1339 Words
    My walk home felt like forever, I dragged my feet out of exhaustion. About half way home I felt a overwhelming feeling like I was being watched. It made my stomach do back flips and made me feel very uneasy. I took out my phone and dial the first person I thought of.  Two rings later the other side picked up "Hello?" Nico sounded tired, maybe I woke him up? "Um, hi.. how are you?" Act casual I told myself "I'm good... do you know what time it is?"  "Oh yeah sorry, I just got off work..." I started to quicken my pace as I felt more uneasy by the second. I still have twelve blocks to go. "Oh wow, that's a long ass day" He chuckled "Yeah, sorry to call you so early, I just felt uneasy walking home at this hour and you were the first person I thought of..."  "Oh I see, is there any other reason you feel uneasy?"  "I-I think I may be being followed? It sounds stupi-"  "Where are you?" he cut me off "Corner of 4th and 10th"  "I'll be right there, stay on the line"  "You don't have to, I'm sure I'll be fine, I just wanted t talk to someone just in case. My dad always says you can never be too careful"  "I'm only a block away from you, don't worry about it" "Oh? I didn't realize we lived so close to each other" I felt some sort of relieve knowing he was close by. A minute later a familiar car pulled up beside me. Nico got out and pulled me into the car.  "T-Thanks for this. I'm sure it was nothing but I just had a sick feeling in my gut" I say as I fidget with my hands. I shouldn't have called him, I should have called Conner, but he is almost an hour away, living with  Father. I guess there was no helping it, Nico was my best chance of getting out of the situation I don't even know him but I feel very safe with him. "I'm taking you to my place, your neighborhood is sketchy, If someone is following you I'd rather lead them to my place" He says sternly "That makes sense I guess, but I don't want to put you in any unnecessary danger!" I start to panic, what if someone was following me and they go after Nico instead. Nico starts to laugh, a roaring laugh vibrating from his chest.  "You think I can't handle myself, little one?" He smiles a million dollar smile at me. I don't say anything, I hadn't thought of that. Nico is a very large muscular man, I'm sure he can look after himself.  He pulls into a driveway a few minutes later, a very large house stands before us.  "Come on" He says as he opens the door me for, reaching out his hand to help me out. I accept it and he rushes me inside the house.  "So, kitchen is over here, bathroom and bedroom upstairs, I don't have a spare bedroom set up so if you'd like to rest please use my bed" I give him a terrified look for a moment. "Oh don't give me that look, I promise to behave. Actually I was already up when you called, I was about to do my workout. So if you want to sleep go right ahead, I'll be across the hall in my gym" I look down at myself and see my work shirt has stains on it from doing food prep.  "I will just crash on the couch, my clothes are dirty, I don't want to mess up your sheets" I shrug, heading for the couch "I'll let you borrow a shirt, you can shower if that makes you feel more comfortable too"  Having a hot shower did sound very tempting, so I nod, giving him the smallest smile.  We head upstairs towards his bedroom, he hands me a clean black t-shirt, "Your so short this should fit like a night dress" He chuckles "Thanks." I glare at him, he points towards a closed door across the hallway, "Bathrooms in there, take your time" I nod again and head out of the bedroom.  The bathroom is beautiful, there's a big claw foot tub in the middle, a shower in the corner and a sauna on the other side. There is a double sink with a full wall mirror. I go towards the tub running my hand along it. Maybe a nice bath, it's been a while since I had one. I filled up the tub, stripping down and placing my clothes on the floor by the door.      I slowly lowered myself into the hot steamy water. A small groan escaped my lips as I did so, the water felt nice against my sore body. I laid back and just stared at the ceiling. I felt my eyes start to droop. Before I had the chance to fall asleep in the large comfortable tub, I got out. Pulled over Nico's shirt, he was right it came past my knees, it was so large on my I could fit 4 of me inside it. Since it was so big and long I decided not to put my panties back on, they were dirty and honestly with this dress on he wouldn't know.      I made my way back to his room, passing by his gym, he had the door slightly ajar. I saw him hitting a punching bag, he was wearing sweatpants and was shirtless. He had his hands wrapped up to his forearms. He looked so good. His 8 pack glistening with sweat beading down his torso. His large biceps flexing with every punch he landed. I slowly pulled myself away from the door, quickly going to the bedroom, I hesitantly crawled into his bed, laying myself down on the edge, pulling the covers over me.      Sleep overtook me within minutes. I knew I was tired but I didn't think I'd fall asleep so quickly in a strangers bed. I tossed and turned for a while. Images of Jason kept running through my mind, that night with all his anger. The night he came banging on my door. When I finally woke up, I checked my phone to see it was already noon. I started to panic, I ran out of the bedroom, towards the bathroom, I needed my clothes and I needed to get out of Nico's house. I had defiantly overstayed my welcome. When I made it to the bathroom, I looked everywhere for my clothes but they were gone. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, searching for Nico.  He  had his back to me, inside the fridge, I inhaled, smelling chicken and potatoes. He was cooking.  He pulls out of the fridge with a bundle of carrots, he sees me and give me a large smile "Look who's finally awake. Did you sleep well?"  "Oh um. I guess. I should really be going. I didn't mean to intrude on you for so long. I can't seem to find my clothes though?" I was suddenly very aware I had no panties on.  "Your stuff is in the dryer. Figured you'd want clean clothes"      I felt my face go a deep shade of red. He washed my clothes. so he seen and touched my panties. He knows I'm not wearing any right now.  "I made us some lunch, I will take you to work for your shift later. I thought we could watch a movie or something until then?" He goes back to cooking.     I am speechless. My shift doesn't start till 8 PM. I have to spend 8 hours with him? Maybe I should just tell him I have things to do today. Something was telling me to stay though.  "Sure I guess... your sure it's not too much trouble?"  "Not at all. Your clothes should be ready soon, and so should lunch. Why don't you go pick a movie?"
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