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Mary POV January 2013 For the next several days, Derrick would call or text me just to see how I was doing. I would respond with simple messages like good or fine. Not really go into detail, I still didn't feel safe with him. So I didn't want to tell him any major information. I found a small studio just off of campus in Cambridge. A bonus being it's just a few blocks away from my Grandfather's house. My parents passed away when I was young. They owed a lot of money to one of the Italian mob bosses and to try and pay off their debt they had to work for him. To protect myself from harm and give myself as normal of a childhood as possible, I lived with my grandfather. ********************************************************************************************************** One evening when I was around 6 years old. My grandfather had a kids' train set that I loved playing with, so I was on the floor lying on my belly building the track and setting up the tunnels. A loud knock came upon the door and I ran to go see who it was. There stood a police officer, so I yelled for my grandfather as I opened the door. Addams was written on his name tag. "Hi sweet girl, is there a man here by the name of Daniel Romano?" The officer had bent over, so he could be closer to my height, so he wouldn't appear scary. "That's my Granpa. I just yelled for him. He'll be right down." "Officer Addams, Good to see you. What brings you over at this time of night?" "Hey Dan. I need to speak with you privately. Is there somewhere we can go?" "Mary, sweetie, why don't you head back into the living room and play with your train while I speak with officer Addams, OK?" "OK Granpa!" I went into the living room and closed the door behind me, leaving it partially open, so I could ease drop. "Dan, I have some terrible news. We got called to the old warehouse over by the Pier in the South End. There was a call about some mob activity, lots of yelling and gun shots. All of the Boston PD, The Fire Department and a few Ambulances showed up. The warehouse was engulfed in flames. They pulled out must have been 15 to 20 bodies all dead before the fire started shot in the head. Elizabeth and Michael were among the dead. I'm so sorry Dan." "Thank you John. I really appreciate you coming here. Is there anything you need me to do?" My grandfather's voice was strong and unwavered like he had been preparing for this. "I'll need you tomorrow morning to come down to the morgue to make a positive identification. Just be forewarned, they were both shot in the head. I only knew it was them because of their wallets." "Thank you again John. I'll meet you around 9 tomorrow morning after I drop Mary off at school." "I'll see you then. Good Night Dan." The next few weeks were a blur. I remember being sad about them passing away, but I didn't really know them since they sent me to live with my grandfather at 3. My grandpa was a mess for days after, but only when he thought I wasn't looking or when he thought I couldn't hear him. He lost his only child, and now he had to fully raise me. ********************************************************************************************************** I didn't tell my old roommate where I was moving, it wasn't any of her business and, plus, I didn't want Derrick to find my new home. Since she was the reason that he found me last week. I had everything moved into my new place in about 4 trips. I made sure to move my stuff when I knew she would be in class or cheer leading practice. I left a note on her desk with rent for 2 months to help her till she found a new roommate and my key to the apartment. Ann, In case you haven't noticed, I moved out. Here is' this month and next month's rent. Good luck to you Mary. I locked and closed the door and left. I had just a small bag as I left with my toiletries and a few towels that I had purchased. I took a taxi over to my new apartment as the sky began to open and pour water. Taking the next two days, I set up my new place. Hanging pictures and filling my cabinets with groceries and I set up my desk, so I had a space to do homework. By Sunday, I felt like I was home. Everything was set, hung and decorated, and best of all, I was alone. By 1pm I decided to go visit Granpa. I took a walk a few blocks over to his place. For being February, the temperature was very mild and not cold like it normally is. I pull out the keys I have to his place and let myself in. "Granpa, it's me Mary. Where are you?" There was no answer. I checked his office, his giant desk was in the middle surrounded by bookcases on the walls and a red oriental rug sat in the middle. I checked his chair since it was facing the window. He was not there. I walked into the chef's kitchen with all the white marble and stainless steel appliances. This room was so clean you could eat off of any surface, he wasn't there. I peaked into the living room and I saw the train set I played with as a kid sitting on a shelf with other antique toys. From when I was a kid, there used to be a fluffy beige carpet. Now there are mahogany wood floors. A large black leather couch and 2 reclining black leather chairs were near a long glass coffee table on top of another red oriental rug. He wasn't in the living room. I climbed the staircase as a smell started hitting my nose. A few flies were flying around here. One landed on a picture of my parents that hung on the wall of the stairs. I looked at the many pictures, mostly of me as I grew up, high school graduation, senior pictures, birthday parties, family reunions, things like that. I spotted my old bedroom with the one large white door. I walked past it. I stood in front of Granpa's room. There were many black flies around the large double white doors. I pushed the doors open just as a swarm of flies came flying around me. The smell was so strong. The flies finally calmed down long enough for me to look up. There on the bed was my Grandpa. A blood-curling scream left my lips as I fell to the ground on my knees. I just spoke with him on Tuesday. He was excited about seeing my new apartment and that I was going to be living so much closer. And now he was gone. The last of my immediate family, the only parent I ever really had, was now gone. I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket when I finally regained my composure, at least enough to speak with the police. I dialed the non-emergency number and explained that I had found my grandfather dead in his bed. I told the operator the address and that the door was unlocked and to just send them upstairs when they got there. I was wrapped in a silver blanket and given a cup of tea to help calm my nerves by a grief counselor who came with the police for family members who find their loved ones have left this world as she so explained it. I didn't really know what was going on and at that point I didn't really care. I went to a local bar after I was done with the police. I had intended on drowning my sorrows in my new beau, Jack Daniel's and his buddy, Coca-Cola. I just wanted to drink and be alone. I was 4 drinks deep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Derrick. "Hey, I've been calling your name and trying to get your attention for a few minutes now. Oh, sh*t are you alright?" "I just found my grandfather dead. He was the only parent I ever had, and he's now gone, so what do you think?" "Do you want to talk about it? I'm a great listener." I was now on my seventh Jack and Coke by the time I finished telling him my sad tale. He looked into my eyes with such understanding. Cupping my cheek with one hand and tucking my hair behind my ear with the other, he spoke soft words that only I seemed to be able to hear. "You are not alone. I will be here with you through every step of this, OK? I'll help you." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His kiss was warm and gentle and just enough to get me feeling something.
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