Secretly watching you!

1124 Words
Alina's pov His grip was damn strong on my arms, and the look in his eyes was speaking of the devil summoned on earth. My engagement news provoked the last of his anger and he didn't even try to hide it in front of me. “Actually, not even in your dreams you will get engaged to Kian!” His devilish tone whispered. “Mr.Cross?” I was confused. “You're my son's nurse, and that's the only relationship you should have with any of my family members.” He made it clear. “Do you hate me for some reason?” My lips asked. His words didn't answer. “Get in the car, ginger!” I didn't argue with him anymore, quietly perched on the front seat of his car, and silence replenished between us. As we reached the Cruz mansion… I angrily got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. He noticed my rage, yet didn't even bother to stop me. Mr.Cross was the worst of all. *** Later at night… There was a big charity event in Paris and half of the Cruz family members were attending that event. It was just Safrina and Kian in the house, accompanying us. Everytime my feet stepped into that house, horror filled my heart. Even though Moon Goddess gave me another chance, the previous abuse was hard to forget. I was living in hell. I just wanted to cure Jude and end my contract with Mr.Cross. it was the only way to keep myself safe, and my family. Sara came into my room with cookies as I was lost in my negative thoughts rolled up in my bed. “What's with the potato look?” Her curiosity inquired. She rested the cookie tray on the tea table and tugged herself in my bed. “So how was your date with Mr.Cross?” A wide smile flashed on her lips. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. “Date? Seriously?” “We just went to Father's factory for those blue herbs.” Sara was always a good friend…it took her three seconds to figure out something was wrong with my mood today. “What happened?” *Sigh “Mr.Cross hates me!” “Why would you say that?” She furrowed her brows. “He always says things like he hates my face, hates my name, hates me getting involved with his family!” “That's f*cking rude!” Sara worked up. “Calm down, hyena!” My palm rubbed her upper back. “Just because he's handsome doesn't mean he will look down on you!” She murmured in rage. “Let it be…” “Once our contact is over we won't be seeing each other anyways!” Sara wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my right shoulder. “Everything's gonna be fine, don't worry.” “There's one more problem…” I started rubbing my fingers anxiously. “What more?” Sara focused her worried gaze on my face. *Breath “I think I have a stalker!” “Stalker?” Her eyes widened. “At night I feel like somebody's watching me and two days ago there were muddy footprints in my room.” “Oh my God!” “You need to tell Mr.Cross!” “That man?” I frowned. “Yes, that man!” Sara snarled. “This could be dangerous, Ali.” She was right. After what horror happened to me in my previous life, a crazy stalker would only hazard my survival chances in this life. “I will inform Mr.Cross!” *** The next morning… Sara slept in my room after hearing about my stalker, she was a possessive one. My feet were on my way to Mr.Cross’ room, yet Safrina interrupted my steps. “Alina” Her sweet smile scared me again. In my previous life this woman slapped me so many times for mere mistakes. She was the devil's sister sent on earth just to torture my poor soul. Her evil presence came closer and my throat went dry. “I heard from Kian that you rejected him.” “Uhm…yes…ma’am…” “Why is that, sweetie?” her tone was sweeter than honey. This tone fooled me in my previous life, but not anymore. My senses could feel the viciousness beneath that sweet tone. “I am not ready for marriage yet.” “Kian accepted my decision, but I don't know why he called my family and told them…” “Kian didn't accept your decision, Alina.” She cut off my words in the middle. “Huh?” “Kian never said he would call off this engagement, did he?” Her sweet tone slowly disappeared. Her palm brushed through my red hair… “My son likes you, Alina.” “I would appreciate it if you reciprocate his feelings and move forward with the engagement or your family might face the consequences for your actions!” There she goes with her threats… “Think about it and let Kian know your answer.” Having said that, she headed to her luxurious room. God! I hate her! . . . My fist knocked at Mr.Cross’ door. He opened the door and my eyes were once again mesmerized by his beauty. His black hair was matted behind his neck and five or six loose strands were falling on his forehead. His black shirt was unbuttoned from the top exposing his cleaned chest and his green eyes seductive as always. “Come in” He opened the door wide and my feet slowly stepped inside. “Mr.Cross” “Hmm?” His dark room was shrouded with his addictive scent, making me feel his presence in every corner of that room. “I need to tell you something very important.” “Go ahead” “I think I have a stalker.” His brow twitched. “Are you sure?” Word by word my lips explained it to him. “Seems like you do have a stalker!” He believed my words. “Always lock your door…I will do something about it.” His deep voice assured my fear. “Thank you, Mr.Cross!” . . . Jayce's pov Ever seen a mouse asking for protection from a cat??? Well, it was exactly like ginger asking for protection from her stalker!! I love watching her secretly. I will keep doing it…until she feels helpless and only trusts me in this world. I will break her first then collect those broken pieces and put them back into a new Alina, made only for me. You need only one man in your life… And that's me, sweetheart.
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