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Mary POV January 2013 I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked in. I hung my dress up in my closet and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes just enjoying the silence, when my phone rang. Derrick's name came across my screen with a picture of him kissing me.... what? What the actual fu*k? I answered. "Yes Derrick," I said with an annoyed tone, to my voice. "Hey Babe, just wanted to check in, see how everything was going and see if you needed any help?" "I'm fine and... NO I don't need any help thanks." I said, putting the emphasis on the word no in hopes that he might hear what I was saying. "Hey no need to get angry Babe, I just want to help you." "Look Derrick, it's been an extremely long day and its only three pm. I'm dealing with a lot and I just don't need any distractions." "Alright, Alright, calm down, I'll check on you later. Just call if you need anything." It was then that I heard in the background a few women laughing. And one even said "Derrick, why do you care so much about her? She clearly doesn't like you or wants your help." "I heard she's so poor that she has to work on the streets to pay for her tuition." I hung up the phone. I hate his stupid face and everything about him. I got up and looked around my apartment. It had only been a few days since I had really been here, but it needed a good cleaning. I put on the dropkick murphys on my Pandora station on my phone and started with the dishes. I then dusted, swept and mopped my floors, deep cleaned the bathroom, making everything sparkly and clean. I finally decided to go check my mail. I ran down to the main entrance to where all of our mailboxes were and there was a nice stack of about four days worth of mail. I carried it back up to my apartment, flipping through it. There was electricity, gas, the phone, the internet, all the usual things and a letter from my doctor saying it was time to make my yearly appointment for my physical. It was too late to call tonight, so I placed the letter on my fridge and went to take a shower. I always get sneezes when I deep clean. I must be allergic to dust or something because it affects my senses. Once I was cleaned off, I felt so much better. I wrapped my giant fluffy purple towel around me after I dried off and walked into my room. I put on my pajamas and turned on a movie. I sent a text to my cousin Michael Jr letting him know I was spending the night at my apartment and I would be, by first thing in the morning. He thanked me for letting him know, and he would pass the information off to the rest of the family. I made myself some mac and cheese and turned on a movie. I wasn't really paying attention, I just needed something for background noise. My phone rang again and sure enough it was Derrick. I had about enough of him today. I sent it to voicemail. I washed up my dishes and cleaned up my mess. I don't have OCD. I just like to keep my home and surrounding area clean. That's thanks to my grandparents raising me. I turned my TV and lights off and decided to call it a night. The next morning I looked to see it was ten am. Wow, I was exhausted. I made my bed, got dressed in my favorite jeans and my school hoodie. I put on my UGG boots and picked up my purse, making sure I had my phone, keys and wallet. I locked my door behind me and left my building. I crossed the street to Dunkin' Donuts where I grabbed my regular French Vanilla Iced Coffee with extra, extra. I chose to make it large today. I was going to need extra caffeine today. I walked over to Granpa's house, letting myself in. The house was clean and the aunts and uncles were all chatting away. I let them know I was here. We chatted for a bit, discussing the funeral plans and what not. The fridge was filled with food and my aunts were making up the meals to be served for the reception. I thanked them all for everything they'd been doing. I crossed the foyer and went to the office. I unlocked the door and went in. I picked right back up with all the paperwork and necessities that needed to be finished. I called the lawyer to set a date for the reading of his will and who was named to be there. The lawyer informed me that Granpas siblings and myself were all named in the will. We would do the reading the day after the funeral. I thanked him for his time and went to inform my aunts and uncles. My aunts made tons of casseroles, a few lasagnas, tons of cookies and sweets littered the counters all in Tupperware. With the wake being tomorrow and the funeral being the next morning, everything was being packed into freezer containers. So we can higher someone to heat up the food so when we get back we won't have to think about it. "Hey everyone." I said as they all turned and saw me walk in. Luckily, everyone I needed to see was in this room. "I had just heard from Mr. Stevenson Granpa's lawyer will be here in 3 days to read the will. He had requested to have all of Granpa's siblings and myself there for the reading of the will." "What about us?" My cousin Michael jr asked. "He said only Granpa's siblings and myself need to be present." Michael jr looked so angry almost like he was about to flip the table over. The air felt tight and hard to breathe. Looking at my cousins in each of their faces, they all looked angry, almost a full hatred towards me since I was the only child who was named in the will. I took in a deep sign. I need to get out of this room. I walked to the office. I looked in at Granpas desk, looking at the bookshelves and the old but still beautiful looking oriental rug. Taking in a sign, I shut and locked the door. I need to get out of here. It was very Balmy outside for being February. There were a few piles of snow as I walked, but they were slowly melting into puddles. I decided it was a nice day for a walk in the park. I saw the boy from my business class was over by the pond. Watching the Canadian Geese swimming around and throwing seeds at them. He reminds me of Billy Martin from Good Charlotte. He's thin but not too thin, has a swept over hairstyle going over part of his face, piercing icy blue eyes and is well over six feet tall. I had a flash before my eyes of what my life would be like if I was dating him. I watched how he acted in school. Always so kind to those around him. He was second from the top in our class. So I knew he was as smart as he was kind. I dreamed how we would have a small house outside of Boston, we would go on random dates, kiss in the rain, take care of our children. I imagined him wrapping his jacket around my shoulders, proposing to me in a garden filled with flowers. I made up my mind I'm going to go talk to him. "Mary! Hey Mary" Sh*t.......
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