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    I see Nico from across the club, he's sitting at the bar, watching everyone. I give him a wave and smile at him. He strolls across the club towards me. His broad shoulders sporting a snug black t-shirt, with a pair of dark jeans. I wanted nothing more in this second then to jump him. Ripping off that shirt to find the mysteries beneath it. I bite my bottom lip thinking about it.  "Have you been here long?" I shout over the music, hoping he can hear me "Not long"      I reach out for his hand, he accepts and I pull him towards the dance floor. I dance with him for what seemed like forever, he refuses to put his hands all over me keeping a safe distance between us, unlike the guy I danced with earlier. Nico respected my body. It was a turn on for sure but at the same time I longed for his touch. I tried to push a bit closer to him but he instinctively took a small step back. I didn't try to hide my disappointment. He doesn't want me the way I want him. I try and shrug it off, taking a step away finding the next closest body to dance with.      A guy with blonde hair sweeping over his face, kind of emo looking, with snake bit piercings. His hands immediately land on my hips guiding them to the music. We dance for a few songs, I looked over to Nico, his facial is mixed with amusement and frustration. I ignore him and turn back to my new dance partner. He asks in my ear if I want a drink, I think for a moment before nodding at him. He walks off to the bar, coming back with two glasses, I don't hesitate to down the drink. Not expecting it to be straight vodka, I choked a bit and started coughing. I've never had a drink before, I try and play cool. Emo boy laughs and asks if I want another, I smile at  him and nod. If I couldn't have what I wanted tonight I could try to forget. A few drinks later I feel Nico beside me, looking sad. It's his eyes, they hold all his emotions, I thought.     I look at him questioningly for a moment, before the emo boy I'd been dancing with grabs my hand and pulls me away from Nico. Big mistake, Nico grabs the guys arm, twisting it behind his back. I see him saying something to him but I can't hear what it is. I go to take a step towards them but I stumble... the alcohol is hitting me now. I take a moment to steady myself.     Nico comes back towards me, gently placing a hand on my lower back, he starts to lead me out of the club. I don't protest, I am suddenly feeling horrible, everything is spinning. He is pushing me to go faster and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I stop walking and put my hand on the closest thing to steady myself. He lets me stop only for a moment before he scoops me up and throws me onto his back. He is piggy backing me out of the club, I feel my face flush with embarrassment. He has one hand holding my wrists to his chest and his other hand holding the backs of my thighs.      As soon as we step out of the club, the cool air hits me like a truck, sobering me up slightly. He kept walking till we stopped in front of a car. He slid me down his back and watched me for a few seconds, to make sure I wasn't going to fall over. Once he seemed satisfied with my balance he turned to the car and unlocked the doors, opening mine for me, he helped me inside.  "Don't throw up in my car, please" He said in a very serious tone. I snorted at him, he did a double take of me, not expecting such a  noise to come out of me. He closed the door, coming over to the driver side. Once he started the car, he turned to me. "Address?" He asked "McDonalds!" I giggled He started down the road,  Wait is he actually taking me to McDonalds?? Yep. A few minutes later, there we were, waiting our turn in the drive thru,  "What do you want?" "Nuggets! and Pie!" I squeaked grinning ear to ear A few minutes later he handed me the bag with my own personal heaven inside. I ate quickly, offering him a nugget as he drove, he leaned forward and ate it from my hand. I blushed like a school girl.  "Okay, now that your fed, where do you live?" He asked again     I told him my address and leaned back in the seat, closing my eyes. I must have dozed off, before I knew it he was gently shaking my shoulder, trying to wake me. My eyelids felt heavy, but I forced them open. I mumbled a thanks for the ride to Nico. Groaning as I got out of the car, I started for my building, stumbling up the first few stairs before stopping, an attempt to make the spinning slow down. I didn't even realize Nico was behind me, suddenly he picked me up and started to carry me up the stairs.      All the way up to the fourth floor, I waved my bag at him and dug out my keys, jiggling them in his face as I giggled. He unlocked the door, still holding me in his arms.  "Why did you come tonight?" I whispered "Because you asked"  "Yeah but why come if you have no interest in me?" He sets me down on the couch, taking a seat beside me "What makes you think I'm not interested?"  "You.. wouldn't touch me at all" He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.  "It's not like that. I just don't want to move too fast with you. You're special."  I snorted and rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah right, does that work on all the ladies?"  He looks at me almost hurt. He gets up to leave before I grab his hand. "I'm sorry... Don't go" I whisper He leans over me and kisses my forehead. "I'll call you tomorrow" He says as he drops my hand and leaves. Once I hear the door shut I can't help the tears that start to flow. I curl up into a ball on the couch and cry myself to sleep. 
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