Alpha's Plot

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To her surprise, Alpha Enoch requested for Aura to go on another mission after visiting Jenro. She thought Enoch would come looking for her instead Beta Nyko was at her door that morning with a mission assignment. Beta Nyko was to accompany her to eliminate her new target in the Northern Mountains. A fellow wolf hunter named Torak had sent word that the rumor about the illegal labor camp was true. Several races had said to be detained there by a ruthless giant, mining for rare deposits of ether, which is used in magic items. “Are you ready?” Beta Nyko asked, standing at the door. He had given Aura an hour to return home and get her gear together. Aura rolled her eyes at the impatient Beta. He was just a few inches shorter than Enoch with rare blue-tinted fur and hair. His eyes were brown like the soil, and his personality was rather bland in Aura’s opinion. She had been with him on patrol and various missions since Alpha Enoch was chosen by the Elders’ Council as a replacement for Alpha Demos after a grand tournament.  Nyko and Enoch were cousins and long-time friends, so Nyko was Enoch’s natural choice for Beta. Aura locked her door, following Nyko out of her house. She had her black armor and freshly sharpened blades in her pack with all her necessities and herbal supplies. Nyko began walking in the opposite direction of the passage to the Northern Mountains. “Where are you going?” Aura asked. “You have been summoned to the Elders’ Council. We need to go there before we head to the Northern Mountains.” Nyko answered, nonchalantly. They kept walking toward the grand hall through the bustling village. Aura felt uneasy about the sudden summons. Why would the council want to see her? She had been careful not to break any shifter laws. Did it have to do with this new mission? It seemed straightforward like all of Aura’s have been. She either rescues shifters and slaves, gathers the intel, or kills some evil bastard for his misdeeds. Why should this be any different? Unless Enoch had said something about their last encounter… s**t. “Nyko, do you know why they want to see me?” Aura questioned with a sinking feeling in her gut. “Aura, in public, you need to address me as Beta Nyko, and no, I don’t know,” Nyko replied without any disregard for Aura. Double s**t. Beta Nyko escorted Aura to the back of the grand hall to the council chambers. She opened the door to the gloomy room. Everything was gray except for the wooden fixtures and furniture. The Elders’ Council members sat around a giant round table with overly large sized chairs for them to sit in. The windows were stained glass with depictions of the important moments in the clan’s history. Neat bookshelves were overflowing with history, records, and every report the clan has had. Aura stood in front of the table as the council members rose to greet her. There were seven members on the council, which were lead councilmen, Titan, and council members: Xerxes, Kila, Ioa, Rune, Gajeel, and Aragorn. The room was filled with an uncomfortable feeling that worsened the moment Alpha Enoch walked into the room. Aura stiffened as everyone exchanged pleasantries. She hadn’t been brought in front of the Elders’ Council since she was fifteen, and they had granted her official title of Wolf Huntress. She regretted eating a big breakfast that morning with her parents because she began to feel sick. Everyone in the room looked smug like they had a plot in mind. “Ms. Argenti, do you know why you were called here?” Lead Councilmen Titan asked. His voice seemed to reverberate in the room. “No, Councilmen. I do not.” Aura chuckled nervously. “Alpha Enoch! You didn’t tell her?” Councilwoman Ioa interjected with pained disbelief in her voice. “No, Councilwoman. I didn’t have a chance. I have spent the morning coordinating with our wolf hunters in the field. In fact, Aura has another mission assignment already with Beta Nyko.” Alpha Enoch explained. “Keeping her busy, aren’t ya?” Councilmen Xerxes joked with Enoch. Enoch just shrugged it off. “Back to the matter at hand.” Lead Councilmen Titan’s voice boomed. This wolfman was unnaturally loud. “Aura Argenti, you have been called before this council to discuss the matter of Alpha Enoch taking you as his mate.” The moment those words reached Aura’s ears she wanted to scream. What happened yesterday? Did Aura enter a living nightmare? Two days ago, Enoch was kissing her, and she rejected him. Now, the Elders’ Council wants her to be his mate? Aura looked less than thrilled with their news. “With all due respect, Councilmen Titan,” Aura responded. “I don’t think I am a good fit for Alpha Enoch.” She asserted. Alpha Enoch’s expression turned grim, but before he could speak, Councilmen Titan interjected, “On the contrary, Ms. Argenti. We believe you are the only good match for our Alpha. You come from a good family, your reputation precedes you, and you are the only match in terms of skill for Enoch aside from Beta Nyko.” Alpha Enoch’s expression brightened again with Councilmen Titan’s words. Aura was his only equal in the clan, and he needed a mate that would make him stronger. He was convinced Aura was the she-wolf that could do the job. “I appreciate what you are saying, Councilmen Titan. I trained Alpha Enoch for four years before he was chosen as Alpha Hunter. Although I am proud of my student and friend for his accomplishments, I don’t think I have any attraction to him, nor do I believe he is ready for such a commitment.” Aura was adamant about not mating with Enoch. “He needs someone who will calm him when he is stressed and challenge him when he is wrong. I believe I am only capable of the latter.” Aura’s words stung Enoch’s heart. For her to say such things, he must have crossed a line with her the other day. He had tried to move too fast without speaking to her about her feelings. Enoch had submitted the idea of their mating to the Elders’ Council, hoping to show Aura how serious he was about her. He wanted her to forget that lousy human and chase after him instead. “The Elders’ Council notes your disagreement to mating with the Alpha, but the Elders’ Council has made a decision. One year from today, you will mate Alpha Hunter Enoch and become the Alpha Huntress. In six months, we will make our announcement of your mating ceremony. You have until then to make yourself comfortable with your situation. Good luck on your mission, Ms. Argenti. Meeting adjourned.” Councilmen Titan stated then he proceeded to get up and leave the room. The other members quickly followed Titan out of the room, leaving Aura, Beta Nyko, and Alpha Enoch. Aura had tears streaming down her face. How could the council force her to mate with Enoch? What had he said to them? She didn’t want to face Enoch right now. He had forced a kiss on her and went to the council behind her back. She wiped her tears away and stomped over to the jerk that was causing this. “Enoch, you couldn’t handle my rejection, so you took it to the council? Everything you have done in the last two days concerning me has been completely immature! You kissed me without asking, chased me around your office, met with the council about mating without my consent, and sent your Beta to escort me here. Even if you do have feelings for me, this is not how you court a woman. I will not mate you, Enoch.” She shouted. “Let’s go, Nyko,” She gritted through her teeth. Anger was pouring off her as she stomped out of the room. Enoch’s heart sank. This wasn’t how he wanted this to go. His ears folded backward as he pouted internally. He gave his Beta permission to go as he sauntered back to the main chamber. Was Aura right about her being wrong for him? She hadn’t even given him a chance. If she had a chance to cool off, would she give him a chance?
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