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POV NICO AKA MR. SEXY         I got a call from Marco Lando this morning, he said he has a job for me. He is the boss so I agree to meet him. Considering he is the leader of the Italian Mafia in Brooklyn it would be dangerous to turn him down. He is the closest thing I have to family, he took me in when I was a kid. I get in my car and drive the forty-five minute distance to his mansion. Once there I get to the gate and explain who I am, they let me in. I park out front and go to the door, two big guys, smaller then me but still big, answer the door.      I am escorted to a seating area and I wait. Less then five minutes later the boss comes out. He does not look like what I had remembered from the brief time I met him years ago. Middle aged with a buzz cut. Round belly, but still solid. He's a bout 6' and still standing tall and proud.  "Ah, Mr. Swars, I hope you didn't wait long? Please have a seat" He smiles warmly at me gesturing a chair opposite him as he takes a seat. I oblige and sit down. We sit in silence for a moment. "I bet your wondering why I summoned you" He says "When the head boss calls you answer" I shrug, " But I will admit I am curious"  "Yes well, I'm sure you know I have a beautiful young daughter"     I was aware, rumors of her beauty were all over town. I had never actually seen her since she was a kid, so I couldn't agree or disagree. I just nod,      "Well recently it seems that she has gotten a bit of trouble her way. You see, one of the rival gangs has sent their son to get close to her, Jason Sanders, They had been together for the last few months. My daughter has finally come to her senses and broke off with him but she said he attacked her when she did. I tried to send some guards home with her but she refused. That's where you come in. I want you to get close to her and keep an eye on her. Make sure she stays out of trouble. She's a good girl, really she is. I'm just worried for her safety and she keeps running away from the guards I have sent in the past." That's a lot to take in.  "You want me to get close to her, gain her trust and then what? Date her?" I ask, still confused. "Well... You could do a lot worse, and from what I've gathered you are not in a relationship yourself. If something should happen, then so be it. So what do you say?"  I can't believe it, this old man is pimping out his own daughter.  "Do you have a photo of her?" I ask     He goes around to a desk and pulls a framed photo off, handing it over to me. As soon as I lay my eyes on her my heart skips a beat. She really is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Long flaming red hair with big hazel eyes, the most beautiful smile. This photo looks like it's about 5 years old, a high school class picture. I can't even Imagine how she looks now, filled out. I quickly shake away the thoughts.  "Fine, I'll do it." I whisper while looking at the beautiful girl in the photo. "I'm keeping this" I say as I raise the picture.  Mr. Lando just chuckles. He gave me all the info he had on her work and her living situation.      "Why is she living in such a dump, when you're loaded and could easily pay for a nicer place for her?" I demand, seeing a photo of the crappy apartment she's in.     "She won't let me. She demanded on moving out on her own, She says she doesn't want to be living off me her whole life.. She's a smart girl, she is saving money for college, again she won't let me pay for a single thing. She wants independence"  "Oh, there's just one more thing Nico, Cordelia doesn't  know what I do for a living, I want to keep it that way. She doesn't know her mother died because of my work. She thinks she died in childbirth." "What does she think you do?"  "She thinks I am a business owner"  I nod and walk out, back to my car.      I called the pub she works at and asked if she is working tonight. The guy says she starts at 5:30PM. It's already 5, I step on the gas and speed out the gate.      I made it to the dingy pub with a few minutes to spare, I drove way over the limit to get here in time. I go and sit in a small booth. It's a very small pub with only about five tables, so she is going to be the only waitress. I quickly grab a menu and start scanning it, lots of good choices. This might take a while. I feel a presence standing near me. I look up and smile as I see her beautiful face. I was right, she has filled out very nicely, large breasts and full hips.. She is maybe 5'6" I look her up and down, seeing she is wearing at least 4" heels, s**t she's short, she's got to be only 5'2" without the heels.  Her hair is long pulled back into a ponytail, it comes down to her ass even with it done up. I want to reach out and tug on it, bringing her to kiss me.  "Hi I'm Cordelia, I'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?" She smiles sweetly at me "Just a tonic water please" I say, my voice coming out raspy.     I can't help but stare at her as she walks away, her long hair swinging and her hips swaying with each step. I gulp as I watch. I keep watching her, she goes to the bar, grabbing a glass, adding the ice and then the tonic water. As she is about to come back someone blocks her way, she drops the glass, it shatters when it hits the floor. Everyone in the small pub has turned to look at the commotion. She is obviously afraid of this guy. I get up and walk towards them.  "What are you doing here?" I hear her voice shake "I came to finish what we started last night, obviously." He said as he grabbed her arm.  As soon as he touches her I was on him, ripping his hands off of her,     "It's not polite to grab a lady!" I sneered at him, putting him in a choke hold while stepping away from Cordelia, I pushed him to the side and stood in front of Cordelia. Blocking his path to her.  He takes a few steps back "This isn't over!" his voice shaking "Oh but I think it is!" I growl at him He turns on his heels and runs out of the pub. I turned to her, "Are you alright?"  She just nods "T-Thanks"  "Who was that asshole?" I ask      "My ex, Jason" She whispers as she gets on her knees, starting to pick up the broken glass. She is trembling so badly when she picks up a piece she cuts her hand. I go down beside her and grab her hand. "Someone else can clear this up, you're shaking. Sit down and let me clear your cuts" I whisper to her She looks up at me wide eyed "But, I'm the only one here"  Someone comes from behind the bar, "It's alright Cordelia, I got it. Go get cleaned up" He says      I grab her gently by the shoulders and help her stand. I lead her over to my table and go back to the bar, asking the bartender if there is a first aid kit. He goes under the counter and passes me a small box. I go back to Cordelia and she is still shaking like a leaf.  "Jesus, what did he do to you to make you so scared?"  "He attacked me last night, after I broke up with him"     She looked lost in thought for a moment, suddenly she jumped up "Sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you like this. I'm fine, really don't worry. Oh I never got your drink. I'll go get it. Also your meal is on the house tonight!" She smiles and runs back to the bar, clenching her fists at her sides. She's a good actress, but I'm excellent at spotting these things. Reading people is my specialty.   
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