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Liam POV Present Day I opted to stay with Mary in her hospital room. I informed her doctor that she was almost two months pregnant. They did a vaginal ultrasound and the baby's heartbeat was still beating strongly. "Alright Mary. I need to discuss some stuff with your surgical team before we can go in and fix your wrist and knee." The doctor walked out of the room. "How'd I get pregnant Liam?" Mary, you got pregnant from your husband. But you are also divorcing him, as we speak. You caught him cheating on you." "Oh, OK." She didn't seem to be concerned one way or the other. She must be on some good painkillers. Mary and I talked for a long time about nothing special, just talked and got to know each other. I plan on making her my mine once all this divorce stuff is finished. I know Derrick can get violent. I saw a police report from a few years ago. They were in a massive fight because he was cheating on her with his secretary and he ra*ped and be*t the sh*t out of her. The police report showed all the pictures of how badly her body was broken and noted all the tearing in her vag*nal area. If it wasn't for a neighbor calling the police, I believe he would have killed her. Since then, there were no police reports, but that doesn't mean there weren't more beatings. Her doctor walked back into the room an hour later. "Ms. North, we need your signature to approve the treatment we as your team have come up with to get your arm and knee set. You will be under anesthesia for about an hour and a half. We will have 2 teams working together to set your wrist and knee. You as well as your baby will be hooked up to heart monitors, and we will have a labor and delivery nurse watching the monitors at all times to make sure your baby does fine through the surgery. I can't promise that it will be 100% safe, but I can promise we will do everything in our power to make sure that you both pull through the surgery." He handed Mary a pen and the paperwork. Mary read it all over before signing and handing it back to the doctor. "Do you want your husband to be here Mary? In case of an emergency?" "No, if something happens I want you to let Liam know or call my lawyer, and under no circumstances is he to know about the baby." "Yes ma'am. Okay, let's get you ready for surgery." The doctor stepped out and I looked at Mary. "I hope you don't mind being my emergency contact. I know they think you're my cousin, so it just makes sense." "No Mary, I don't mind. You just focus on making it through this surgery. I'll take care of everything else." I leaned down and kissed Mary on the forehead. "I'll be right here waiting for you after your surgery." A few nurses came in and wheeled her out of the room. My phone rang as soon as the door closed behind them. "Stone here." "Liam, how's that assignment going?" "It got complicated. I'm waiting for Mary to finalize her divorce before I kill him. You know, kick him while he's down and broken." "Alright, well, I got another assignment from the don while your waiting for this divorce to be finalized." "Oh yeah who?" "So that car that hit marry last night, well, you'll never guess who he is. So I'm just going to tell you. It's Maxino's cousin, Padro. Turns out Padro owes us quite a bit of money. So the don wants you to take a trip down to the police station this evening and pay his bail and bring him over to the "safehouse." He wants you to take out what he owes us in blood." "Consider it done. Mary's surgery will only take a few hours. I'm gonna wait until she's back, and I'll have her lawyer stay with her until I get back." "Sounds good, keep me posted Liam." I received a file in my email all about Pedro and? Oh boy, was he going to get the beating of his life tonight? I wrote out a list of everything I was going to need, and I read through his file a few times, putting parts to memory. I texted her lawyer to see if he or someone he trusted could come sit with Mary overnight tonight. I told him that I knew about how violent her husband can get and knew she didn't want him finding out about the baby. The lawyer one hundred percent agreed. He said he would be in her room by seven pm. I thanked him for his time. I would get to sit with her for about six hours before having to go and do some work. Around noon, her surgeon walked into her room. "Mr. Stone?" "Yes?" "Ms. North and the baby came through the surgery beautifully. She is recovering nicely in the recovery ward. Would you like to see her?" "Yes please." I stood up and followed the doctor to the recovery ward, and there she was with two ice blue casts on. She has her red hair braided to one side and there's a fetal monitor on her belly making sure nothing happens to the baby. I kissed her forehead once again. "Hey beautiful, I'm right here. Take your time waking up. I'll protect you and bean." There was a nurse in the room. He was going over some charts and filling out paperwork. I held her hand and just watched her face. Her eyes would twitch every so often like she was in dreamland. I was staring out the window at her bed, my feet up on the window sill. Her head in my eyesight was my hand still in hers. I felt her hand twitch and squeeze around my hand. I turned my head quickly towards hers and there were her beautiful green eyes. "Hi" she whispered out. "Hi," I whispered back. The nurse came over and checked her and the baby's vitals. Everything was perfect. I breathed out a sigh of relief. They wheeled her back to her room with me next to her holding her hand. They get her all plugged in and monitored back up. I helped her get some water with a straw. Her throat was very dry. I helped her eat some food and stuff she could actually stand and not food that upset her stomach with morning sickness. By seven, her lawyer walked in. "Hey Mary, I'm here to keep an eye on you for this evening, so Mr. Stone can go to work." "Thank you, Jason, I'll be back in about twelve hours." "No sweat go do what you've got to do." I kissed Mary on her forehead and whispered "I'll see you in the morning. Do you want me to bring your breakfast?" "Hazelnut coffee extra, extra and a sausage egg and cheese on a plain bagel." "You got it. Jason, you want anything?" "Regular the same black sandwich." I nodded my head. "See you both in the morning."
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