1388 Words
I woke the next morning with a killer headache. My stomach was doing back flips as well. I made my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower, I stepped inside and let the warm water wash away last nights events, as much as I could. I remembered how badly I embarrassed myself last night and felt instant regret. I felt more conflicted now then before. Does Nico like me or was he just being nice? I don't think I'll be hearing from him again, not that I'd blame him. I was an asshole to him last night. I stayed in the shower for a while, wanting to drown my sorrows. Finally I get out of the shower, sitting in my bed for a while before my phone starts going off. Lia sends me a text, 'Where did you go last night? There was a super cute guy asking about you after you left.' 'I went home with a friend I met with' 'OH? A guy? did you do something naughty?;)' 'It wasn't like that, he just took me home after I had too much to drink' 'Oh yeah I seen you had a sugar daddy last night, buying you all the drinks you wanted. You were working it last night. So they guy that took you home, long hair and body for weeks?' 'Yep that's the one..' 'How'd you meet him? He's a hottie' 'He helped me out the other day with Jason at the pub. I owed him one' "Mhmm... That's all huh?' 'Yep, I don't think he really even likes me' 'I highly doubt that babe. anyways send me your schedule for next week when you have it, we need a shopping day' I rolled my eyes and sent a final ok text. I got up went to the bathroom again brushing my hair braiding a single French braid down my back. I went to my closet looking for something to wear to work. I ended up with my usual blue jeans along with my uniform shirt, I grabbed my heels and headed out the door. My walk to work felt like it took twice as long today, but I'm guessing that had something to do with the copious amount of alcohol that must still be in my system. I didn't feel drunk anymore but I was defiantly still under the weather. When I get to work Bobby the chef tells me the boss wants to see me in his office. I make my way over quickly, knocking on the door before entering. "Ah, Cordelia dear, please have a seat" Mr. Wilks says gesturing the the chair in front of his desk "Is everything alright Sir?" I am nervous, did he hear about the commotion the other day with Jason? "Yes, yes everything is fine. I was just hoping I could persuade you to take a few extra shifts, helping out in the kitchen and staying after to help with preparations? It would only be for a few weeks, and I'll pay you overtime obviously" "Yes of course, thank you sir!" "Great, if your free after your shift tonight to start meal prep that would be wonderful, if not you can start tomorrow. Bobby will let you know what needs to be done, you just have to lock up once your done" He slides a set of keys across his desk to me. I take them an head back to the kitchen. I take a peek at my phone, seeing if I can any messages from a certain someone. Not that I expect him to call after last night. "Hey Bobby, I need a list of what you need done after closing tonight if you could, please" I sigh and put my phone under the counter. "I have it right here for you, thanks for the extra help. It's been getting so busy I can't keep up" He hands me a sheet of paper with about 12 tasks on it. This will take me all night. I clock in late because I was talking to the boss, I don't think he will dock me though. I make my way to the dining area and see Natasha one of the other waitress's standing near the bar chatting. I get closer and she turns to me, "Hey, so glad you finally showed up. I got to split. The guy over there hasn't ordered yet, he's been staring at a menu for twenty minutes. Everyone else has settled their bills. See ya" She flicks her hair towards me and walks away. Jaxon looks after her before turning back to me saying" She was hoping the 'hottie' would have shown her some interest but I guess he brushed her off" He nods towards a corner booth, where none other than Nico is sitting, staring at a menu. My heart falls to my stomach when I see him. I sighed as I started to walk over to his booth, grabbing my notepad from my apron and a pen, "Back again?" I tried to be casual and not awkward, but it just didn't feel natural. Nico looked up at me and smiled, "How are you feeling today Cordelia?" "I'm fine, thanks for seeing me home last night. I'm sorry for the trouble" I looked down at the table, could this be any more embarrassing? "No trouble at all, I'll have the special and a tonic water please" He handed me the menu and I turned back towards the kitchen, placing his order. The pub had died down a lot. There were only a few guys at the bar drinking and watching a basketball game on the TV. I decided to push my luck, going back to Nico's booth with his drink setting it down in front of him, I slide in on the other side. He looked at me surprised but made no comment. We sat in silence for a moment before I gathered my courage to speak. "So why do you keep coming back here?" I asked looking at the table "I like the service. Good service is hard to find these days" He takes a sip and I feel his eyes staring at me. "Oh" I look back up at him, he's smiling at me like he knows a secret "There's something else I like too, that I keep running into" He shrugs Was he talking about me? No that can't be right. I look at him confused for a moment, before hearing the bell from the kitchen letting me know a order is up. I quickly go get his food and bring it to him, "L-Let me know if you need anything else" I say as I slide his order onto the table along with a bottle of ketchup. He simply looks at me and nods, a smile still on his lips. I can't help but feel like he was just teasing me earlier. After a while I see he is done his meal, I go back over reaching for his plate "What time do you finish work today?" He suddenly asks me "Oh um, well I have been asked to pick up some extra shifts in the kitchen so I won't be off till much later" Why am I telling him this? He nods and places a $50 on the table, as usual leaving a large tip. He gets up and walks past me, not before whispering in my ear, "See you later beautiful" I feel myself blush at his comment. I clear his table, the rest of my normal shift goes by fast. It picks up later in the evenings, after everyone is finished work for the day, they come to the local pub and get wasted. My shift ended at 2:30AM but now I had to do the extra shift, everyone is gone by now so I put in my head phones and turn on my music, cranking it up loud. I start to work on my to do list. Mostly chopping up veggies for the next day. Labeling things and organizing the walk in fridge. By the time I'm done it's almost 4AM and I am exhausted. All I want to do is slump to the floor and sleep. I get my coat and lock up the doors, making my way home to crash.
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