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POV NICO I left her alone for her to process everything I said. Could she forgive me for lying to her? Will she still want to be with me? I sighed as I pulled out the broom and started to sweep up the broken glass in the kitchen. My clean up crew was just finishing up outside, so I went to speak with them.  "Any idea who they are, Mike?"  "I'm guessing some henchmen from the Snake gang but I can't say for certain" He replies "What makes you think the Snake gang, haven't they been peaceful and obedient towards the Dragons?"  "Well in the past yes, but times are changing, it seems a lot of the different gangs are uprising against the Dragons lately. I've heard there have been a lot of threats on her life too. I am however surprised that they would attack knowing you, one of the most vicious Dragons since Mr. Lando himself, was present. They must be getting desperate"     I didn't care for the name of a vicious Dragon but there was no changing my past. I was a vicious, killing machine. I trained other killing machines, warriors for my leader. Marco Lando. He had found me when I was fourteen, living on the streets after my mother died. He gave me a choice, join his gang and become a disposable member or become a machine for him. He saw something in me and he wanted to unleash it. Use it for his power. I was sent away to train and to upkeep a region under his claim. I became a powerful name in a short time. Mr. Lando didn't call on me often so I was able to live a semi-normal life, but when he did call, I answered.  I nod and walk back inside, I hear the shower running upstairs. I quickly tape off the kitchen window and finish cleaning the glass. I picked up the brick and saw someone had written on it. "We're coming" In black sharpie.  Better luck next time fuckers. I throw it into the garbage and take it to the dumpster. I come back inside and the shower is still running.  I hope she's alright. I want to check up on her but I don't want to crowd her. I leave her alone. For now.     I go back to my work and try to focus. After a while the shower turns off. I think about going up to see her again, maybe I should just sleep on the couch tonight. Give her some space to process.  I work late into the night and finally crash on the couch.  I wake in the morning and see she hasn't come down stairs yet. I wonder if she's still sleeping. I want to make sure she's okay. I  go up to the bedroom and see her softly sleeping in my bed. Her eyes are puffy from crying and I see her clutching my pillow to her chest.  Maybe she misses me... I shake my head at the thought. She is mad at me right now, I doubt she misses me.
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