Chapter 5

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Collette ended up staying the night. We talked the whole night, filling each other in about our lives for the past six years. She told me about her fiance, Todd, and how they met. I told her about my life in Denver and my struggles when I had Sophie. It was dawn when we finally went to sleep. It's as if we are back to our teenage days. Of course, we always have a sleepover, but I enjoyed sleeping in their house more, because she has a massive bed and her room is like a Princess's room. Then, number two, because Liam is there, he would always hang out with us whenever I'm around and is always very attentive. He would always ask me if I needed anything, even at school. He tries to hang out with Collette and me even if he's three years ahead of us. I was so heartbroken when he left for university, and I always make sure I am at their house whenever he comes home for the break. My crush turned to love as years passed by. It broke my heart when he took his girlfriend home one spring break. They were so sweet, and he seldom hangs out with us. In the following years, I avoided going to their house if I knew his girlfriend was there again. Collette didn't ask. She doesn't have to. She knows I have been in love with her brother for the longest time. Collette and I don't like Jenny. We heard so many rumors about her. We tried telling Liam, but he blew us off and got pissed. So we let him be. What he discovered that night at our graduation party was way overdue. Everybody knows that his girlfriend is f*****g every guy that hits on her except him. Maybe Jenny thought Liam wouldn't find out since he was so drunk that night, but I was happy he did. I remember the scene vividly. I remember what we talked about that night by the lake. Graduation Party 2016 Arizona I was feeling suffocated by all the smoke and loud music in the house. That's why I stepped out and headed to the lake. The lake is my favorite spot in Jones' mansion. They have a lake at the back of the house. I took off my shoes and dipped my feet in the warm water. The moon is full tonight, and its reflection on the water added to the beauty of the lake. I went to my favorite spot, a significant branch of a tree, and sat there. I inhaled the fresh scent of the lake and nature and looked up at the sky. There are so many stars out tonight. Then, I heard a twig break near me, and I abruptly looked back. Liam is walking towards me, a beer in hand. " Hey, beautiful, what are you doing here all alone? Why aren't you at your party?" He asked, smiling down at me, then sat beside me. I scooched a bit to make room for him and smiled shyly. It always makes me blush when I hear him call me beautiful. " I'm just taking a break, all those loud noises and cigarette smoke make me dizzy, and I am feeling a little bit drunk already. Collette has been making me drink beer more than I can handle. You know I don't drink much," I told him, and looked back at the lake. I heard him chuckle and took a swig at his beer before he spoke again. " So are you ready for university, Bel? I heard you wanted to be a teacher. Have you found a school yet?" He asked me again and adjusted his form facing me. He is straddling the branch and almost like encasing me in his thighs. I blushed again and tried to hide it with my hair covering my face. I suddenly felt conscious. Liam tucked my hair behind my ears to uncover my face and lifted my chin. " Hey, why are you always so shy around me? Do not hide your face from me, Bel. I love looking at your innocent, beautiful face." He smiled softly and caressed my face with the lightest touch. I stared at him with wide eyes. " I'm not shy, and it's just that I don't want people staring at me. It makes me uncomfortable. To answer your question, yeah, I found a university not far from here, and they accepted my application. I don't want to study so far away from momma. I will miss her terribly." I told him, shrugging my shoulder and biting my lower lip. His eyes trained on my lips, and he bit his lip and swallowed hard. " Don't do that, babe," he groaned and closed his eyes. " Huh? Do what?" I asked him, puzzled. Then he sighed deeply and opened his eyes. He stared at me for a few seconds before he whispered. " Don't bite your lip like that. It makes me want to kiss you." I gasped and stared at him in shock. Now I feel hot, and I'm pretty sure my face has turned as red as a tomato. I swiftly averted my eyes and looked at the lake. " Haha, Liam, don't toy with me." I laughed awkwardly and unconsciously bit my lip again. I heard him curse and turned my face towards him. He stared at me intensely, looking down at my lips, then at my eyes, a tormented look in his eyes. Then, without warning, he captured my lips in a searing kiss. I was too shocked to react at first. Then he bit my lower lip a little bit too hard and made me gasp. He took the opportunity to delve his tongue inside my mouth and caressed every nook and cranny. I moaned in ecstasy and started kissing him back. He is a good kisser. He knows how to solicit a response from me and made me want more. He was holding my face in place and explored my mouth thoroughly. Finally, we separated, not because we wanted to, but because we needed to. We ran out of air. He placed small kisses all over my face and captured my lips again. Then he abruptly stopped and stared at me with wide eyes. Then, finally, he dropped his hand from my face and stood up. " I'm sorry, Bella, I didn't know what came over me. This kiss doesn't seem right. This situation should not have happened. I'm sorry." I stared at him in shock and hurt. Tears fell down my eyes, and I covered my mouth before my sobs came out. He said it was a mistake, but his kisses told me otherwise. So I stood up too and ran towards the house. I heard him call my name, but I never stopped. I was so embarrassed and hurt that I just wanted to hide. Liam Jones finally kissed me, but he said he was sorry, as if it was a mistake. My heart broke a little again, all because of that one boy.
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