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    Nico made us an amazing lunch, afterwards we settled on the couch for a movie. It felt very awkward at first. Both of us on opposite ends of the couch, but as the movie went on we relaxed. I was currently sitting with my legs tucked underneath myself, my head resting on the arm rest. Nico was sitting in a wide stance, his arms spread out over the top of the couch.       The movie finally ended, I found myself lost in thought. Not paying attention to my surroundings, I hadn't noticed Nico get up and leave the room. He came back with a basket, my clothes. I had forgotten I was still in his shirt and nothing else. I got up quickly took the basket and thanked him, going back up to the bathroom to change.  I headed back downstairs, I overheard Nico talking to someone on the phone. It sounded like a heated conversation. I didn't mean to listen in... "I don't care, find out!" He sneered  "Listen, if something happens you are the one who will be blamed not me!" "You can tell him I have the situation under control. I got it" He hung up the phone I came down the rest of the stairs, acting casual.  "So thanks for letting me hang out but I think I should just get going now"  "You think it's wise to leave if you thought someone was following you in the middle of the night?" He narrowed his eyes at me "Well, I don't know for sure someone was, besides what would anyone want with plain old me?" I shrug "It had to have been my imagination"  He comes close to me, super close. I can feel his minty breath on my face. It sends chills down my back. "Don't say things like that. You're more than you know...more than you realize" He whispers, his hands move up and down my arms, his fingers lingering over my skin.      I don't know what came over me in that instant, I felt myself lean into him. Going on my tip toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my level. My lips met his and he seemed shocked for a moment, before he responded. I felt his arms come up behind me, lifting me up off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held onto my thighs tightly, as our kiss deepens, he swipes his tongue along my lower lip asking for entrance, I immediately oblige.      His tongue explores my mouth, he walks us towards the kitchen, he sets me down on the island, we are almost the same level now, he's still a few inches taller though. He breaks our kiss, for me to breathe, he doesn't stop, kissing down my neck now, nibbling on my collarbone. A moan escapes my lips, hearing me moan he suddenly straightens up as if he has regained control of himself. He steps away quickly. He looks away from me, hurt and confusion flood my senses.  "I'm sorry" I mutter, as I jump down from the counter. I grab my purse and flee from his house, running down the street. I don't look back to see if he tried to stop me, I just ran, as fast as my feet could carry me.     I get back to my apartment building, making my way upstairs. As I get to the door, I see it is broken and open. Someone has been here. Someone broke in. Were they still here? I panic for a moment. I grab my keys quickly and quietly, placing a key in between each finger as I made a fist, the keys poking out. It was a self defense move taught to all the girls in high school. I never had to use it before, I would have used it on Jason if I had seen his crazy reaction coming.  I slowly enter my apartment, the door creaking as I push it. So much for having the element of surprise.      I get inside and see everything is destroyed, my couch has been ripped to shreds, my TV smashed, my laptop torn in half. all my belongings have been thrown around the room, my clothing ripped and scattered. There was nothing of real value here, so why go through all the trouble to do this? I go to the bedroom, seeing my bed thrown against a wall. There is a spray painted message written across the wall in bright red, almost blood like. "WE WARNED YOU" What does that mean? Who warned me? I didn't understand this at all.  I took my phone out quickly, my fingers trembling as I call my father. "Hello Princess!" He answers, "Daddy!? I need your help!" I beg "Of course dear, what's wrong?" "Someone broke into my apartment and everything is ruined, its all broken. All gone" I feel the gravity pull me down, falling to my knees. I start to cry. "Conner is on his way Princess. Don't worry"  I hang up the phone and stay on the floor, feeling too shaken to move. A while passes and there's a small knock on the door. I stiffen, "Cory? You here?" Conner asks as he peers inside     Relief floods though me, I get up and run to him, wrapping my arms around him. I needed someone to hold me even for a moment.  "Jeeze, what happen here?" He asks as he returns my hug "I don't know, but there's a message in the bedroom. I don't know what it means Conner" He gently pushes me behind him as he walks into the bedroom. I feel him go tense for a moment before he turns back to me "Let's get your stuff and go okay?" "Go where? I can't go back to Father. I have work and school to think about"  "He has set up a new place for you to live, only a few blocks away. There's a security desk and everything"      I sigh and nod. He was just looking for an excuse to send me to a fancy condo. I'm lucky he doesn't lock me up and throw away the key.  "What time do you have to be at work?"  "8" I sigh as I pick up all the clothing that hasn't been destroyed "Alright, that only gives us a few hours to get all your stuff and get you settled into your new place. Let's get a move on" He starts to pick up my books off the floor. Piling everything into a few boxes he brought with him. After we have everything that hasn't been destroyed together, he loads up his car with it all. The drive is short, the new building is one I recognize, it was newly developed just last year, it looked very fancy. A tall building with lots of windows, there was a security guard at the entrance, he gave us a small curt nod as we entered.      Conner walked up to the security  desk, "I'm here with Miss Cordelia, to collect the key to her new suite" He told the man behind the desk. His eyes widened as he looked at me, nodding his head "Y-Yes of course Sir. Here you are Miss" He handed me a key on a key ring.  "The code to enter the building is 4874, should you need it, we have a security guard always stationed at the entrance, but if for some reason he is absent..." He trailed off. I gave a small nod and smiled at him "Thanks"  "If you should have any questions please don't hesitate to call down. The desk is #1 on the speed dial" I nod again and follow Conner to the elevator. I set down the box I was carrying inside the elevator, flexing my fingers.  "Did he have it all planned Conner? Was he just waiting for the right opportunity to whisk me away from my life?" I sounded defeated "He just wants to make sure your safe Cory. Deep down you know that"      I nod and pick the box back up following Conner out of the elevator. We walk down to the end of the hall and gestures for me to open the door. I unlock it and step into the most beautiful space. I walk over to the kitchen setting down the box. The place was huge, the walls a nice lilac color, my favorite. Father must have had it decorated for me. There was floral wallpaper of one of the walls which went beautifully with the lilac color. A large living room window over looked the nearby lake.  "Have a look around, I'll grab the rest of your stuff, then I'll take you to work, alright?" "Okay thanks Conner" I smiled at him as I took a few steps, looking around. There were deep brown bookshelves and matching coffee table. A nice plush couch sat against one wall, sitting chairs of cream towards one corner. A writing desk that matched the bookshelves and table in the center of one wall. I went and looked inside the bedroom. My jaw dropped.  In the middle of the room was a beautiful king sized bed, nestled inside a four poster bed frame with sheer curtains hung on it. It looked like a bed for a Queen.      A walk in closet and an adjoining bathroom, with my favorite, a claw tub in the middle. A shower in the one corner. It really was a perfect home. As much as I didn't want to accept it from my Father so freely, I wanted it. 
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