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POV NICO     I didn't think it was going to work when I asked for her number, she probably has guys asking all day. She gave it to me without any thought. I added her number to my phone quickly leaving her a large tip. I went back to my car, watching the entrance for her to finish  her shift. I only had to stay till she went home, one of her dads guards kept a lookout at night. My phone starts buzzing  "Hello?" "Hey baby, feeling like a hookup tonight? " Amanda a horny girl I had a few nights with a while back. She was hot and always ready to go.  "Nah, gotta work"  "Blow it off, you know I'm more fun!" She pouts "Maybe another time" I hang up. A couple guys going into the pub catch my eye, they look familiar, but I can't place them.  I pull my phone back out and send Cordelia a text. 'Hey beautiful, what are you doing tomorrow night? Nico' If her father wants me to befriend her, I have to start somewhere. Hopefully she doesn't blow me off. She's hard to read.  It's a while before she replies, which makes sense as she is working.  'I have plans with my girlfriend at a club, but your welcome to join if you want! Matrix at 11PM'  'Maybe I'll see you there'      After hours of waiting I see her come out of the pub, putting her earphones in. She starts walking down the street, the two guys from earlier are trailing her, she doesn't even notice them. I get out of my car and start to follow them. Keeping a safe distance but close enough I can interject if needed. They follow her for eight blocks, all the way to her apartment. I see her night guards sitting in a car, not even noticing the two guys across the street. I feel myself getting angry at their incompetence.. The two guys finally leave, satisfied with their stalking. I walk over to the car, tapping on the window.  "So are you two just plain stupid or did you not care that she had two guys tailing her all the way home?" I hiss at the so called body guards playing cards inside the car.  "Nico! We didn't realize you'd be taking her home today!" They sense my anger and lean away from me.  "So you just don't care if the boss's daughter gets picked up by some weirdos?" I spit. "Maybe I should call the boss right now and give him a heads up that his daughter is not in safe hands with you two"  "It's not like anything is gonna happen to her, calm down man. She's just a chick. Why would anyone want to kidnap her?" "So you are as stupid as you look" I glare at them, running a hand through my hair.      I look up and have a clear view into her apartment, her blinds haven't been pulled back. She is standing in her living room, doing yoga? Little late for exercise, no? I watch her for a moment before pulling my gaze back to dumb and dumber, "Watch her with your life" I say as I walk away.     I had a restless sleep, all I could think abut was Cordelia, her smile. Then it turned quickly to her cry and screaming. I woke with a start. My heart was beating in overtime. I had a shower, letting cold water hit my shoulders, down my back.  Quickly get dressed and head out for the day. I have to go see Mr. Lando and fill him in on last nights events.  "Nico my boy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mr. Lando greets me outside the mansion. "I need to speak to you, about Cordelia's night guards"  I fill him in on what happen last night, "I see, well thank you my boy. I'll be sure to take care of it right away. You're doing a fine job. Tell me, have you been able to get close to her?"  "She invited me to a club tonight" I shrug Mr. Lando smiles brightly at that. "Well, I hope you two have fun, but not too much fun" winking at me.     I go home and having a nap for a few hours. I made sure someone was watching Cordelia during the day as I would be taking the night shift tonight. I have a  quick shower, changing into a pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt. I put my hair up into a loose bun. Wisps of hair falling over my forehead.. It's almost time to head out for the night. I do a quick scan of myself before heading out.      I make it to the club around 10:45PM paying the cover I go inside. She isn't here yet, not surprising, women are always late. I go to the bar, sitting at the end, scanning the club. The usual kind of people, women dressed like sluts and desperately hanging off of anyone they can. The music changes from some hip hop to a mixture of trap/goth music quickly. Not the kind of music I expected to hear.      After about twenty minutes I see her walk in, like she owns the room, and honestly she does. Everyone watches her as she goes to the dance floor. She's wearing black leather skin tight pants and a slinky halter top, revealing her tummy area. Thigh high boots, giving her short stature a few more inches. She looks f*****g sexy as hell.      She hasn't noticed me, so I just watch. She dances with passion, lost in the music with her eyes closed, feeling the music.. A guy comes up behind her, grinding on her, she ignores him and continues to dance in her own world. After a while, the guy starts to kiss her neck, his hands go to her hips, pulling her closer to him. Her eyes flick open at the kiss, she spins around. For a second I think she's going to slap him, but instead she wraps her hands around his neck and continues to dance.      After a while she pulls back, coming towards the bar. She asks for a water (She's still underage so asking for water won't draw attention and no ID will be checked) She walks back to the dance floor with her water and finds her friend, taking small sips of her drink. They huddle for a few minutes, glancing back at the guy she was dancing with and she walks back over to him a few minutes later. She is saying something  in his ear and he nods and walks away, looking pissed off. Was she telling him off?     I see her scan the room with her eyes, she sees me at the bar and her face lights up like a Christmas tree. Waving at me I give her a small smile and start to walk over. She bites her bottom lip as she looks me over. "How long have you been here?" She shouts over the music. "Not long" 
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