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Uggg it Derrick. I wish he would just get the hint and leave me alone. I paused at the start of the sidewalk as Derrick came running over. “Hey, I saw the wake is tomorrow. Do you want me to stand next to you in the receiving line for support?” “Ummm No I don’t think that will be necessary, I’ll have my great aunts and uncles and my cousins around me. I should be fine. But thank you for the offer.” “Alright. No worries Babe.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked at his hand and back up at him. He was giving me a huge smile and started leading us away from the direction I was walking in. “Hey let’s go get some coffee from Macs.” Before I could answer, he was leading us to the end of the park and toward his fancy Mercedes-Benz. Without asking me what I would like, he ordered us 2 Black decaf coffees. No milk, no sugar, no flavoring, nothing. Before I could interrupt and say no, I wanted a… He had already paid for our coffees, grabbed my hand and walked me to a secluded booth in the back of the shop. Our order was called, and he went to go grab them from the counter. I took a look around the shop and noticed how cute this shop really is. There are a few black iron tables with glass tops and two iron chairs at each table. The booths were made of oak with black cushions and high backs. The whole coffee shop made me think of something that would be in a hallmark movie. I had never been here before. I heard kids from school talking about trying this place. Well, it looks like I’m trying it before them. I looked out the window and watched as the kid from my business class was standing at the bus stop across from the window. I raised my hand to wave, only I don’t think he saw me. The bus pulled up in front of him just as Derrick walked back over to me. “Sorry that it took me so long babe. Saw one of the guys from my fraternity. We had to talk “business”” “Hmm…” I said I clearly hadn’t heard what he had said. “Too good to pay attention to me, huh?” “Sorry I was trying to get my thoughts in order. I have such a busy day tomorrow with the wake and my family. I just needed a minute to organize my thoughts.” He still seemed angry, but there seemed to be a few layers under the surface. I tried to have as pleasant of a conversation with him as I could. I only had a few sips of my coffee, but I was feeling so tired and my head started to swim. “Hey let me take you home. You don’t look good.” Remembering why I moved, I told him no I’d just call one of my family members to come get me. Maybe my cousin Michael Jr or maybe Aunt Agness will send her husband, uncle Aurthur. I tried to reach for my phone, but my vision became very blurry, and I couldn’t make out what was going on. My head is swimming, and my vision is blurry. I couldn’t make out the keys on my phone to even dial a number. “Babe, come on, I’ll take you back to my place, and we can call for your uncle to grab you from there after you rest.” I just nodded my head. I was unsure of what to do at that moment. As soon as I stood, the whole room spun around me and I fell. I didn’t hit the floor. I was being carried by Derrick out to his car. He buckled me in and I passed out. I woke up several hours later. The sun had already set. I was in a large tee-shirt that was not mine. But Derricks. It was one of the shirts that he wore for practicing football. I had some visions pop into my head of kissing Derrick. I see myself touching all over and visions on top. Why would I have s*x with him? That’s not making sense. I put my hand on my face. I still feel hungover, and I just don’t know what’s going on. "Hey you're awake babe. How are you feeling?" "Like sh*t. Why am I wearing your shirt? Why am I in your bed? And most importantly, how did I pass out from a few sips of sh*tty coffee?" I looked up at Derrick, and he was just wearing a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was wet and there was steam coming out of the bathroom behind him. "Well, first, I quietly enjoyed the coffee. I'm sorry to hear you didn't. You are in my practice shirt because it was the first clean shirt I could find to change you into after you vomited all over yourself. I cleaned you up and got the vomit out of your hair and skin. Your clothes are in the frat's washer. The pledges are cleaning them as we speak. You were in my bed because I thought it would be more comfortable and private than being downstairs on the couch for all to see." "Thank you for all of that." I whispered, feeling embarrassed. "Why didn't you bring me to the hospital if I was vomiting? Or even how fast I passed out." "Honestly, I don't have an answer for that. I figured if you got bad enough I could call for our frats in house doctor, and he could take a look at you and decide what to do." He walked towards the bureau and grabbed out some clothes. I watched as his back muscles rippled and flexed as he put on his dark sweatpants. Why was I ogling this man? He's been so hot and cold with me. Sometimes he's angry, but otherwise he's kind. Ugg, I just don't know what to do. "I'm going to go see if your clothes are ready, if you want to call your uncle or who ever for a ride while I'm gone your cells on the side table. He walked out as he was putting his shirt on. I grabbed my cell and texted my cousin. 2/12/13 9:06pm Olive: MJ hey I need you to come pick me up. I'm over on Hereford Street at the frat. In, please don't tell anyone else just say you're getting a cannoli or need to clear your head or something please. I don't want to worry them. 2/12/13 9:07pm MJ: I'll be there at ten 2/12/13 9:07pm Olive: Thanks Love you A minute later, Derrick walked back in with my clothes and I walked into the bathroom. "Hey listen, I'd really like to start dating you. I think we have great chemistry. I know we were both good in the sack, so we might as well just make it official and date." "Wait, how do you know we were both good in bed?" Now I was really confused. Have i slept with him? I know the first time I slept here I was sore, but I thought that was from something else. Oh, f*ck I've slept with him. I stared at myself in the mirror. My face went completely pale. I quickly got dressed. "Umm I don't know if I'm ready to date just yet. I've got a lot on my plate at this time. Let me just get through the next few days before I start thinking about anything else." "Alright babe. Let me walk you to the front door." My cousin was waiting at the front gate as Derrick was walking me toward him. They shook hands, introducing each other before Derrick spun me around and plastered his lips onto mine.
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