
1151 Words
Alina's pov The next day I went to Father's herb factory with Mr.Cross. Half of our factory workers resigned, only a few old trusted people were working, that too, at a very low wage. It was because of their good friendship with Father. My feet led the way to the glass greenhouse where those ayurvedic herbs were usually grown. The doors, the walls, and the rooftop, was one big glass window. One could see the clear outside view from inside, but for people standing outside, it will be just a black dark glass. There were blue herbs planted in a straight horizontal row at the end of the greenhouse. “Mr.Cross” “These blue herbs are what we need.” He twitched a brow and scanned those herbs for like twenty seconds. “Looks nothing special to me!” His deep voice whispered. “Trust me, they're the most effective ones.” I slightly turned my head to him and answered his doubts. Our eyes met. Shivers chill down my spine. The gun incident from last night was still fresh in my head. He was a dangerous man, very dangerous. His devilish eyes broke the eye contact between us and shifted to one of our workers standing quite far from us. “Pack them, all of them.” . . . Half an hour later… A truck loaded with those herbs was sent to the Cruz mansion, whereas we were on our way to the mansion in Mr.Cross’ car. He was driving. I piqued at him sneakily from the corner of my eyes, and oh boy… He was breathtaking in his white shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his arms, exposing his veins on his hands. Never thought a man could look this sexy while driving. The way he was turning the steering wheel, got my eyes addicted to his sight. All of a sudden… His green eyes turned to my face and my heart skipped a beat. “Done checking me out, ginger?” “Ginger?” My brows furrowed. “Hmm…your hair is red, and I don't like your name!” His rude unfiltered mouth didn't even hesitate. *Gulp “I wasn't checking you out.” My lips lied. He didn't say anything. My head rested on the window as disappointment shrouded my face. What the f*ck is wrong with my name?? Alina is a pretty name. A few more minutes passed by… “Mr.Cross” “Could you please drop me off at my parent's house?” He again didn't say anything. After a half an hour drive he stopped the car in front of my parent's house. “You have 20 minutes!” My eyes widened. “You're not leaving?” “20 minutes, ginger!” His deep voice replied as he took a cigarette and started smoking in the car. *Deep breath I walked away from his presence and knocked at my house door. Mother opened the door, and she was surprised. “Ali?” “Oh my God!” “Why didn't you inform us beforehand?” My feet stepped inside and Mother locked the door. “Where is Sara?” Her eyes scanned around me… “Where is your luggage, sweetie?” Father stepped out of his room along with Storm and flashed a wide smile. “We missed you so much!” He hugged me tightly. *Breath “I need to tell you something.” My lips murmured anxiously. Father parted our hug and focused his intense gaze on my expressionless face. He had so many questions. “What is it?” My strong grip clutched my dress tightly. “I went to Romania to meet your debt collector, Jayce Cross!” He was flabbergasted. “Are you out of your mind?” Storm growled. “Let me explain first…” “Mr.Cross made a deal with me!” “What deal?” Mother panicked. “He said if I can make his five year old son walk again then he will forget our debt. The deal was too good to be true because I can make Jude walk again, trust me.” Father twitched his brows. “And if you fail, he will kill you!” Words came out of his mouth. My palm held Father's. “Nothing will happen to me, please!” “Mr.Cross treats me well.” “Do you know who he is?” Father never met him because Mr.Cross had other men taking care of his business in Silver Falls. “Mr.Cross’ real name is Jayce Cruz. He is the eldest son of the Cruz family.” Their faces dropped. “I am staying with him in Cruz mansion to look after his son.” Mother rubbed my back. “Are you sure you will be okay?” Father was still unsettled. “Yes, Father!” My words assured him. A breath slipped free his mouth and he nodded his head slightly. “Also, there's something else…” “Kian called us this morning.” Father cut my words in the middle. “Kian? What did he say?” “He is looking forward to your engagement this week.” Father said with a smile. My heart sunk to the bottom. I called off my engagement with him…then why on earth did he say those words to my family??? “This is for the better.” Storm mumbled. “If you get married to Kian Cruz then at least Jayce Cruz won't be able to harm you, even if your methods fail to make his son walk again.” “I don't want to get married…” “Your engagement is already fixed and now we can't go back on our words, especially when the other party is the Cruz family!” Mother interrupted. Destiny was again being cruel. No! No! No! I must find another way to expose Kian's true face to my family…then only they will call off this engagement. . . . I closed the wooden door behind me and stood at the entrance for a few seconds to scan the gorgeous man in front of my eyes. He was Leaned against his car, still smoking…such a chainsmoker!! His green eyes noticed my presence and he tilted his head slightly. My feet slowly walked over to him and he dropped the cigarette butt on the road and crushed it under his black shoe. “You're 5 minutes late, ginger!” “Uhm…actually…” He grabbed my wrist and pinned me against his car. His body pressed against mine and I could feel my bre*sts touching his chest. “What did you talk about?” “About our deal…” “And?” “My engagement this week with Kian.” “Right! In your dreams!” A wicked smirk arose on the corner of his mouth as those words reached my ears.
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