minute, doing a flip of the nearby column. He darted towards her to corner her. Aura knew his moves well and escaped by going under him as he had done under the table. If any she-wolf could take him, it would be her, or at least that is what Enoch thought. "Alpha," Aura called to him to pull him out of his fog. No answer as he pursued her around the room. "Enoch!" She yelled. He would not give her an answer. Aura decided to try a more aggressive approach by bouncing off the wall to slam him to the ground. He grunted under force. "Alpha Enoch! Stop! You are an incorrigible mutt." Enoch growled at her. "You are nothing but a tease!"  He scrambles under her to free himself. "Alpha, I will ask one last time to snap out of it, or I will no longer be responsible for my actions." She growled, bitterly. Aura was done with men making decisions for her today. There would be no more surprise kisses or declarations of what she should do. Why men around her decided to go crazy today, she was unsure, but it ends here. "Enoch, submit!" Enoch wanted to punish her for such words, but he knew in a battle against Aura that he stood little chance of winning due to her speed and skill. He regrettably gave into her. "Stupid, she-wolf," Enoch muttered letting his body go lax under her. "Call me what you want. I don't care." She seethed at him. He was acting like a child who had their favorite toy taken from him. Enoch made the Alpha Hunter title and her feelings seem like a joke. He knew she was struggling with what happened with Dax, and he decided to do this crap. She had not invited him to make a move toward her. All Aura wanted to do at this point was run far from this village and her supposed Alpha.  "At least act like an Alpha Hunter and not a female-crazed, teenaged wolf," Aura commanded as she walked away from a speechless Enoch. One minute they were discussing her mission report and possible solutions to the trespassing problem, then he decided that he needed something else. She felt as if had been holding her breath the entire time Enoch had chased her around the chamber. How had things gotten so screwed up? She needed to get away from everything fast and just take a breath. Aura shifted, running past her sister who had been sitting on the steps outside the great hall. Her sister called after her from the steps of the great hall as Aura darted through the village. She left the village far behind her, charging toward her favorite place in the entire valley. Enoch watched her leave him in the destroyed chamber room. Chairs were flipped. The clan's ancestral decorations that lined the meeting table were strewn on the table and floor. The surrounding columns were covered in claw marks and footprints. Aura had felt the need to run from him all across the room. Did she feel unsafe in his hands? She didn't fight against him until after the kiss. He had only wanted to see where his feelings would take him, but the results seemed to be a mess. Inhaling deeply, he thought through everything that had transpired in that room. Has he gone too far?
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