1144 Words
    I woke up in my old room, no idea how I got here. I remember falling asleep in the car with Conner. Did he bring me here?      I look at the alarm clock and see that it's past 11AM, I slowly make my way out of the bed. Not wanting to leave it's comfortable embrace.         I see my backpack sitting on a chair across the room, I go to it and start taking out my things, I grab my tooth brush and other bathroom things and go into the adjoining bathroom and take a long hot shower.      I dress quickly, wearing the same jeans from yesterday and a tank top. As soon as I step outside my door I run face first into someone's back.  "Ouch" Escapes my lips      The large figure turns around "My apologies miss Cordelia"  the man says, slightly bowing his head and stepping to the side.  "I-It's alright" I say as I rub my nose. I turn down the hall and start towards the kitchen, feeling the man behind me. Must be a guard, but why would I need a guard in my own home?     I see my father at the table, having his lunch, the seating room is littered with men in suites, all standing at attention, waiting for something to happen.      I walk towards the table, my father looking up from his paper, "Morning Princess, how did you sleep?" He smiles at me "Hi Daddy, I slept fine thanks" I sat down on his right hand side. Someone brings a plate of waffles to the table, sliding it towards me.  "I had them make your favorite" He winks at me "Thanks" I start digging in, they taste like heaven. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to guess?" He sets his paper down, looking at me. "I broke up with Jason....and he didn't take it well" I mumble     I could sense a change in the room as soon as the words left my mouth, my fathers face scrunched up and I saw the guards stiff and tense at my words. "What did he do, Cordelia?"  "H-He tried to...attack me...on my way home from work... I got away before.." I trailed off, afraid to say anything else as I could see the rage flowing off my father. "I will deal with it Princess. Don't worry about it." He spoke loud and clear. As if he was announcing it to the whole room. I saw one of the guards give a small nod and he exited the room.  "Daddy...What are you going to do?" I whisper "Nothing that concerns you Princess. You are safe as long as you are here, don't worry" "But dad, I have to go home eventually. I can't stay here forever" I cry out "Then I will make sure you have round the clock guards"  "No! You can't just have people follow me around all day. It's creepy"  He sighs "I just want to make sure your safe Cordelia"  "I can take care of myself. I took care of myself last night, I can do it again. I don't need or want guards" I said sternly.  My father smacked his hands on the table then walked out of the room. Three of the five guards left with him. "You can all go away too, you heard what I said. I don't need a guard. Let alone three of you!"      I went back to my room and packed up my stuff. I went back out with my backpack, looking for Conner. Eventually I found him outside in the training yards. He was fighting with someone. I stood and watched. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. I saw just how many tattoos he has. They covered his chest completely as well as his back. I had to look away, it felt weird checking out my cousin, even if I hadn't seen him in eleven years, it was still wrong. I sat down on the grass and waited for him to finish.  He plopped down beside me  "Hey Corey, what are you doing out here?"  "I was wondering if you could take me home? I shouldn't have come here to begin with, I need to go back" I am still looking at the grass. Conner thinks for a moment, "Alright, let's go"  I smile up at him as he helps me up off the grass.      He takes me home and tells me to promise to call him if I need anything, which I say I will. I go up to my apartment and take a long bath and have a bite to eat before heading into work. It's 5:15PM by the time I get there, my shift is at 5:30PM.  I quickly grab my apron and put on my heels, fixing my hair as I clock in.      I go to my first table of the night. A super sexy guy is sitting on his own, looking at a menu. He has shoulder length black hair that's half tied up into a bun, his honey colored eyes look concentrated on that menu. He has very wide shoulders and huge muscular arms, not gross though. He is very well proportioned.  "Hi I'm Cordelia, I'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?" I say He looks up at me smiling, his eyes making my heart melt a little bit. "Just a tonic water please" His voice is husky. It makes my heart skip a beat. God, this man is fine. I nod and turn to leave, I feel his eyes boring into my back, is he staring at my ass?  With those eyes, he can stare at anything he likes, I decide.      I go to the bar and grab a cold glass, pouring ice and tonic water, I turn to walk back over to him and Jason is standing in front of me. I drop the glass, it shatters and I feel everyone looking at us. I realize I even have Mr. Sexy's attention, "What are you doing here?" I manage to speak "I came to finish what we started last night, obviously." He smiles sweetly at me, grabbing my arm.      As soon as he touches me he is ripped off of me. Mr. Sexy has him in a choke hold, taking a few steps back, I watch.  "It's not polite to grab a lady!" He sneers at him. He pushes him to the side and stands in between Jason and I. He is in a protective stance in front of me. Jason takes a few steps back "This isn't over!" his voice shaking "Oh but I think it is!" Mr. Sexy growls at him Jason turns on his heels and runs out the pub. Mr. Sexy turns to me, "Are you alright?"  I just nod "T-Thanks" 
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