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    Finally my shift was over, I headed outside after saying my goodbyes and Mr. Sexy was leaning against a car. "Want a ride?" He smiles at me  "What? Oh um, no, no thanks. I only live a few blocks away" I say as I start walking down the road, feeling his eyes watching me. I turn the corner and feel a bit more relaxed, his gaze is so intense.      I quickly make my way home, making sure to lock the door behind me. I strip off my work clothing and my heels, finally giving my aching feet relief and turn on the shower. I step inside and instantly feel better.  I towel off and crawl into my bed, not bothering to dress. I fall asleep quickly after my head hits the pillow. BANG  BANG  BANG I shoot straight up, looking over to see my clock, it's 3AM. I've only been asleep for an hour. "OPEN THE DOOR!" Jason is screaming  I pull my blanket closer to me, cringing as he continues to bang on the door "I know you're in there, open the f**k up Cordelia!"  I keep quiet, feeling the hot tears running down my face.     A few more minutes went by of him screaming at me and banging the door, for a moment I was afraid he would break the door down.      Silence. He stopped and I relaxed a bit, waiting to see if he would continue. It seems like he finally left. I was too scared to sleep after that. I just lay there looking at the ceiling, silent tears running down my face. I thought about my time with Jason, he had always been so calm and gentle, somewhat boring in bed but he was never aggressive towards me. If anything he seemed uninterested like he could care less, so why was he acting this way now?     I got up throwing on my runners, it was still only 5AM, but I couldn't lay there anymore feeling sorry for myself. Throwing on my shorts and sports bra I grabbed my phone and my headphones and went outside. It was drizzling, but I liked running in the rain, it was very calming to me. Always gave me time to think, I started running, after a while I could feel the tears freely falling from my face, I ignored them and kept going. Finally I turned around and started back home. By the time I got home it was almost 8AM. I had run longer than I intended, but I had needed it. I had to go to the store and the college to put another deposit down for my spring semester.  I grabbed a quick shower, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I went to the college first. "Hello Cordelia, here for another payment?" Anne the receptionist asked me with a bright smile.      I nod and hand over an envelope, all my tips from the past month. It was close to $1500, I had always made really good tips at the pub. I signed the deposit slip and handed it back to her "See you in a month, hopefully I'll have the remaining balance by then!" I say as I leave.     I walk the short distance to the store, getting my few essential groceries. I had been living off of ramen noodles and yogurt packs. Easy to carry home and not expensive. I'm sure if my dad knew how I was eating it would send him into a heart attack. I couldn't tell him of my poor living conditions, not after I insisted on moving out. I grab my few bags from the cashier and put my earbuds back in, starting my walk home. It would be nice to have a car, but at the same time it would be so much more money being spent each month. I had a strict budget I stuck to. No matter what.     My hands were starting to get sore from the bags ripping into my fingers, but I was almost home so I got a better grip and quickened my pace. I got into my apartment and put away the groceries, my stomach growling at the same time, I grabbed a yogurt pack, sat down on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I opened up my social media account and saw my girlfriend Lia had been posting drunk photos. She tagged me in one, with the quote "Missing my bestie". I pull out my phone and send her a text 'You trying to hint we need a girls night?'  'Hell yeah!' 'I'm free tomorrow night?' 'See you at 10PM your place'  'Sounds good xoxox'     Putting my phone away I go to my closet, it's been a while since we've gone out. At least four months since I started seeing Jason. I grab a cute slinky top and my skinny black leather pants. I liked the 90's style of it all. .      I decided to do a load of laundry before I had to head to work for the day. My shift was earlier than normal, I had agreed to switch with Abby, a single mom, her kid was sick so she couldn't do the day shift.  I pulled on my work shirt and headed for work.     I was surprised to see Mr. Sexy in the same booth he was in last night. I quickly put my things away and clocked in. "Hi, nice to see you again..?" I fished for him to tell me his name "Nico, good to see you too. No more trouble with your s**t head ex?" He set his menu down "Nope all good, thanks again!" I lied, his eyes narrowed at me.  "Tonic water and the special please" He said as he looked into my eyes. I nod and walk away, again I feel his eyes on me.  I bring him his tonic water after placing his order and go back to the bar, I'm leaning on the counter and Jaxson comes beside me, "Earth to Cordelia!" I jump at his words "Huh? you say something?"  "Your orders ready, Bobby's been waving you down" "Oh sorry" I bring over Nico's order, setting it down in front of him. "Anything else I can get for you right now?" "Yeah, there is one thing"  "What's that? Hot sauce or?" "Your number" I feel myself going a deep crimson quickly walking away      Not knowing what to say I go back to the bar, watching him from afar. He is really good looking, he's polite, he doesn't give me the creeps. Before I know it I find myself writing my number on his bill.  I walk back over to his table when I see he's finished his meal, "Anything else I can get you off the menu?" I choose my words carefully,  He chucked, "Just the bill please" I slid it over, grabbing his plate and rushing away feeling embarrassed.      I go to my other tables, making sure everyone is getting refills. I head back over to Nico's table when I see he has left. He's a good tipper. He left the bill with my number face down on the table, I wonder if he even read it. Was he kidding when he asked for my number? 
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