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Mary POV Still thinking it's January 2013 I held my breath and tried not to move. The banging continued on my door. I didn't want to see him, I just wanted him to go away. My cell phone began ringing. Sh*t I forgot to turn off my cellphone. "Mary, I know you're in there. I saw your light turn off and I heard your cell phone. Come on, just answer the door." I sighed and placed my phone with the video on my bookcase facing the door. I walked over and put the chain on the door before opening it. "What do you want, Derrick?" I said as I opened the door as far as the chain would allow. "Aww, come on Mary, get ready and come party with me. We have a huge raging party happening back at my frat and I want you to be my special guest. I won't take no for an answer." I tried closing the door, but he shoved his foot and hand into the door. "Mary come on, let me in. You can get all dolled up and come with me as my date. I'm not leaving till you agree." He was now pushing on the door and the chain started to make a creaking sound. I knew my door was about to let go. "Alright fine, I'll go with you." He gave me a smile that said he knew he had got his way. He pulled his hand and foot out of the door and I shut the door fully. Locking it again. I threw on some jeans, a blue sweater and a pair of cheap UGG boots. I threw my hair up into a messy bun. I called my roommate Ann. "Hey Bi*ch where are you? Some hottie was taking about this gorgeous girl with long red hair and sparkling green eyes who had a few books about business and economics. I could only assume it was you. Anyway, he showed me your number with all the missed calls, and I was like OMG, that's my roommate Mary. He said," You guys have a date coming up, so I gave him our address. He said he was going to pick you up and take you out to party with us!" "Ann how could you?" I hung up the phone. I was going to find a new apartment even if that means I have to work a few jobs while supporting myself. I can't believe she would do that. "Hey, you almost ready, beautiful?" I wish I didn't have to go do this. I grabbed my phone and car keys and my small pepper spray that fitted into my jean pocket. It looks like something that would contain breath spray not pepper spray. I unlocked the door and removed the chain. I texted my friend Elaine letting her know who I was with, and to, check on me at the party in a half hour. We have had code words since we were in high school that if we needed rescuing we would say that we needed water and if we were fine we would say a type of pizza. I stepped out of my apartment and there was Derrick leaning up against the wall opposite my door. I locked and shut the door. "OK let's go I guess." I said solomly. "Wow, don't sound too excited. We're going to have a blast." Derrick wrapped his arm around my back, gripping my hand. We walked out to his Black Mercedes-Benz GLK Class. It had all the bells and whistles. He walked me to the passenger door, opened it like a gentleman and helped me inside and then buckled me. I could smell he had been smoking marij*ana and the alcohol on him. Before I could get out of the car, he was already in, and we were off to the frat house. Thankfully, we made it with no incidents. As I unbuckled my seat belt he was already at my door and helping me out. this time just gripping my hand tight. We walked into the party and I saw Ann I gave her a glaring look. she smiled with an evil smile lifting her glass in a cheers motion. Ann and I never really got along. She was always out at parties and having fun I was always at home studying and doing homework. She was popular with her wavy long blonde hair, her diamond sparkle blue eyes, She had large perky breasts, thin muscular frame and wore short skirts to show off her long legs, even in winter and was a cheerleader for the college. Derrick handed me a clear drink. He dragged me through the frat house, showing me everything. I was still holding onto the red solo cup. He showed me the lounge. There were large red couches on a brown fluffy rug and at least a 70-inch TV. The walls were covered with pictures of previous members of the frat house. Derrick noticed me trying to put my drink down, but he instead cheered me with his cup. I took a sip. It was just water, so I finished it. He continued walking me through the house, showing me the library, kitchen and dining area. There were people everywhere. The music was loud and people were dancing and swaying. My head started to throb a little. I texted Elaine 'water". Something was not right. Derrick grabbed my hand, kissed the back of it and took me out onto the dance floor. He was holding me close to him while we danced. I tried pushing him away. I needed to get away from him. "I need to use the bathroom," I said in his ear. I made it look like I was heading towards the bathroom at first. I waited until his eyes were no longer on me, and then I turned and headed for the door. I managed to make it outside. I started to walk down the street. A minute later, I was picked up from behind by a very strong arm. "Come on young lady, no one leaves this party early. You're going to miss the best part," he said as he walked back in with me. Being carried back into the frat house, I noticed all the women were being dragged downstairs. Derrick stopped the guy carrying me. "Put her down. She's here as my guest. She is not in a sorority, so she doesn't fall into the ritual for you pledges. He took me from the guy and shooed him along. "Come with me Mary, let's get you cleaned up." He took my hand and led me up to his room and helped me sit on the bed. He helped straighten out my messy bun and dusted me off a bit. "Here, drink this, it will help with your headache." "How'd you know I had a headache?" I said, taking the unopened bottle of water. "I accidently gave you one of the drinks that the sororities provided. It doesn't like knocking you out, it just makes it easier for the pledging girls to comply with the next phase of their pledge week. It's really silly they're playing a loosened up version of musical chairs. Whoever lands on the chair with a frat brother, they are paired up for any task that our frat and their sorority have for tasks together. They usually end up dating, some even get married. My partner from last year ended up changing schools. We never dated, just hung out. She was a lesbian. We still text she's cool and all, but we just batted for the same team." My phone pinged in my pocket a minute later. Elaine was calling me. "Hey Girl. Yea, I'm alright just drinking water and talking with the quarterback from school. Oh, sh*t yea I'll be right there." I hung up the phone. I'm so sorry I have to go. My best friend's boyfriend had just got in an accident. I called for a taxi. "Hello yes I need a taxi to 198 French street please. I'm going to Boston Medical. 5 minutes thank you." I hung up. "Derrck, I'm so sorry I need to go." I ran down the stairs and out the door, just as the taxi was pulling up. I knew I wasn't going to be safe in there. I'm so glad I was able to escape when I did.
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