
1036 Words
“OOOO Mary, you lucky duck. Scoring a high profile boyfriend. Where can I get one?” my cousin MJ comments as Derrick pulls his lips off mine. “Good Night Derrick” I say as I walk to MJ’s car. It’s a beat-up 2000 Toyota Corolla with close to two hundred thousand miles. MJ calls it his little scoot about. He has like four other cars in his garage at his house in Quincy. I get into the passenger seat as I hear MJ and Derrick say good night to each other. As soon as Mj gets into the car, I look at him. “I need you to take me to the hospital. I have reason to believe I was drugged and forced by that man. And I don’t think it’s the first time he’s done this to me either.” I thought MJ’s jaw was going to unhinge with how wide his mouth became. After a minute, he refocused, shook his head in disbelief and drove me over to Mass General. The emergency room was almost completely empty, and I was taken into a back room for examination. MJ opted to wait outside, in the waiting room, to give me some privacy. They took blood, urine and hair samples to see if there were any drugs in my system and a female doctor came in to do a vaginal check. I was a virgin at the beginning of January, so I should still be one now. About an hour after everything was done, I was just waiting for the results of the test. The female doctor came back with a clipboard and a large file. “Ms. North, I’m afraid I have news. Good or bad, I will leave that up to you. You had no drugs in your system that we could identify at this time. There is a new drug out there that has been being used where it knocks the victim out fast and is out of their system within a few short hours. Usually around the time the victim wakes up. You said this has happened to you before with the major hang over feeling?” “Yes, last week when I discovered my grandfather had passed away I went to the local bar. I had a few drinks, nothing crazy, I just wanted to forget what I saw. I woke up in the bed of the guy who had been actively trying to date me.” “I see well for your own good, you should stay away from him before he does something that will harm you” Your other tests all came back negative, and you are still a virgin.” I let out a sign of relief that I was still a virgin I had been saving my self for the right guy. I wanted to give myself purity and all to the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. “Anyway, Ms. North, if there is nothing else, I’ll have you sign the release paperwork, and you can be on your way.” “Thank you doctor.” I said as I stood up from my chair and signed the paperwork. I walked out to the waiting room and MJ was still there waiting for me. I gave him a big hug and said let's go home. MJ pulled into grandpa's driveway. It was around midnight, all the lights were off, and it looked like everyone was in bed asleep. We made our way inside and up to my room. MJ decided to spend the night in my room in case I had a reaction from the drug. I was just grateful that I was still a virgin. It didn't explain what was happening to me or why I was so sore last week after spending the night with Derrick, but I'm just grateful that he didn't do anything to me. I told MJ that I was OK physically and that I believed I was being drugged with my drinks, but there was no way to prove what the drug was or that I was being drugged. I changed into my fuzzy mickey pants and a long sleeved shirt. I handed MJ a dark blue comforter and a pillow from my closet. He pulled out the futon that was in my room and set himself up. I curled up in my bed and tried to sleep. I kept having dreams of things that had happened. Derrick carried me to the car, taking my clothes off, taking pictures of me without clothes, using his mouth in my center while I wasn't conscious. I need to end this, whatever relationship it is with him. I need to be alone. I woke up around six thirty with bags darkening under my eyes. I walked into my attached bathroom and cleaned myself up. The wake would be in a few hours and, because of his high profile, it was going to be an all-day event. I pulled out the black dress I bought the other day and a pair of black pumps. Straightening my hair, and swooping on light mascara and gave myself a classic pink lip. I picked up my clutch, placed my phone and keys inside, and I picked up my dressy black coat. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The aunts were setting out coffee and pastries for all of us. I filled up a mug and sat in the breakfast nook. My aunts were busy flitting around all over the kitchen. They were interchanging, some going to get ready while others cleaned or were taking pastries out of the oven. There was enough food to feed the entire neighborhood. I just sat watching as the aunts all chatted and prepared everything. I finished my coffee and got up for a refill. I grabbed a lemon strudel and went to grandpa's office. I took a breath and decided I needed to write what I was going to say for tomorrow. I had been running through what to say in my head for the last few days. Now it was time to put pen to paper, so to speak.
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